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The Fred Factor: How passion in your work and life can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary (精装)
 by Mark Sanborn

Category: Personal leadership, Personal improvement, Motivation, Attitude
Market price: ¥ 200.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Simple but engaging and life-transforming, The Fred Factor is the best book to teach the
work ethic and the Star Employee mindset of how to be extraordinary. A must read.
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  • Brian Tracy, author of Focal Point and Goals, USA   <2007-11-16 00:00>

    The Fred Factor is a powerful, poignant parable of success. It’s about going the extra mile and always doing more than is expected. It is revolutionary, yet simple. It is life changing.
  • C. Chu (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-16 00:00>

    Short and catchy, this book is an easy read about ordinary people who have ordinary jobs but do it with passion and a true concern for their customers. Fred, the postman, may have a routine job as many see it, but he treats the people on his route as personal friends, looks out for them and greets them personally.

    I've used a few questions from this book successfully when interviewing candidates and gauging their response for their sense of customer service. Among them are:

    1) Who are your heros and why?
    2) Why would anyone do more than necessary?
    3) Tell me three things that you think will delight most customers/clients/consumers?
    4) What was the coolest thing that ever happened to you as a customer?
    5) What is service?

    From these answers I can tell if someone has a customer focus, a self-sacrificial ability to go that extra mile, or if they are basically self-centered. What I want, in addition to technical skills, is the ability of a person to delight customers and do it from the heart, not just as a cursory "have a nice day." But to really mean it and look for ways to help.
  • B. Sudhakar Shenoy (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-16 00:00>

    This real life story has the potential to change our lives. I loved every word in this short book especially after a very recent Fred experience. I can confirm that Freds exist and we need to learn a lot from such great souls, though they may be employed in very ordinary jobs.

    Last fortnight, while on a short vacation with my family on the west coast of India we had engaged a taxi for four days for sight seeing. Suddenly there was a local strike on a sensitive political issue and all roads were blocked. While we were feeling very insecure and afraid of being caught in mob fury in the middle of our tour, the taxi driver made sure that he took us to our hotel safely, talking his way through small groups of miscreants who tried stopping vehicles from plying. We had to stay overnight at a hotel to continue the journey the next day when normalcy was restored. To my surprise, the taxi driver would not charge us anything for the extra time he had spent for us and on the other hand was feeling sorry that we were inconvenienced during our vacation. He invited us to visit the place once again so that he could take us to some more interesting places nearby. While he dropped us off at the airport, I just couldn't resist hugging him with a big THANK YOU from our family. I promptly rewarded him with a fat tip for taking such good care of us. Exceptional service from a very ordinary taxi driver.

    This book teaches us to become Freds, locate Freds and create Freds. Mark, I am grateful to you for this extraordinary book. I also salute the real Fred who works for the U.S. Postal service in Denver who inspired you to write the book.
  • Henry Cate III (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-16 00:00>

    This short book focuses on a mailman Mark Sanborn met, a man named Fred. When the author first met Fred, Fred took an effort to get to know his new customer, and find ways to do a better job as a mailman. This book about the value of doing a better job, how to build relationships, and why we should take initiative. In short by going the extra mile we'll have a better life, and others will benefit.

    It is a good book, and a short book. It is well written. The book is entertaining and at the same time makes many good points.

    The first of four sections covers how the author met Fred the mailman, and how very quickly the author realized that Fred was a superstar mail carrier. The basics of what a "Fred" is are explored, and then the author mentions sightings of other "Freds."

    The second section explains how you can become a Fred. Basically you need to build relationships with others so you know them well enough to then be able to be create, take initiative and make a difference.

    The third section gives pointers on how you can help others grow into being Freds. The basic steps are to:

    1) Find - how do you recognize a Fred
    2) Reward - how should Freds be rewarded
    3) Educate - how help people improve their Fredness
    4) Demonstrate - model the correct behavior

    The final section recounts the value and importance of being a Fred.

    This is a book worth reading. It provides a good reminder and motivation to go the extra mile and do a better job.
  • Bradley (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-16 00:00>

    A short, accessible read, I finished The Fred Factor in an evening. Written by Mark Sanborn, the inspiration for this book is a real life postal worker named Fred who goes above and beyond his job of delivering mail, and serves the people on his delivery route with "genuine caring." Filled with practical advice on how each of us, no matter what our occupation, can become more "Fred-like," each chapter of the book outlines tangible steps a person can take to become more aware of how she can serve and encourage others, in both her personal and professional life. After reading the book, it is easy to see how simple (and not-so-simple) acts of kindness cause a positive ripple-effect in the lives of the people in which we come into contact.

    I would give the book five stars, but feel the book could have benefited from additional real-life examples and illustrations of how we can be more like Fred.
  • Richard Smith (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-16 00:00>

    Remember the last time someone went out of their way for you without expecting any reward? Sure seems like that doesn't happen very often anymore. Seemed like that to the author too. So when one person performed his ordinary job in an extraordinary way, the author was moved and inspired. And if you take this book to heart, it should have the same impact on you.

    Don't expect any revolutionary concepts or complex methodologies. The message and call to action are simple and conveyed in a easy and brief manner. The author leads you from inspiration to action. Along the way the reading is peppered with examples of people acting in a "Fred" like way - doing more than expected. And there are a many tips... reminders actually, as we should be doing this stuff already...that will help the converted to adopt a Fred-like attitude/philosophy/lifestyle.

    It's easy for me to dismiss most of these cutesy self-help books as short-lived propaganda intended more to sell books than to add value to our lives. But this book... well... it caught me by surprise. I enjoyed it, I related to it and I was moved and inspired by it. And I recommend it.
  • Dennis DeWilde (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-16 00:00>

    Every day, in every individual interaction, we have a choice; a choice to make the interaction transactional or relational. That choice will make all the difference in the world to the quality of our lives.

    In "The Fred Factor", motivational speaker Mark Sanborn tells the very real story of his postal delivery person, Fred - and how he gave definition to his job as a 'service provider' by making mail delivery a relational interaction. Sanborn says that Fred exemplified 4 principles: Everyone Makes a Difference; Success is Built on Relationships; You Must Continually Create Value for Others and It Doesn't Have to Cost a Penny; You Can Reinvent Yourself Regularly. All very real and very useful principles, but perhaps the most valuable principle in this story and the other examples in the book is the principle of choice: Everyone has the choice to be a Leader, by making a difference in the lives of others. This book is highly recommended as a gift for those who say, "Why bother?"
  • Candy Davidson (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-16 00:00>

    I own a small business with 20 employees and this book was recommended for "homeplay" for our new staff. I loved this book not only for the inspiration it gave me in the workplace, but the inspiration it also gave me when I am not at work. It is amazing, the small things we can do that have such an impact on others (and also ourselves). I look forward to the presentations our new staff will give me and the management team on this book. Great read!
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