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Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao (Hardcover) (精装)
 by Wayne W. Dyer

Category: Personal transformation, Mental & spiritual healing, Motivation, Self help
Market price: ¥ 288.00  MSL price: ¥ 258.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
Other editions:   Audio CD
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This magnificent book is a work of art. There are 81 powerful verses by Lao-tzu, followed by Dr. Wayne Dyer's thoughts. Every spiritual-seeker needs to have it in their library for its inspiration and depth.
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  • Irene lamb (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-22 00:00>

    Dr dyer stuided translations of tao and meditated on his own work and done a lot of observing, how its affected him, he is a man with great knowledge and even took one year out just reading and study.

    he is a man of great knowledge,this is an amazing book dr dyer has done a lot of research, and tested his own work, he has great power of the mind, this book is already starting to change my life by thinking more of how i send my thoughts out, there is certainly,a strong link to the universe and us this book will help you see its power from your thoughts, this book will fetch you peace its a big wake up call i also recommend the calling of your true self by elizabeth anne bell i read this before this one this is full of truths together both will change how we think.
  • Amy Sdareg (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-22 00:00>

    I am reading one verse a day as the author, Dr. Dyer suggested in the book. I am at the 52nd verse. And I have to say that this is one of books that I will keep for as long as I live in both in my heart and bookself. I will probably recommend my son (6 years old) to read when he gets old enough. If you want feel the completeness in your life and truely enjoy the life while we have here, what Dr. Dyer is trying to tell you will help you to do so. Dr. Dyer mentioned almost all the teaching of well known religions that exists (as far as I know)in the world at the applicable verse of the Tao, and conveyed the message that our choice of religion should not matter for us to co-exist and live happily and harmoniously. I am very grateful that I have found the book and Dr. Dyer's effort and compassion for humanity. Thank you! Please get the copy and give it try.
  • K. Evans (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-22 00:00>

    Dr. Dyer has once again taken an abstract concept and made it into something that we can not only understand, but utilize. He is a brilliant man and has once again outlined a peaceful path for us to follow.

    This book has come at a perfect time; with our country in a war that most of us don't agree on, Dr. Dyer teaches us about the Tao's way of leadership. His non-interference way of leadership as a parent has helped me more than I can explain. Thank you, Dr. Wayne.

    I was fortunate enough to attend his PBS taping and this show was brilliantly done. He is a master speaker, and this book was far more than I ever expected.
    Thank you Dr. Dyer for once again providing us with a manual for living...not just obtaining more stuff. This book is a way to evaluate your beleifs and change your thoughts to suit your path.

    I want to be just like you when I grow up.
  • Kathy Lynn (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-22 00:00>

    I first saw Wayne Dyer's special on PBS based on "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life" and was very uplifted and impressed. I pre-ordered the book as soon as it was available on Amazon. I have been a member of a women's Spirituality Book Club that meets weekly for the past 6 years. At our first meeting after I had started reading the book I just had to share all of the valuable insights I was gaining in my life. I insisted that this was the book that we must study next. We are now doing that and every week we cover two verses and then discuss how we have applied the "homework lessons" at the end of each chapter. This book is really helping to heal a lot of old wounds for not only myself, but all members of my book club. Thanks again Wayne. Although I think I have just about everything you have written, this has made the greatest impact on my life of any of the others.
  • K. Himed (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-22 00:00>

    You are probably wondering what the hell do I mean by misses the point. As I read this book, I couldnt help but keep thinking in my mind if Mr. Dyer believes in God or not. He has alot of knowledge and he has been around the block and knows alot about this world and the power that is needed to keep it running. He calls this power The Spirit or The Source. It is the spirit that keeps our planet spinning and it is the source that keeps our hearts beating at night. That shows me that he admits there must be a higher power that is responsible for everything in the world. Since he sounds like he has all the answers from the way he talks ,the thing I want to know from Wayne is what happens after we die. Does that invisible energy disappear or is there a judgement day which punishes and rewards those who were evil and rewards those who believed in the day itself.

    You see, there is a point where one must give a yes or no answer to his belief in God. If his answer is yes, and I suppose it will be yes,then why has he said "My belief is that the truth is a truth until you organize it, and then becomes a lie." In other words, God cannot reveal himself to humanity for his words will become a lie. Now if Mr Dyer does not accept any religion in the world as the truth and he does not consider himself a Prophet, what on Earth does he belive in? The Spirit. Ok, but what is the spirit if it is not God? That is the point that my man Wayne has missed. He fails to aknowledge that somewhere on this planet, there is truth in the form of a religion. We can pick from Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and whatever other ism's there are. Notice that out of all the religions I have mentioned, one stands out.One is not named after its founder(Christianity and Buddhism) nor is it related to an a nation or land(Judaism-Juda)nor is it about a peoples history(Hinduism) nor is related to a particular tradition or culture(Taoism)which is what this book mainly focuses on. We can seek wisdom from the Lao Tzu, or we can seek out the truth.

    Islam is peace attained by submitting yourself to God. It is the real cure for anxiety and depression for it reminds us of our place in the world. Mr. Dyer talks about Jesus and he mentions Buddha alot as well but for some reason, he avoids the Prophet Muhammad and Islam. Am I sensing a bit of fear of treading around the truth? Wayne has said that "customs and practices of any religion do not fit my definition of spiritual". Islam has some practices, but, they are exactly what he prescribes for his readers. He tells us to meditate and contemplate our existence. That is exactly what a Muslim does or is supposed to do 5 times a day. We are told to pray/meditate on our existence before we sleep, during the day, and as soon as we wake up! The thing is, we must believe in God and in his message that was delivered via a book called the Quran in order for there to be true benefits in our contemplation. Many people have a false assumption that the Quran and Islam condone violence and think we have Islam to thank for 9-11. Well, everyone has their opinion, but it is the opinion of the majority of the world, including President Bush, that Islam was used to justify the attacks on 9-11 but it wasnt responsible. They were inspired by false beliefs that if someone kills himself for the sake of God, they will be rewarded with paradise. Suicide is against Islam and so is killing innocent people and this is in the Quran. 6:151 and 5:32

    In Islam, we are also supposed to prostrate ourselves to God 5 times a day, give to the poor people, help the orphans lead better lives, and be good to your parents, especially your Mother. Does this sound like a violent religion to you. There are verses that talk about war, but they are not dealing with innocent people. Some will say that Jesus had the ultimate message of peace that the Prophet Muhammad did not have. Well the Prophet also had a message of peace, although it wasn't to "turn the other cheek". In 5:45, the law of eye for an eye is still in effect, but there is the possibility of forgiving the condemned and Moses never taught that. You see, Islam is all about balance and it was designed perfectly for human beings. It's message was revealed in one language but it was meant for all of humanity. Muhammad is not a Prophet of the Arabs (only 25% of Muslims are from the Middle East) but he is the last messenger in a line of messengers who have been sent to mankind. Im not trying to convert anybody with this review, but I am only trying to show that everything positive that Wayne Dyer teaches can be found in this religion called Islam and you should check it out. If you would like to read about the philosophies of Islam, please read The Vision of Islam (Visions of Reality. Understanding Religions)
  • Gregory B. Varra (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-22 00:00>

    Change is said to be what life is all about. Although constant change is all around us, some of us get stuck in our genetic destiny repeating a cycle that is not necessarily the best path our souls could take. It is Dr. Wayne Dyer and books like Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life that assists me in my life journey. I have read other books through the years written by Wayne Dyer and they have alway been uplifting and always aligned with my philosophy on life. I have not completed his current book; however, will say I believe it is his best and I'll tell you why.

    Previously, I had only heard about the Tao and never researched its writings. I can tell you that if and when I had, I most likely would not have attempted to decipher its content due to its complexity. Having been diagnosed with Adult ADD which was with me as far back as I can remember, I tend to avoid complexities I happen to stumble upon partly out of habit and laziness. I can see that Dr. Dyers translation essays are in simplified form and will allow me to utilize the Tao to tranform my life and realign my journey on a chosen path in lieu of a preprogrammed path that doesn't serve me. I would say it is the best $25 I have ever spent. The hard back is the only way this book should come considering after I read it in its entirity, my best friend wants to read it. I know that I will want to refer to it time and again as time goes on.
  • Sue Stiltz (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-22 00:00>

    This title is so appropriate. It has taken me about 20 years to reach this point with my own research ... if only I had looked at the Tao. I will say I probably would not have understood it then. Wayne Dyer breaks things down to a level we can understand easily. I highly recommend these cd's and suggest you might also want the book. I have just purchased the book as well so I can go back and read what he is discussing as well. There is a lot to learn and think about. I would also recommend playing the cd's as a family and discussing these thoughts. What it really boils down to is we are all responsible for just one thing ... ourselves. Not our families, our co-workers, our neighbors, friends, etc. As for our children we are responsible to teach them that they too are responsible for themselves.
  • tao hiker (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-22 00:00>

    This is a lovely, inspiring and provocative book. I've been interested in the Tao for many years and have found TAO TE CHING: ANNOTATED & EXPLAINED by Derek Lin to be equally clear and helpful with a similar focus on the Tao's usefulness in daily life. (Except Derek, a native Chinese speaker, translated the Tao Te Ching himself. Check out his excellent website These two would make excellent companion books, as they cut through arcane or academic language to show how following the natural wisdom and peacefulness of the Tao really can make a difference in the real world - something we need a lot more of today.
  • BDShaoLin (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-22 00:00>

    I have just recently purchased this book. I really like what I see so far. (I can't give five if I haven't spent the perscibed 81 days reading it). I have read straight translations of Lau Tzu's work before and found it interesting but too obtuse. I consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent person, yet sometimes I think It's good to have someone breakdown their interpretation. At least this gives you a starting ground. You don't have to always agree with the author-
    I like the setup of the book and you have to love the perscribed 81 days of "Do the Tao". Overall I think this book has a positive message and is based more in the concept of oneness than of some fad crazed "The Secret" type books. Where as one is giving, one is selfish.

    Overall I would def. recommend this title to friends or family interested in Taoism or The Tao. Some people think knowledge is a flower to be picked, but it is a mountain that must be climbed.
  • M. Grant (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-22 00:00>

    Well, this is truly a mega-release by Dr. Dyer. I give it a "5" for content, but it's not like his dynamic lectures we are all accustom to. His reading of his book is good, reflective, but the content of this book is deep. Don't expect to give it a quick listen and grasp everything first go around. Or second. Or third, or, well, for a long time.

    It is, however, an amazing work that I think will stand the test of time. His insight on Lao-tzu's 81 verses is just short of amazing; but I must confess that the tone sometimes puts me to sleep (which isn't exactly a bad thing) - it means I have to listen to chapters over again. This book on CD is a wealth of knowledge, just be patient with the message...
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