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Unstoppable (平装)
 by Cynthia Kersey

Category: Self help, Motivation
Market price: ¥ 158.00  MSL price: ¥ 138.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Encouraging and empowering and through the stories of ordinary people who have accomplished extraordinary things, the author gives you insight into your own potential for greatness.
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  • Isadora Morelo (MSL quote), USA   <2007-12-25 00:00>

    This book is very inspiring and motivating. I was able to relate to the stories of the women entrepreneurs such as the one about Maria Elena Ibanez. She showed courage, persistance and wit as she conquered a male dominated industry.
  • Patty (MSL quote), USA   <2007-12-25 00:00>

    I speak to many groups of people, especially younger audiences. This book has provided me with many valuable illustrations of perservance and courage. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to be inspired or wants to inspire others.
  • David (MSL quote), USA   <2007-12-25 00:00>

    I've always been a person who believed that we are each born with a personal, God given calling. Unfortunately, we often go through much of life, caught up in all that "the world" says we should be doing. I speak so often to others of getting "out of the rut" and find myself stuck in the same place.

    UNSTOPPABLE was just the book that I was looking for to pull me out of my rut and get back on track doing what God has planned for my life.

    Thank you Cynthia for developing your gift and sharing it that others might grow too.

  • Alex (MSL quote), USA   <2007-12-25 00:00>

    Cynthia Kersey tells how dozens of people (some famous, but more who are not) triumphed over amazing obstacles to achieve success and personal fulfillment. Don't miss the story of a young African boy who walked barefoot across Africa to become....(but you have to read it yourself!). The stories are sometimes touching, sometimes funny, but always inspirational. Most importantly, she tells how you can become "unstoppable" in your own life. Speaking as someone who has traditionally avoided "self-help" books, or found them boring....Cynthia Kersey's book is a "must read."
  • Derrick Reid (MSL quote), USA   <2007-12-25 00:00>

    Praises for Cynhia Kersey's masterpiece of the human spirit! I just bought the book two days ago and couldn't put it down. As a matter of fact, I'm shopping for something else to read because I've just completed Unstoppable. Just when you think you're going to put the book down to get some sleep, you realize you're half done reading it and want to read some more. I read dozens of motivational books while in undergrade preparing to enter Dental School, and this ranks up there with the best... the Zig ziglars, Og Mandino's, Norman Vincent Peales,etc. If you've ever thought there was something in life you wanted to do, but never accomplished because of FEAR or that negative CAN"T, or was told that you COULDN"T, these negatives will be banished from your vocabulary FOREVER! Unstoppable gives countless examples of the depths from which the human spirit can raise anyone and everyone. I would encourage people of all ages to read and re-read this masterpiece. I will!
  • Raj (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-12-25 00:00>

    There are many books that come under self help literature. Till date, there are two books that are really the definitive books on self achievement. They are Napolean Hill's Think and Grow Rich and Dr Stephen Covey's The 7 habits of Highly Effective People. These books expound on the philosophy of succeeding and do it excellently.

    Now a new book can be added to the list. Cynthia Kersey has done an excellent job in bringing real life success stories to the everyday man. This book is incredibly inspirational and can literaly jump start the life of any person who has lost his spirit to succeed. What makes the book special are the 45 stories which testify to the courage and conviction of the human spirit.

    Everybody has a hero inside of them. Cynthia's book helps a person develop, grow and expand on that herosim. It makes a person believe that no matter how difficult or tragic his circumstances; he can prevail if he has the spirit to do so. The book can and does have the same inspirational value that sylvester stallone's Rocky picture series has had for millions of people. The underdog, faced with insurmountable odds, rises above his circumstances by a conscious act of will. In Cynthia's book, you will find many such inspirational characters who have ovecome enormous odds to achieve the success they deserve.

    The book is definitely worth a read. Although I am 29 and unmarried I look forward to the day where I will read a chapter everynight to my children.
  • Mickey Elliott (MSL quote), USA   <2007-12-25 00:00>

    Unstoppable confirmed once again the miracles in our higher power. This book literally jumped off the shelf and into my hands one day while I was wandering around in Kinkos. My boyfriend had recently passed away. Work had lost it's thunder and I was feeling as if reached my best, that there was no longer any challange left. I was lost, lonely and scared. Besides the idenity that died with Jeff, I lacked the self confidence it would take to grow professionally. The desire was there, in fact I had to get focused on something or I would continue to isolate in the shrine I had built in my bedroom. Then I turned the page.

    It was as if a devine interception had taken place. I began flipping through like crazy. I wanted to read every story right then and there. But the single story that changed my life was Stephen Cannal's (sp) story. You have to buy your own copy for that story. Mr. Cannal and I had something in common. It just so happened to be the one thing that had always kept my self esteem at a lower level. I was convinced I could only be so successful,and there was a limit.

    I knew it, felt it and believed it with all I had. After reading that chapter over and over again. Mr. Cannal became this giant genious to me. After telling his story to everyone I knew as if he were a miracle, after buying every book off the shelf at Kinkos for months and giving them as gifts to anyone I thought needed a shot in the arm, that limit suddenly became my miracle. Suddenly I could do anything, anything I wanted to do. I could be president if I wanted it bad enough. Wow how empowering and liberating is that? Since that very day I have blossomed professionally and spiritually and I too have achieved the unspeakable. I too am Unstoppable. Thank you Cynthia you will always have a place in my heart.
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