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Rescuing Sprite: A Dog Lover's Story of Joy and Anguish (精装)
 by Mark R. Levin

Category: Dog lover, Animal care & pets, Life
Market price: ¥ 238.00  MSL price: ¥ 218.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Sad, beautiful, and uplifting, this book is about love, and about the joys and sorrows of a dog and his family. Highly recommended to all dog lovers.
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  • Grizel (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    I am a proud GUARDIAN of my ( 4 )found dogs
    I am my dogs' GUARDIAN !

    I have not read the book yet.

    I want for people to know that pets
    equals GOD'S angels around us.
    they aRE part of our family.
    As a guardian of a few dogs and cats
    I am so PROUD of Mark Levin!

    Thank You,Sir!

    we need to rescue these angels, not buy them from a
    puppy camp. Please rescue a friend from these places, they will add love to your life and make your life
    worthwhile. I feel sorry for those who miss out on this unconditional love.

    I am going to
    get this book. I give it five stars because these
    pets waiting in a cell need rescue ... all ages
    and mix breeds, for they have a heart and deserve better,
    thanks to Mr.Levin we may save lives.

    I hope that it ignites a fire to rescue a friend from the shelters.

    To those who love animals, I LOVE YOU and thanks to you also.

    we spayed and nutered our pets,

    Go to the Shelter,
    save a pet.
    please go to the shelter get that friend out of death row.

    Love, Grizel
  • Trujillo (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    Only a true dog lover can identify with the joy and sadness of this book. I cant remember a time in my life when I didn't have a dog (except when I was active duty in the Marine Corps). This book is truely a must buy. Your book touched so many emotions and made me think of all the dogs I've had and loved and how painful it was when I would have to let one go. I know it's almost been a year since you've lost your beloved Sprite. His presence will always be with you as all my past dogs are with me. I came across this poem which I hope will bring some comfort, and feel if your Sprite could have spoken to you he would of had this to say:

    When the Time Comes...

    If it should be that I grow frail and weak
    And pain should keep me from my sleep,
    Then will you do what must be done,
    For this - the last battle - can't be won.

    You will be sad I understand
    But don't let grief then stay your hand,
    For on this day, more than the rest,
    Your love and friendship must pass the test.

    We've had some very happy years,
    You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
    When the time comes,
    Please, let me go.

    Take me to where my needs they'll tend,
    Only, stay with me until the end
    And hold me firm and speak to me
    Until my eyes no longer see.

    I know in time you will agree
    It is a kindness you do for me.
    Although my tail its last has waved,
    From pain and suffering I have been saved.

    Don't grieve that it must be you
    Who has to decide this thing to do;
    We've been so close--we two--these years,
    Don't let your heart hold any tears.

    Author Unknown

    Thank you Mark for writing this book and God Bless.
    Alex Trujillo (Dog lover since birth)
  • Nurnberg (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    I heartily recommend Rescuing Sprite to anyone who has ever lost a dear pet and to anyone who has a dear pet.

    When I lost my first dog I largely grieved alone, fearful of being ridiculed for the depth of my feelings. It was a lonely time and I wish I'd had a book like this one to help me through it. Mark Levin's descriptions of his pain and grief were heartfelt and moving. I cried my eyes out when I read this book, and ultimately I was crying for myself and my own pet losses.

    This book is a treasure, it made me feel that I was not alone in my sorrow. Rescuing Sprite is for all pet lovers.
  • Judy (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    Rescuing Sprite is a beautifully written story. I was riveted from the opening chapter to the last. To compare it to Marley & Me, or, for that matter, Lasie, or Old Yeller, or other dog books, is odd. These books are about different life experiences. Sprite was an older shelter dog who lives with the Levins for a little over two years. His impact on the Levin family was profound, as the author explains in exquisite and compelling detail. Marley was with the Grogan family as a pup. He didn't go through the difficult hurdles Sprite experienced. The Grogan family was much younger than the Levins. Marley affected them differently than Sprite affected the Levins. These are two completely different books, but both are well worth reading. The stories are quite different, as they must be. Yet, they describe the joy, fun, difficulty, and eventually the passing of a beloved family member - Sprite and Marley. For the life of me, I don't know why some of the reviewers, albeit a small number of them, feel compelled to diminish one story by promoting another.

    As for the style of the book, it is well-written and well-edited. The author walks you through his experiences as if you were sitting there with him. It is an extremely compelling and emotional story, written just after Sprite passed away. At times it is funny. Other times it is sad. I couldn't put it down. And it's a story that sticks with me many days later. That's what most readers want from a book. That explains why it has been a New York Times bestseller since day one, and is being published in the United Kingdom, Italy, and Brazil, according to the author's website.

    As Neil Cavuto said here, Levin's writing style reminded him of Mitch Albom's style, and Rescuing Sprite reminded him of Tuesday's with Morrie. Levin has a very easy way telling a story that draws you in and makes you reflect on your own life and experiences.

    Also, one of the things I like about this author is that he puts his money where his mouth is. I don't know if Grogan has given a significant part of his book royalties to helping dogs, but Levin is. The book makes clear that he will be giving a portion of his revenue to animal shelters. You can tell how touched he was by Sprite, the older shelter dog they rescued, by both his story and his actions. Like the overwhelming number of readers who've reviewed Rescuing Sprite and assigned it a five star rating, most readers won't be disappointed by the book. In fact, many will be helped by it. I loved it, which is why I felt compelled to post this review.
  • Nova (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    have noticed that most of the negative attacks on Rescuing Sprite are fairly recent. Could it be that there is a campaign afoot to abuse amazon's review system to diminish the book's rating by political hacks and competing authors? The book has been on the New York Times bestseller list since the day it debuted. I got the book on day one. It touches all facets of one's emotions - from joy to sorrow. It resonates on so many levels. Anyone who has experienced love and loss, whether of a human or canine, can't help but relate to Rescuing Sprite. You can't help but reflect on your own memories and experiences. It is well written and you can't put the book down once you've started it.

    As for some of the criticisms I read here - which call it "drivel, sexist, poorly edited, no Marley & Me," and so forth - this is nasty stuff that has no relationship to the contents of the book. If they did, Rescuing Sprite would not be a long-standing bestseller with readers. As an aside, I read Marley & Me. It was a good book, but I felt there were contrivances in it. That said, it's a book about a completely different experience, written by authors and about dogs that were at different points in their lives. One book has nothing to do with the other, just as their are multiple books about other topics. The authors write about their own unique experiences. The comparisons are silly. Also, Anna Quindlen's book is okay. The problem is that it's not really a book. It's a long essay with photos of all kinds of dogs. I suppose we should expect more from a Pulitzer prize winner, but it is what it is. It has been on the New York Times list also, although not as high as Rescuing Sprite.

    Let me just say that anyone who has owned or does own a dog or even a cat, would want to read Rescuing Sprite. It will touch you in ways that most other books I have read will not. And even those who don't own dogs or cats, but who have loved and lost, will appreciate this book. But don't take my word for it, or anyone else's here. Read it yourself - either buy it or loan it from a friend or library.
  • Barbara (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    My beloved Airedale, Odie, passed away last month, just 3 weeks shy of what would have been his 11th birthday. Even though his health had been steadily declining for the past several months, Odie's passing came suddenly and without much warning on that fateful evening in October. That day the temperature felt much more like mid-July than autumn. Odie had been panting incessantly all day. I thought it was the unusual heat causing his discomfort, but my gut told me it was a harbinger of things to come. I try to console myself when I remember that at least he died in his sleep, in the comfort of his home, in his favorite spot...the corner of the living room. I only wish I had some inkling of how close the end was near, so I could have stroked and massaged him one last time, perhaps right before he drew his last breath. Now, every morning and evening when I walk past the living room, I swear I can still hear him breathing or licking his paws. Odie's absence has ripped such a huge hole in my heart that only time and the adoption of another dog can begin to heal. And that is precisely why this wonderful book, "Rescuing Sprite" was so timely for me. I had planned to purchase it at the local Barnes & Noble store in the next few weeks. However, the ache of Odie's passing is still so raw, that I felt compelled to order the book on line through Well, lo and behold, to my surprise and pleasure, the book arrived much EARLIER than fact, it arrived right smack on Odie's birthday! I'd like to think it was a "gift" from my Odie, smiling down on me and assuring me, (by way of this book), that everything will be alright...

    "Rescuing Sprite" is a magnificent story. I'll end this by echoing the wonderful sentiment expressed by Mark Levin, that yes, in the end, it is we humans who are truly the lucky ones.
  • Sandra Miller (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    Mark Levin's passion for life, and for those who need (and usually
    deserve) our love is evident throughout this very touching story of a
    wonderful dog named Sprite. You know right away that Sprite is special
    and beautiful.

    Mark has a way of meking you feel that you are there watching, an invisible addition to the Levin family! I loved every moment of it. It
    was human, and doggy of course (haven't mentioned "Pepsi" who was there before "Sprite"), funny, joyous and playful. And, then, there is the
    terribly sad time when Sprite ( a shelter dog, older than told) begins
    to have one illness after another, but always maintaining a brave and
    touching spirit.

    I won't tell you anymore, because you must read the book. It is a breath
    of fresh air, and will meke you remember how it felt to lose one of these
    loyal, so affectionate creatures, if you have.

    For anyone anticipating or going through the loss of a beloved pet, this
    book lets us know that we are not alone, that others are going through the same heart wrenching experience.

    Dear Sprite, you have millions and millions of fans!
  • Levinitized Dem (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    I ordered this book weeks ago after listening to Dr. Levin's show one evening. I kept it next to my computer contemplating when to read it because I was anticipating the emotions I knew it would cause me.

    I planned to read it on Thanksgiving evening after our family meal and the house was quiet. I didn't have to be anywhere on Friday, so it didn't matter if my eyes were swollen or not. I sat on my couch and asked my boyfriend to bring me a box of kleenex just in case. He knew I had been planning for the perfect time to finally read this much anticipated book.

    Well, much to my surprise, I couldn't stop laughing at first. My boyfriend came in and said "I thought this was a sad book". I said "YES", but he's describing so many fun & funny things these dogs are doing!! I loved the part when Pepsi leapt for the toast and grabbed it out of his mother's hand like "A great white shark". And how he devoured hot dogs, pizza and a whole chicken!! And how Dr. Levin would toss food at them while they accompanied him at dinner. And how Spritey would land at the bottom of the stairs as to say "TA-DA!!" These are the simple pleasures in life. I felt like I was living a day in the Levin household.

    Dr. Levin's description of his neighborhood, the changing of the seasons and the relationship with his neighbors & friends is quite poetic. Very impressive especially after reading his first book "Men in Black" (which I had to read along with my legal terminology calculator).

    Being a licensed massage therapist, I totally identified with the sensations animals (and humans) react to touch. Every time we stroke an animals's body, or pat his head, it is a sign of love & acceptance for them. It's like a massage. It is the most honest sign of trust when they allow you to touch them that way. This is also evident on how dogs react to each other. Sprite licked Pepsi's head which is a behavior Pepsi learned as well. They fed off each other and taught each other behaviors that only dogs can teach.

    Dr. Levin does an incredible job of describing the 5 senses. He talks about his first impression when he made the connection with Sprite's big brown eyes (sight). He talks about the softness of his fur (touch). He talks about his specific bark and the distinct pitter-patter of his nails as he ran around the house (sound). He mentions the eating habits of his dogs and how they shared each other's bowls (taste), and finally, he talks about snuggling into Sprite's chest and smelling that sweet doggie smell. Even today, he "smells" the sweatshirts folded in his closet that Spritey used as a bed.

    This book was written with deep sorrow & compassion, but in the end, it truly is a story of Joy. The joy of sharing a loving household with a pet that ultimately will bring joy to everyone who reads it with an open heart. For me, Kendall (his wife) said it all in a nutshell when she wrote about Spritey:

    "He pushed himself past the pain to be near us and love us as long as he could".

    I think this is what Dr. Levin remembers most about Sprite. Despite all the discomforts and ailments Spritey had, he "pushed" himself to reciprocate the love he received and tried to make each minute timeless. Spritey resembles the essence of all dogs. They sacrifice their own feelings to console (and rescue) the feelings of their masters. Unconditional love at it's finest.

    Thank you Dr. Levin & family for writing this beautiful book. Who knew a year later that Spritey's story would mend and heal all the broken hearts past & present for those of us who have lost a pet??

    Bless the day you sat down and decided to put your heart on paper. Your courage is much respected. This book had to be written. It's a perfect family story and Holiday gift. Thank You!
  • Darla Duffey (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    I have not read the book yet, but from the interviews with Mark I know I can relate.

    Faithful Friend

    God summoned a beast from the field and he said...

    I endow you with the instincts uncommon to other beasts:
    faithfulness, devotion and understanding surpassing those of man himself.

    Lest it impair your understanding you are denied the power of words...
    Speak to your master only with your mind and through honest eyes.

    So be silent, and a friend to man...
    This shall be your destiny and your immortality."
    So spake the Lord

    And the dog heard and was content.
  • Jeanne (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    I ordered this book the day it became available, and read it straight through. Ignore the 1-star comments, they have not read this book.

    I run a small dog message board, and after reading this, I have bought it for all my mods. So far I have read it, one other mod has read it, and 2 have it shipped from Amazon, and are awaiting delivery. The mod that has read it just had to put down her dog in the last month and was amazed by the similarity of the emotions. It is just the same feeling that all dog lovers share, especially for those that have adopted dogs from shelters/rescue that may have an unknown history/age.

    My mod that has read it said that she prayed to have her dog pass away naturally the day before, just like the author did in this book, and felt the same. She read the book straight through and could not put it down.

    This is not political. It is something in common that all dog lovers can share. Fantastic book.
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