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Power to the People (Audio CD)
 by Laura Ingraham

Category: Political, Social studies, American society
Market price: ¥ 378.00  MSL price: ¥ 348.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
Other editions:   Hardcover
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A commentator on the state of politics in America who deserves to be taken seriously, Laura Ingraham calls for family values in this brilliant, eye-opening and thought provoking book.
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  • Publishers Weekly (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    In her latest, radio personality and author Ingraham (Shut up and Sing) calls on the American people to take back the phrase "Power to the People" from the anti-establishment groups of yesterday that, today, have made the country, according to Ingraham, "a slave to fringe groups, political correctness, expanding bureaucracies, and our own consumerism." Taking an approach that makes mutually exclusive groups out of those "working and taking care of their families" and the "protest culture," Ingraham's message is loud and clear: "they're coming for you." Specifically, "they" means the Lifetime network (brainwashing women to "swear off men and family"), the growing ranks of "Team Atheist" (including Dan Brown), "family deconstructivists," illegal immigrants and Islamic jihadists, among others. Chapters cover most of today's hot button topics-the war in Iraq, homeland security, the judiciary, the news media and global warming-with attitude and conviction. Ingraham's commentary on the lack of education in our schools and the "pornification" of the culture contain her most sound, articulate arguments (bolstered by a wealth of statistics), but Ingraham's assembling tactics are overzealous; still, fans of her strident radio show should be pleased to find more of the same here.

    Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • The Inside Flap (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    If you're like most Americans, you've had enough. You're fed up with sell-out politicians who won't defend our borders; a Hollywood that peddles profanity, pornography, and Al Gore and Rosie O'Donnell as "entertainment"; schools that teach our kids more about condoms than about the Constitution; and snooty judges who think it's their job to legislate for us. But there's a way to stop the madness and return power to the people - where it belongs. Laura Ingraham, the most-listened-to woman in political talk radio, shows us how to take back what is ours. In POWER TO THE PEOPLE she provides a riotous, take-no-prisoners journey through our besieged culture and gives us a battle plan to re-make it anew, the way the Founders intended - strong, patriotic, pro-family, and unapologetically God-fearing. Part exposé, part practical manifesto, and wholly entertaining, POWER TO THE PEOPLE is written in the style of Laura's fast-paced, no excuses, action-oriented radio show, weaving in personal tales of her own struggle to right the culture and the politics of our country: including how she derailed the appointment of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court, mounted a grassroots campaign against corporate America's sponsorship of one of pop music's biggest and most profane rap stars, and torpedoed the amnesty bill that would have granted instant legal status to millions of illegal aliens. And for the first time, Laura also reveals how she found her faith during a moment of deep loss, along with poignant details of her year long battle with breast cancer. Over the years Laura has jousted with everyone from Michael Moore to Bill Maher to the Dixie Chicks. She once worked in-side the "dinosaur" media (CBS News and MSNBC) and knows the deceptive techniques practiced by those who "report" the news. In POWER TO THE PEOPLE, she holds back nothing, and takes the fight beyond Right versus Left to show you how to reclaim the culture and win. If you're tired of bewailing America's course, if you want to know what you can do to protect your family and restore our country, POWER TO THE PEOPLE is the book for you.
  • The Back Cover (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    Whether you know it or not, many of the most important choices of your life are being made for you. They are being made by out-of-touch politicians, agenda-driven edu-crats, haughty life-tenured judges, and executives in a polluted entertainment industry, all of whom believe they know better than you. Responsibility and accountability are principles that they preach but do not practice. They have their agendas, and when little people get in the way, watch out. They are perpetrating a massive power grab. Watch your wallet. Hide your children. Lock up the livestock. They're coming for you. There's only one way to stop them: Power to the People.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    An amazing and well written book. Laura Ingraham provides well-documented insight to every level of today's society and the problems faced by parents, schools, and the government. She illustrates how media has taken on the role of parent and how greatly the negative aspects of internet sites influence our children. She explains how many judges make law rather than interpret law, threatening the basic principles of our Constitution and how "big" government takes a "we know what is best for all" attitude, reducing the involvement of decision making at the grass-roots, local level. This book is an alarming but important wake-up call for all Americans, especially with a presidential election on the horizon.
  • Alex (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, and find myself in agreement with her arguments that the radically perverted "anarchy" culture is really getting out of control in modern America.

    It all comes down to what kind of quality of life do you want in your society? Do you want to live in a third world piece of garbage, or do you want a more civil quality driven, law abiding society where human life and morality are valued rather then the immediate gratification of over zealot lust, high shock value violence, and excessive greed.

    It doesn't take a genius to figure out that extremist leftism is out of control in our popular culture and media, political correctness will kill us all if we don't put a stop to it, especially during a time of war.

    I like how Laura is standing up to the filth, and taking names holding certain groups and people accountable for their disgusting behavior.

    One good sign is that many Americans are rejecting the Dinosaur "Drive By" media and embracing talk radio with Rush and others- the internet blogs- and Fox News with O'Reilly and Hannity. So there is hope out there for our civilization to survive this onslaught of garbage.

    To all of those leftist thugs who bashed this book with out even reading it, no one with any brain cares about your twisted views or what you think so go ahead and keep wasting your time in hateville- the real honest folks out there will decide for themselves and give this book the 5 stars it deserves.
  • Lilyette (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    Laura Ingraham is proving herself to be not only a great radio show host, but also a fine writer. She expresses what so many Americans feel. We want to save our culture. We want things to be like they once were, with families being important. We also would like our nation to recognize that we are still "under God", no matter what your religious belief is. Laura Ingraham tells things like they are and how they should be. She is practical, humorous and intelligent. She is a true survivor and relates how she gained strength through her adversities. I would recommend this book to anyone who believes the people of this country still have the power to make this a great nation.
  • Nick (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    The Book "Power to the People" is a close look at today's ailing society and what the nations people can do to change it. Laura Ingraham has been Championing the fight against a better American society for years and her book tells of her observations and conclusions of just what needs to happen for our society and morals to change. Her final conclusion is that the change is possible by using "The Power of the People".

    The author has made some interesting observations and explains them very well in her book. It is extremely thought provoking and I enjoyed reading it. I'm not sure what I expected when I bought the book, but I did discover that Laura Ingraham is a better writer than I had imagined.
    I will be checking out her previous books.
  • Howaniec (MSL quote) , USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    Power to the People reminds us of the principles that made this country great, and calls our attention to the things each of us can do to maintain that greatness. Laura Ingraham takes a common sense stance on issues that transcend gender, race, political affiliation, and time.

    I found Power to the People to be an easy read, and the quotes and references Laura uses really made an impact and drove her points home. I have not listened to her radio show, but I found that the way she related personal life experiences throughout the book to be both practical and to which I could easily relate.

    I will likely re-read Power to the People, and will lookup some of the references Laura listed as I rev up my own power level.
  • Samuel (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    You should buy this book then buy another one and read it to one of your friends who can't read. You should buy the book again and then return one of the older ones for your money back and use the money to buy a newer one. You should go to San Francisco and stand outside City Hall and read the book through a bullhorn. Then you should take the money you were going to use to buy more of Laura's books and bail yourself out of Jail, then take out a loan to buy more copies of the book. Then you should fake Laura's signature on the cover and tell everyone she signed it personally for you at a dinner date you had when she called and pleaded with you to come so you could meet her friends and discuss marriage after she gets the check for the book sales.

    Then when things don't work out tell your friends you got alimony, and that you'll have plenty of money to buy more copies of the book when the check comes in. In the mean time you'll need to borrow a large sum from your friends to cover your book buying.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-18 00:00>

    Power to the People is the unabridged audiobook rendition of the manifesto of nationally syndicated talk radio host Laura Ingraham, calling for Americans who embrace traditional values to reclaim control from politicians and pop culture icons. Firmly advocating a strong, patriotic, family oriented, and Christian nation, Laura Ingraham rebuts Hollywood celebrities and grasping politicians with an unapologetic, tell-it-like-it-is style laced with a dash of caustic humor. As entertaining as it is passionate, Power to the People is perhaps most valuable for its core message about the importance of staying true to one's values and reclaiming social mores from the dictates of strangers. Highly recommended.
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