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Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World (Audio CD)
 by Bill Clinton

Category: Social sciences, Poverty fighting, Charity
Market price: ¥ 298.00  MSL price: ¥ 278.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
Other editions:   Hardcover
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
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  • Brian Moore (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-21 00:00>

    I thought the former president made a powerful case for charitable giving and how it can "change the world." Then it occurred to me that I like things pretty much the way they are, so I've decided that nobody's getting nothin' from me.
  • Optimal Realist (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-21 00:00>

    In this wonderful book, Bill Clinton demonstrates to the reader that you
    can make a difference in the world. It doesn't matter if you are rich, poor, famous, unknown, well educated or uneducated, or even a dedicated taker, you can find a way to give.

    I particularly loved the vignettes about the cleaning lady who donated $150K to the University of Southern Mississippi to help educate African Americans, and Andre Agassi's dedicated efforts in his Las Vegas school to help unlikely students become academically successful, healthy minded and productive.
  • Minh Tan (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-21 00:00>

    Looks like some right wing nut hacked and deleted all the good reviews and ratings that came before Sep 11 (how ironic), so I'm reposting from Sep 6!

    Everybody has something to give, everybody knows that. Everybody has something to give which can change the world, Bill Clinton knows that. In this book, he tells you how via means each of us has, even if we don't think we have those means through our own misconceptions and misperceptions of what we can contribute to the world, including the pretentious notion that changing the world happens all at once on some grand scale rather than one contribution for one cause and/or one person at a time. This is a book for everyone, whether you are already giving and making a difference in the world on any scale so you can do more, or whether you need to be convinced to join the giving movement gaining momentum recently but still falling short of what is really needed in the world to make it a better and more socially just place for all to live.

    Bill organizes ways he proposes we consider giving by means of money, time, things, skills, recognition & new beginnings, self-sustenance, examples, ideas, organization and more. Anecdotal stories proliferate the book, not as merely stories for inspiration but also serving as successful real life examples of the diversity of each theme on giving. The interesting thing I found about most of them was that many started out very small and humble, truly like things we could each do, and either grew into something large by continuous effort or equivalent efforts by others each chipping in the same small contribution. In fact, I would think most readers reading these small contribution stories would say to themselves, "I could do more than that" and follow up on it.

    There were also many conversational clippings Bill had with some more prominent givers, whether by amount or efforts Herculean relative to their lives. What was inspiring about these were their philosophies about giving and how simple and practical they could be to anybody, but yet, probably few think about it in those ways which was among the reasons Bill wrote the book. It really opens up the possibilities for all of us wanting to give in ways that can change the world.

    Overall, for the value of what this book can inspire everybody to do, no exceptions, I would not only highly recommend this book, but also give it that prestigious but generalist distinction of the one book from this year I would choose to give every person in the world if I could.
  • Portia Clark (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-21 00:00>

    This is the most inspiring book I've read in years. Seeing all the things regular people are doing to help the global community is terrific. Plus, Clinton gives hundreds of ideas of things people can do to help and explains the effectiveness of many foundations helping.
  • Catholic (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-21 00:00>

    Bill Clinton was, and still is,... one of the brightest, and most productive Presidents in history - He now turns his sights on Giving.

    He has given so much to this country and his Foundation is set to break all records for humanitarian work - Can you ever imagine any of the Republican s - especially one with a "Bush" name doing anything for humanity?
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-21 00:00>

    Bill would be proud!! Morris and Jenswold got this one right. The bootcamp experiences are so real I found myself having flashbacks. Laughing out loud was not uncommon. Something I don't believe I've ever done before while reading a book. The trips to Milwaukee and Chicago reminded me of those same trips I made from bootcamp.

    The only disappointment is the story does end abruptly. Of course this leaves the possibility of a sequel about the Med Cruise the Jetsomn was about to leave on.
    This story reads real for anyone who spent time in the United States military - any branch. My father served in the US Navy during WWII and my youngest son is in the Navy now over in the Gulf aboard the USS Enterprise. I'm buying them both a copy.

    "Anchors Aweight" is an incredible work especially considering the authors are first time writers (I believe). I found myself wanting more. I hope they follow up with "Anchors Aweight II". They must have some more incredible stories to share. Their story is written from the heart. A must read, highly recommended. Don't miss out on this wonderful story!
  • Kisha (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-21 00:00>

    I have not always been a fan of Bill Clinton, but I must say this book peaked my interest. I read through the first few chapters in the bookstore and decided to purchase the book. It is an easy read and a great concept. Even though he speaks about the grander scale of giving which most people can not do, the idea behind it is still something great to achieve in life even if on a smaller scale.
  • Jose (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-21 00:00>

    Great book for those interested in what the book is all about - GIVING. Giving time, money or talent...A very enlightening book by Bill Clinton, which will make you think if you are really GIVING what you should, and will throw some pretty good ideas for doing something to change the world.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-21 00:00>

    I suppose one of the highest compliments I have ever received for my own writing is that my readers felt they were having a conversation with me.
    Whether or not you are a fan of Bill Clinton's, this book deserves your attention in that it gives you a degree of insider access to his thinking process, both locally and globally.

    There are a lot of opinions about this polarizing American political figure, but one thing stands sure for most of us- Bill Clinton is a very bright man whose voice remains a truly important one in the world.

    If you read this book and do not come away from it with a heightened sense of altruism, please book an appointment with me (I'm a psychiatrist.)
  • Peter (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-21 00:00>

    President Bill Clinton is a genius at making it easy both to give and receive and live one's life more meaningfully. Indeed each one of us can give something of our money, time, talents and even knowledge. After reading Clinton's book, you have no more excuses for not joining the giving dance floor. I like the examples Clinton gives of both the great and not so great who give and make a difference in somebody's life as well as their own.Giving indeed benefits both givers and receivers. As usual, Clinton has put a human face to givers and beneficiaries alike. Poverty has a human face and so has giving. And giving empowers and makes us more human whereas not-giving impoversihes us and makes us less so. We are one interdependent global human body moving towards integration. This is a must-read for both givers and their partners, meaning therefore all of us. Bill Clinton belongs to the global family.
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