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Quiet Leadership: Six Steps to Transforming Performance at Work (平装)
 by David Rock

Category: Leadership, Management
Market price: ¥ 158.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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  • Library Journal, USA   <2008-01-25 00:00>

    From the title, this work sounds subdued. But Rock (CEO, Results Coaching Systems; Personal Best) actually grounds his ideas in dynamic discoveries about how the human brain works. Typical management approaches to changing behavior fail to account for the surprising differences in how each person processes information and solves problems. Rock suggests that it's far more effective to build new neural pathways to learn new habits than to deconstruct old ones. Transforming performance involves listening and communicating in more positive and effective ways. The ultimate goal of quiet leadership is to empower employees to think and solve problems for themselves. This highly practical guide includes exercises for each major concept introduced, giving readers a chance to practice what they've learned. A brief bibliography highlights research for further reading.
    Recommended for public library business collections.
  • Marshall Goldsmith (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-25 00:00>

    Quiet Leadership will help you improve other people's thinking, which is the best place to begin improving performance.
  • Jeffrey Schwartz (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-25 00:00>

    In the first major book to explore what business leaders ought to know about the brain, David Rock creatively marshals an abundance of new research to coherently explain how it advances the use of mind-based brain change as the dynamic element of better leadership training. The key to the future of leadership development lies in these pages.
  • Art Kleiner,Editor in Chief,Strategy & Business Magazine, USA   <2008-01-25 00:00>

    Success depends on the quality of thinking. In the past, if we wanted to change our habitual forms of thinking, we operated in the dark - because nobody had taken the cutting-edge insights of neuroscientists and rephrased them in ordinary language or a business context. Now David Rock has exactly that, and done it well.
  • Mike Morrison,Dean,University of Toyota, USA   <2008-01-25 00:00>

    Rock has broken the code on how to leverage our most basic human function--thinking! He brings both art and science to the necessary steps for leaders to follow in elevating the thinking of their employees in support of world-class performance. Both practical and profound - a must read for anyone who wants to unleash the true potential of their team!
  • Galisteo (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-25 00:00>

    A recent survey of over 500 training and human resource leaders indicates that their top challenge is developing potential leaders, followed by enhancing managerial and supervisory skills, and selecting and retaining key talent (from "The Survey of Executives 2005," The Ken Blanchard Companies). Overwhelmingly, year after year, people issues take center stage. "Quiet Leadership" addresses these issues directly and specifically. David Rock has developed a series of skills and tools that help us relate to others in a very different way from what we are used to: in a much more respectful way, in a non-judgmental way, in an empowering way. Leaders who learn to apply these skills in the workplace will see their teams succeed and their productivity increase. Parents who learn to apply these skills with their children will build stronger and more open relationships with them.
  • Karen Jane Eyre (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-25 00:00>

    After 12 years of running a media group, I really thought that I knew how to manage people. Since reading Quiet Leadership, I've discovered that I've been doing it the hard way all these years. In this easy-to-read, compelling book Rock explains how to improve people's thinking, which (and this becomes abundantly obvious as you read the book) is by far the best way to improve their performance. This is coaching technology taken to a new level. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who has to manage staff and get results - whether you're a CEO with hundreds of staff, or a retailer with just a couple. I've tried the techniques in the book and they work. You get better results from people and you empower them at the same time. The outcome is a happier and more productive workplace, and in my case, a happier and more productive me!
  • Thunk (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-25 00:00>

    As a professional project manager, the ideas in this book strike a real chord. So many books on leadership spend their time cataloging the attributes and behaviours of good leaders, but offer no advice as to how to implement for ourselves a leadership style that is authentic and appropriate. To anyone who has to manage people in a day to day, pressured environment the advice in this book is very welcome. In particular the emphasis on allowing people to work things out for themselves makes a lot of sense, as well as the focus on insight as the energising mechanism. The information on neuro-science is a bit of a distraction: it may or may not be true, and so runs the risk of detracting from some simple and profound messages. Even just to consider that everyone is thinking differently and therefore having a different experience is, on reflection, self evident, and doesn't need experimental validation. As Einstein explained, the real breakthrough comes from the insight, the experimental validation may never come. There is plenty in this book to help those who would like a bit of help, and, apparently, really annoy those who don't.
  • Bentley (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-25 00:00>

    As a trainer with Results Coaching Systems (the coaching services provider that David Rock set up) I have had direct experience of just how effective the coaching techniques outlined in this accessible and practical book can be. When senior executives and managers start to lead in this way the impact on those around them not only transforms the performance of the organisation but leaves employees feeling empowered and valued. As a result, they go home less stressed and more energized and families, communities and societies are better places. Most importantly, these techniques if consistently applied actually work.
  • Maureen Miller (MSL quote) , USA   <2008-01-25 00:00>

    Very powerful book. I’ve seen and read lots of comparisons and charts on the difference between coaching and therapy but this article is quite clear, in a very simple yet profound way, of the differences between the two. I believe that to treat a anyone other way than in a “brain-based” way is to do them an incredible disservice. To focus on problems and the past is pretty useless.

    Since reading "Quiet Leadership", I can no longer look at human interaction in any other way. When someone tries to tell me what to do or give me advice, I find it quite annoying and insulting. I AM quite capable of coming up with my own solutions IF someone asks me the right questions. I no longer depend on someone else to do that. I just ask myself. To know WHY it was annoying is even more empowering.

    I hold a part time job in the field of Education and to see someone “burying” a student in advice, Information and focussing on a problem relentlessly, just irks me. I now just ask a “thinking: question. Its amazing how grateful students can be when they are held: capable, accountable and responsible.

    Its amazing the way my clients appreciate being held able.

    Its amazing to see inspiration and action in my life every day now.
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