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Profiles in Courage (精装)
 by John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Category: Politics, Leadership, American politics, Motivation
Market price: ¥ 248.00  MSL price: ¥ 208.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
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MSL Pointer Review: A book full of courage and an important document that anyone involved in politics, or any form of leadership should not miss.
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  • AudioFile, USA   <2008-01-28 00:00>

    In 1954-55 a freshman U.S. Senator from Massachusetts wrote a book profiling eight of his historical Senatorial colleagues, such men as John Quincy Adams, Sam Houston, and Robert A. Taft. Instead of focusing on their storied careers, John F. Kennedy chose to illustrate their acts of integrity, when they stood alone against tremendous political and social pressure for what they felt was right. This abridged audio is introduced by Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, and the text is read admirably by the late John F. Kennedy, Jr. There is a sense of family legacy and pride about the president's children taking part in the project. At some point, however, one aches to hear the distinctive voice of JFK himself. That wish is fulfilled superbly on the fourth CD, which includes three speeches written and delivered by Kennedy while president--sounding so distant and yet so familiar. Kennedy's Inaugural Address alone more than illustrates why both the man and the twentieth-century icon still captivate our nation, and the world, to this day. B.P. © AudioFile 2003, Portland, Maine

    Copyright © AudioFile, Portland, Maine -This text refers to the Audio CD edition.
  • Springfield Republican, USA   <2008-01-28 00:00>

    A book that deserves reading by every American.
  • The foreword by Robert F. KennedyA, USA   <2008-01-28 00:00>

    This book is not just the stories of the past but a book of hope and confidence for the future. What happens to the country, to the world, depends on what we do with what others have left us.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-28 00:00>

    John F. Kennedy, in a lucid manner, details the political life of eight U.S. Senators. Kennedy outlines the hard decisions each Senator had to make, often at the expense of their careers. However, as Kennedy explains, these decisions were for the good of the nation and not just the good of each individual politician. I recommend this book to anyone considering going into politics. Maybe it should be required reading before being able to represent districts. I know our political system would work much better if current politicians would frequent this book. An extraordinary book!
  • Helen (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-28 00:00>

    President John F. Kennedy was without a doubt the greatest leader of the free world in the 20th century. In his three short years as president, he earned a place beside President Lincoln, President Jefferson, President Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Martin Luther King as one of this nation's greatest and most influential leaders. Theodore Sorensen did not write this book, as his public statements confirm. President Kennedy, who published his first book out of his undergraduate thesis, was perhaps the most gifted rhetorician to ever live and this ability illuminates this Pulitzer Prize-winning book, just as it illuminated his unforgettable speeches.
  • Jenny (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-28 00:00>

    This book was painstakingly crafted by Ted Sorensen, the ghost-writer for many of John F. Kennedy's works. To Kennedy's credit, he let this work stand without contaminating it with his own editing. I read this book when it first was published, and I wish to read it again, because it highlights the tradition of morality and truth in the finest hours of some select statesmen, who have given way, seemingly, to the slick politicos of today running our country into the ground. We need true American heroes like the ones cited in this magnificent work, and fewer wannabees like the draft-dodgers working in Washington today.
  • Ted (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-28 00:00>

    With the recent impeachment of President Clinton by the U.S. House of Representatives, and the impending trial in the Senate, "Profiles in Courage" gives an appropriate historical persepective on the impact of the impeachment process. This book allows the reader to truly understand the immense pressure each member of Congress was under at the time of the impeachement of President Andrew Johnson. It also brings into focus the sheer magnitude of the duties we have bestowed on members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate today. This book points out that an impeachement trial should not be taken lightly. As was demonstrated in "Profiles in Courage", John Kennedy skillfully portrays the agony Edmund G. Ross went through before making his decision to cast a not guilty vote - saving President Johnson - from being thrown out of office. Ross'decision would have a resounding impact on the Constitution and the history of our nation. Now, 130 years later, members of the U.S. Senate are being asked to face the same challenges that Senator Ross faced. This portion of "Profiles" should be read by every member of the U.S. Senate before any votes to throw the president out of office are cast.
  • Thomas Hofer (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-28 00:00>

    John F. Kennedy makes an excellent contribution to history with this book. It describes the lives of several distinguished Americans who, in the course of history, have shaped the face of the United States. All these biographies are interesting. History becomes very much alive with this book, and Kennedy does an excellent job in showing how men can contribute to the life of a nation. What is even more noteworthy is that that is what he himself did. This new edition of the book has an excellent preface by Caroline Kennedy, herself an eminent legal scholar.
  • Justin (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-28 00:00>

    I first read "Profiles in Courage" when I was in high school, because it was a required reading in a history class. My history teacher loved this book. I remember telling her how boring the book was. Well that was then. I now have the book on my book shelf and I read it again often. That Ted Sorenson might be the real author is just nonsense. If you know the man Kennedy, you know that the book could only be written by him. John F. Kennedy is the author of the book period. Ted Sorenson was a competent editor of the book. Both men deserve much respect as writers. If you look at Kennedy's speeches, his actions, his tendencies during his life, one can see that many of the heroic qualities he extolled in his book could be found in the very author of the book. Edmund Ross and Kennedy's quote from him "I . . . looked down into my open my grave" reveals a side of Kennedy who more than once in his life brushed with death. The book also reveals much of Kennedy's cold and yet compassionate, bold and yet cautious, cruel and yet kind, devious and yet disarmingly honest, brutally realistic and yet idealistic, low and high character. He was an intelligent and courageous man who had the brains and the guts. He was also a great politician who respected results. He could "stoop to conquer" as Churchill would put it about FDR. Forces of the will and events pit him against Nixon who was also highly intelligent and gutsy as well as eloquent. They were great candidates. And Kennedy, or maybe Fortune, made Kennedy the victor. He was also, I believe, religious, though he boasted of how he could laugh sarcastically at common mortals and boasted of how he had no illusions about life. Like Lincoln, he believed there was a God and that God had much control of his destiny. Given many talents, he followed Aristotle's wisdom and concentrated on one he could excel. He was a gambler with his life and women. Women he prized, went after and went down to conquer. He loved that "chase" more than the kill. Though he said he did not love women, he could have for had the nature to love other human beings. His love for Jackie was there, set aside, controlled for his ambition and for his vanity and for his ideal. He was a dreamer and he was an actor. He was John Kennedy he loved, respected and pleased. He taught in action as he did with words. His legend may go down in history. He was a true philosopher of action.
  • David (MSL quote), USA   <2008-01-28 00:00>

    This book is about the courageous acts of our forefathers, who made this country what it is today. Not necessarily the big huge events but the little things that make our country what it is today. John F. Kennedy focus's on some of the most influential men in the United States of America such as John Quincy Adams, Robert Taft, Sam Houston, Edmund G. Ross, and others. This book profiles the good and the bad in politics. You can see how some of these men have amazing morals and strength as they were willing to be courageous and make there country a better place, often sacrificing for the country that they love so much. There is a tremendous amount of history in this book, more then your everyday history book has in it. The events and the people really profile political figures that's played a role in this powerful country. John F. Kennedy was a young senator when he wrote this book. I believed that it shows a tremendous deal of intelligence to be aware of the history of the country and the little things that make the united states what it is today. John himself was more then courageous with his heroics in the war and for his political leadership. I would definitely recommend this book to everybody, you get a great sense of history and learn so much just from reading it. The only downfall that I could come up with in the book was about how hard it was to read, so don't be fooled by the size the 226 pages which my copy has was no cake walk, but don't let that stop you, this book is a must read for any person looking for a story of courage, bravery, strength, and honor. I think this should be a must read for any U.S. History in a Junior or Senior year of high school, even if it has to be heard on tape, just so people get a sense of what type of a man John was, and also what it takes to have the prowess that the early leaders of the country had. I think this book is most deserving of its Pulitzer and although it was the hardest book I read, and I had trouble understanding things, it was by far the most intelligent and well written books I have ever read.
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