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Pop!: Stand Out in Any Crowd (精装)
 by Sam Horn

Category: Motivation, Inspiration, Personal success, Law of attraction
Market price: ¥ 228.00  MSL price: ¥ 208.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A vital resource for entrepreneurs, speakers, writers, and anyone else wishing to communicate their message in a way that truly gets results.
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  • Donna (MSL quote), USA   <2008-04-14 00:00>

    Sam Horn is right on! We are bombarded by communication - books, email, movies, commericials, sales calls, junk mail. If we want our communication to stand out in the crowd, it's got to POP! Nobody knows how to communicate more creatively than Sam. However, you've got a chance to come close if you buy her book.

    As usual, Sam delivers exceptional content cleverly cushioned in fun examples and anecdotes. Read the book with a highlighter! This is the kind of book you're going to want to keep by your desk to refer to over and over again!
  • Robin Polangin (MSL quote), USA   <2008-04-14 00:00>

    Do you want a great "pitch" that makes people laugh, say "wow!", or remember you forever? Would you like to have a fun, simple and effective way to explain what you do in 30 seconds or less? Have you ever stared at the ceiling at 3am, racking your brain to come up with the perfect name for your book, business, or event? If so, this book is for you!

    POP! is brilliant! Even devout Sam Horn fans will be blown away by her latest work, and the bottom line results it will create for their business. POP! provides fun, easy, and immediately useful systems to create catchy, memorable, and effective taglines, titles, networking pitches, business names, etc.

    Horn reminds us that we get less than 60 seconds to capture a potential client's interest, and teaches us exactly how to do so. If you read this book and implement the ideas, it WILL change how you think about marketing your business, it WILL make you stand out and be remembered, and it WILL make others talk about your business long after you've left the room.

    POP! is the best book I've ever read on the topic of "sell-yourself" marketing - it's jam-packed with real ideas that are fun and easy to act on.

    A great offering for traditionally "hard to describe" niches, products, or professions.
  • Ev Nucci (MSL quote), USA   <2008-04-14 00:00>

    Most business books promise the reader millions in new found wealth and fail to deliver even a crusty cold pizza.

    Horn, on the other hand, has given the world a refreshingly brilliant book in POP without one platitude.

    Horn teaches you how to BRAND. How to stand out from the crowd in every to be unique in your industry, your profession and your message.

    She educates you. Talent is not enough in today's competitive environment. And she is right. How many talented people do you know?

    As Horn says in her book, "We are one of many." So she edifies ways to stand out from the crowd...concepts you would never think of that are BRILLIANT. At least I never thought of them before.

    She spends time on how to craft unique slogans, capture conversational catch phrases, how to be relevant. Think about all the information available to us today. With our busy lives what information do we actually remember? What was it about Freakanomics or Jerry Maquire that kept people talking? Horn teaches you to employ the techniques from both-and in the process how you can go from ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY.

    If this book was $250.00 it would be a steal. Horn is a brilliant sage. A master at knowing what it takes to succeed in today's global competitive marketplace!
  • Casey Dawes (MSL quote), USA   <2008-04-14 00:00>

    What's an entrepreneur's biggest concern after financials? Marketing and sales. How do you stand out in a crowd? There are many branding specialists out there to help you create the perfect brand identity and tag line. Sam Horn is one of them.

    In her new book, Pop! Stand Out in Any Crowd, Sam provides 22 different idea starters for coming up with brands, product names, pithy slogans, and other word combinations that will help get your creative juices going. While I've read the book, I haven't done all the exercises. Yet, even that surface work was enough to come up with the phrase "Crone Creator." Where I'll use it, I'm not sure, but it's a great phrase that I wouldn't have thought of without this book.

    Sam asks you to begin with what she calls the "W9 Form." The questions are similar to those a branding expert would ask you: What are you offering? What problem does it solve? Why is it worth buying? Who is your target audience? Who are you? How are you different from everyone else? What objections will people have to your service or product? What is the purpose of your pitch? What do you want people to do?

    Once you have those answers in hand, Sam brilliantly brings you through different creative steps to come up with phrases that match your product or service. Like alliteration? How about alphabetizing your core words?

    Sam demystifies metaphors and teaches you about the AFLAC effect. She helps you repeat the beat and turn assumptions upside down. There is so much juice in this book it could keep you working for many days -- just being creative.

    However, you would probably suffer burnout. So I suggest that you really pay attention to creating your W9 form, skim through the suggestions and spend time with one when you are ready to create a new product, presentation or service.

    This book is Wise Woman Business Recommended.
  • Walter H. Bock (MSL quote), USA   <2008-04-14 00:00>

    This is a book to use, not a book to read.

    Sam Horn tells you early on that the book has two purposes. It will help you quickly capture interest and it will help you "break out, not blend in." But that will happen only if you pick a project or idea and then apply the suggestions in the book to improving it and creating a message with POP.

    POP stands for Purposeful, Original and Pithy. The book is organized around those three standards.

    First comes Purposeful. To help you boil your idea down to its essence the author asks you to answer the 9W questions about it. Answering those questions give you a foundation to build on.

    In fact, you'll find yourself going back to those nine questions and your answers time and again. You'll probably change some of your answers. That's a very good thing.

    The second, and largest main section helps you make your communication Original. The ideas here will help you turn your idea around so you can see it from the others side and massage it into different forms. You'll learn about the power of alliteration, doing your own take on common sayings, advertising slogans and pop culture phrases.

    The third section has ideas for helping you be Pithy. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "pithy" as: "having substance and point - tersely cogent." If it's short and carries a big message, it's pithy.

    This was the most helpful section for me. You'll learn how to use alliteration, rhythm and rhyme to make your statement more powerful and more memorable. I've seen all this before, but never in a single place.

    The book closes with "Seven Secrets to Keep Their Interest Once You've Got It." This seems to me like a bunch of good ideas that were too good to leave out, but didn't fit anywhere else.

    I got incredible value by working through the exercises as I went. As advertised, they helped me craft a POP statement. More importantly, for me, this was a powerful exercise in understanding my business offering and what is unique about it.

    I recommend this book to you if you want to craft POP statements that present you or your business or idea to others. I also recommend it if you want exercises that will help you think creatively about what you do.

    I've been a professional speaker and writer now for over a quarter century. I found help and ideas here that will help me tell my story and the story of my business more effectively. So will you.
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