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The Trusted Advisor (平装)
 by David H. Maister , Charles H. Green

Category: Advisor, Consulting, Relationship building, Business
Market price: ¥ 190.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Providing a solid framework for an establishing and maintaining an effective relationship with clients, this book is a must read for everyone in professional services.
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  • George Colony, Chairman and CEO, Forrester Research, USA   <2008-04-14 00:00>

    Carl Stern CEO, Boston Consulting GroupAn invaluable road map to all those who seek to develop truly special relationships with their clients.

    Tom Petersauthor of The Professional Service 50This is a brilliant - and practical - book. In our "world gone mad," trust is, paradoxically, more important than ever.

    William F. Stasiorsenior chairman and former CEO, Booz-Allen & HamiltonThis book is engaging, enjoyable, and absolutely on target. It is packed with truth. The Trusted Advisor will guide success not just in the advisory professions but in leadership and life as well.

    Professor Charles FombrunLeonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University The Trusted Advisor gets to the heart and soul of the advice business. This path-breaking book is a must-read.
  • Michael Bray, Chief Executive, Clifford Chance, USA   <2008-04-14 00:00>

    The authors have produced a readable, helpful guide to a central issue for all professional services firms. They provide sensible and practical advice, making the components of trust appear clear and straightforward. The book is easy to read and use, and many of the checklists are very valuable. I will encourage my partners to read it and to keep it close at hand.
  • James E. Copeland Jr., CEO, Deloitte & Touche, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, USA   <2008-04-14 00:00>

    Trust is the key that can unlock a priceless dialogue with your clients. The Trusted Advisor tells you how to build relationships that can last a lifetime.
  • Carl Stern, CEO, Boston Consulting Group, USA   <2008-04-14 00:00>

    James E. Copeland Jr., CEO, Deloitte & Touche, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
  • Robert Morris (MSL quote), USA   <2008-04-14 00:00>

    According to the authors, "The theme of this book is that the key to professional success is not just technical mastery of one's discipline (which is, of course, essential), but also the quality to work with clients in such a way as to earn their trust and gain their confidence." The authors provide "a new understanding of the importance and potential of trust relationships with clients, and show how trust can be employed to achieve a wide range of rewards. We examine trust as a process, which has beginnings and endings, which can be derailed and encouraged, and which take place across time and experience. We analyze the key components of trust and the process which trust involves in a relationship." To give you at least some idea of what this book addresses, here are the questions answered in Part One ("Perspectives on Trust"):
    What would be the benefits if your clients trusted you more?

    What do great trusted advisors all seem to do?

    What are the dynamics of trusting and being trusted?

    How do you ensure that your advice is listened to?

    What are the principles of building strong relationships?

    What attitudes must you have to be effective?

    Do you really have to care for those you advise?

    In the final chapter, the authors include "The Quick-Impact List to Gain Trust" and then an Appendix in which they duplicate all of the checklists previously provided. I rate this book so highly for twqo reasons: First, because the content is rock-solid, anchored in a wealth of real-world experiences which the authors generously share; also because they explain HOW to gain and then sustain the trust of everyone with whom you do business. This book will be especially valuable to small-to-midsize companies whose success or failure is primarily (if not entirely) dependent upon client relationships based on trust. Buyers have lots of choices. It is not enough for them to trust what you sell. Others may well offer the same product or service. They must also trust you, the seller. And here's the key point: It is imperative that customer trust your advice as they consider a purchase from you but, ultimately, your customers must have so much confidence in you that they will also seek your advice on other matters which have nothing to do with what you sell. So-called "customer satisfactioon" is achieved on a per-transaction basis. As Jeffrey Gitomer correctly asserts, your objective should be "customer loyalty." The authors of this book explain HOW to achieve it and then HOW to sustain it.

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