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Big Brown: The Untold Story of UPS (精装)
 by Greg Niemann

Category: UPS, Corporate history, Corporate success, Innovation
Market price: ¥ 258.00  MSL price: ¥ 220.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This well-written and solidly researched history is the definitive corporate biography of UPS.

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  • Paul Casey, nephew of UPS founder Jim Casey , USA   <2008-04-22 00:00>

    UPS founder Jim Casey did more than overcome humble beginnings to achieve the American Dream-he inspired all of his employees to come along for the ride. The continuous success of a company founded on a hundred dollars, determination, and integrity is a story of inspiration. Big Brown is a must-read for anyone who's ever held a job or had a dream.
  • Mayor Greg Nickels, City of Seattle , USA   <2008-04-22 00:00>

    UPS began life in Seattle a century ago. Greg Niemann captures that moment-and the spirit of Seattle-perfectly.
  • Steven J. Christensen, first vice president,Christensen Wealth Management Group, Wachovia Securities, USA   <2008-04-22 00:00>

    Big Brown offers a rare insider's glimpse into a corporate culture cloaked in secrecy. Learn how a corporation can get its drivers to hold their keys in a specific hand, on a specific finger, in a specific manner. Also learn how they attempt to use this obsessive attention to detail to conquer their industry.
  • Norm Leaper, former president,International Association of Business Communicators , USA   <2008-04-22 00:00>

    This well-written, solidly researched history details how one man's vision and the inexorable march of events led to the evolution of a Seattle messenger service into a worldwide icon. In Big Brown, Niemann successfully delivers the goods-just as UPS has been doing for 100 years.
  • Steve Maxwell, retired UPS manager , USA   <2008-04-22 00:00>

    As a career UPSer, I thought I knew almost everything about my company's history worth knowing . . . until I read Greg Niemann's book, Big Brown. Today's UPSers will not only appreciate the wealth of historical tidbits, as I did, but also gain a greater understanding about why the company holds to its own unique way of doing business. That perspective should also appeal to any student of business. Great work!
  • Brown Army (MSL quote), USA   <2008-04-22 00:00>

    This just released title is an unofficial commemoration for the first hundred years of service for UPS, which was founded on August 28th 1907. The book is fast-paced, engaging and easy to read. The book lives up to its title, as it is not a corporate puff piece written for the centennial. Although the general overall success of the company is the main theme, mistakes and warts are exposed as well. UPSers will be familiar with story itself, although the book offers a deeper insight into areas few will probably be aware of. The biographical sketch of Jim Casey for example, makes this book worth the price of admission. One can see what drove this man forward to achieve extremely high levels of success. Jim Casey deserves to share the stage with other more well known service entrepreneurial giants, such as Ray Kroc of McDonald's fame. There are also interesting stories, for those who are familiar with the general history and culture of the company, about the other founders, who are often overlooked because of Jim Casey's larger than life legacy.

    Overall, this book offers a realistic historical and cultural perspective for the past 100 years of service and every UPSer who decides to read this book should find a professional genealogical connection to the text. In fact, the book should serve as a trip down memory lane and the reader may even find oneself debating some of the issues the book tackles. The author outlines the current public vs. private company debate many UPSers are having amongst themselves, as an example. The timing of the release of the book makes sense, as one should obtain a greater appreciation of how the company got where it is today and it is a compelling story worth knowing to UPSers, customers and shareowners.
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