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Emily Post's Etiquette, 17th Edition (Thumb Indexed) (精装)
 by Peggy Post

Market price: ¥ 388.00  MSL price: ¥ 338.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: The best known book on the subject of etiquette.

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  • From Publisher, USA   <2008-06-30 00:00>

    Looking for the user’s manual that should have come with your life? This compendium of socially acceptable responses to every conceivable opportunity for personal embarrassment or inadvertent insult is as close as you’re likely to get. Post, great-granddaughter-in-law to the famous Emily, carries on the family business as a recognized authority and frequently interviewed and published author. Far from quaint, her update to the 1922 classic includes sections on how to graciously discuss a potential sex partner’s past and the circumstances under which one can re-gift in good conscience. These new sections seamlessly co-exist with discussions on perennially necessary topics, such as where to place a soupspoon when setting a formal table and whether one may wear white after Labor Day (the answer is yes). This integration of new material with old, according to Post, follows the same basic principles that underlay Emily Post’s original version—showing respect and consideration for others while placing a premium on honesty, graciousness and deference. The original book was considered revolutionary in its time because it recast manners from rigid Victorian rules into behavior that was based on ethics, values and common sense. This latest version isn’t revolutionary, but it’s useful. It also serves as a reminder of how individual choices may affect others and how easy it is to choose—words, wardrobes, gifts and actions—more wisely. At 800-plus pages, cover-to-cover reading isn’t intended. This is a book best referred to like a wise old aunt who would be consulted as situations warrant. Regardless of how one consumes it, every section, from "Dining and Entertaining" to "You and Your Job," tends to leave the reader feeling a bit improved for the effort and hopeful about Post’s assertion that good behavior is catching—the more it is displayed, the more it spreads.
  • From Booklist, USA   <2008-06-30 00:00>

    It is truly a wonder that more Americans don't consider Emily Post's discourses on etiquette one of the most useful reference books published, next to a dictionary, a thesaurus, and a world atlas. And with great-granddaughter-in-law's modernization, this seventeenth edition, covering birth through death, reflects what must be done concerning hundreds of social conventions. Wondering what are appropriate e-mail manners? Look no further than Peggy Post's list of 10 e-mail transgressions. Want to stifle the boorish conversationalist? Check carefully the author's witty rejoinders. With wisdom, wit, and no small amount of humility, Post carries on well the intent of her family: "Courteous people enrich their own spirits by making other people feel good." Barbara Jacobs
  • Jeremy McGuire , USA   <2008-06-30 00:00>

    No matter what your background is, you must be able to move comfortably in all circles; this is as true for the Rock-Star, Film-maker or Avante Garde painter as it is for the executive. Where some sources of modern manners are a bit too cute for men, Emily Post is straightforward and comprehensive. The large volume covers every aspect of social life from how to walk down the side-walk so as not to interrupt the flow of traffic to how to plan a wedding and all points between.
    Etiquette is not the restrictive discipline that it was in the Victorian era, but there is still an art to making people feel comfortable around you and confident in you. There are also sections of the chapters devoted to manners in different cultures that increasingly make up the fabric of America.
    I have enjoyed just opening the book at random and gleaning what wisdom is there, and make no mistake, there is great wisdom in behaving well. Far too often people do not get on in life and never know that it is their behavior that is at fault.
    Some people just seem naturally to do the right thing with great grace and people are effortlessly drawn to them. For the rest of us, there is Emily Post.
  • Specialkae, USA   <2008-06-30 00:00>

    Wow, I just got this in the mail today and have already thumbed thru it quite a we're a fairly youngish couple, 20s and early 30's, we have many events to attend every few months, weddings, baby showers, parties and of course family get togethers. We also host an RPG gaming session every two weeks and have recently added a new player who helps himself to whatever is available in the kitchen, makes snide remarks about my husband and I calling each other "honey" and brought (oh horrors, I know) an uninvited guest (his girlfriend) over to the first session. So, as soon as I got my hands on this book, I found the Parties section. Very, very helpful and it not only pointed out the failing we had, ie, not offering food for everyone when they walk in the door, but also the general boorishness of our new addition in simply dropping by early/unannounced, how to handle his uninvited guest with grace and dignity and how to keep him from eating us out of house and home; politely of course. Highly recommended...I've always thought I was raised with good manners, but it's still good to have a reference book when some situations come up that maybe one was not educated in growing up. Buy this book for a friend, family member or dear co-worker. The format is easy to get thru and is truly meant as a reference, not a cover to cover read. Invaluable!!!
  • Fabiana Pereira, Canada   <2008-06-30 00:00>

    My best friend once told me, about a person without manners: "S/he doesn't know how to restrain her/himself - we need some repression for civilization to work!" My take on that is a bit less psychoanalytic and more philosophical. I believe that beauty comes from the tension between discipline and creativity. This book from Emily/Peggy Post allows us to live in this state of grace, or savoir vivre: automatizing some little rules of consideration, in order to be more and more spontaneous with our fellow neighbor and dearest beings. Thank you for writing that. This book is helping me to be a better person and should serve me in becoming a better mother.
  • By Customer, USA   <2008-06-30 00:00>

    This is a great reference book for everything from when and how to write a thank you note, how to say please and thank you, yes sir (mam) and no sir (mam) and just have good manners and respect for others-----------what a concept for the younger generation and those who weren't taught manners to begin with!!!!!!! This book will take anybody from the beginning past their wedding and everything in between!!! I gave it to my 16 year old niece for was the first thing she picked up to "look up stuff"! Kids need all of the help they can get these days!
  • M. Roberts, USA   <2008-06-30 00:00>

    purchased this as a gift for a friend who often asks me etiquette questions and it was a big hit! First, the layout of the book is fantastic. It has a thumb-index (think old-fashioned dictionary), which makes it very easy to use and reference when you have any question. Second, it is a great modern update. This is not the Emily Post our grandmothers knew -- it has everything from when/how to tell friends/family you are divorcing to gay marriage/commitment ceremonies. Finally, all topics are handled very well and will answer almost every question you have -- even if it is as simple as do I wait to eat until the entire table is served (you may be surprised -- in parties over 5, you do not need to wait!). I recommend this book for recent graduates or those just starting out in the business world and want to feel more confident in business social interactions
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