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Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Leadership (精装)
 by Ken Blanchard

Category: Leadership, Situational leadership, Management
MSL price: ¥ 278.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Packing substance in a small volume, this book presents a practical model for diagnosing each person's level of development with regard to achieving each major goal.

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  • Warren Bennis, USA   <2008-06-30 00:00>

    Simple, smart, and useful--this book demonstrates that leadership competence is attainable by all who truly desire it.

  • Tom Managhan, USA   <2008-06-30 00:00>

    Leadership and the One Minute Manager® will provide you with the knowledge you need to build a winning team.
  • From A Customer, USA   <2008-06-30 00:00>

    This is an excellent book on situational leadership. It outlines what would seem to be a simple process to becoming a situational leader. The examples given are relevant and the book was very easy to read. The most valuable concept I learned from the book was the concept of "different strokes for the same folks," meaning that you can use different leadership styles with the same person depending on the task at hand. The only thing I didn't really care for about this book was the way in which it was written. The whole book consists of conversations between "the entrepreneur," the "one minute manager," and the subordinates of the one minute manager. It was kind of cheesy at some times, but it got the point across loud and clear
  • From A Customer, USA   <2008-06-30 00:00>

    Even though it is a quick read this book still is a very worth while read for managers and assistant managers alike. It is not a book about intricate system building or a new innovative style. It is all about doing basic management the right way. About how to get your mind set for looking at people as potential heroes in stead of hawking after peoples failures, while also being honest with them. And yes! It does work. People are happier and they become more productive. If you are caught in the trap of focusing on weakness and failure, this book could change your world around - and make you a much better and more productive manager. If you are already tuned in on trying to get the best out of your people, this book can offer you some easy steps to how to stay on the right track. I have the audio book and play it every day on my way to/ from work (together with "First - break all the rules"). Not that I cannot remember the simple and easy to follow steps that are suggested - but to make sure that I never - ever - slip over to the dark side. The book may seem common-sense to some. However, in my view trying to focus on the basics, just makes the book better. Maybe one small caution - do not expect to be able to mange your team literally "one minute" at the time. There are other important (and time consuming) aspects of managing than the ones covered here. But one-minute-managing may be just what you need to free up some of your time for those other tasks.
  • Carla Decker , USA   <2008-06-30 00:00>

    Leadership and the one minute manager: Increasing effectiveness through situational leadership (1985) cuts to the heart of leadership without mincing words. It is clear, meaningful and concise in explaining how situational leadership is necessary. The one-sentence blurbs and charts aid in easier understanding. Although I found the book to be set in a cheesy environment, the story is interesting and does a good job articulating that many different leadership styles are effective. I discovered that a good leader should be flexible enough to lead different people in different ways, continually wanting the best for each of them. This book tells us that leadership is more than simply managing others, but it is about working alongside and encouraging them to be good leaders as well.
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