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Corduroy (精装)
 by Don Freeman (Illustrator)

Category: Story, Love and acceptance, Ages 4-8, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 178.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A sweet classic of a teddy bear, which when you're older it still fills you with the same happy glow you felt the very first time you opened the cover; it indicates a message to children: love and acceptance.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    This story shows that it doesn't matter what you look like or what other people think of you, someone will always love you for who you are. After reading that book I always wanted a bear just like Corduroy with the missing button and all. I thought how it was so cute that the little girl came back with all her piggy bank money and bought the tiny bear that didn't even look new. Most kids will see things in the store and beg for it then forget about it once they are told no. There must have been something about Corduroy that you will have to read to find out.
  • Jenn (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    This book is an excellent choice for a story that a child will remember for a lifetime. This was a childhood favorite of mine and I just purchased this book the other day to add to a collection which I am saving for when my baby gets a little bit older since we are still in the board book stage at this moment. I definitely give this book 5 stars.
  • Kim (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    A great book with great illustrations. I have not known one person who hasn't liked it. Get it. You will not be disappointed.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    This book was read too many times as a young child and I have read it many times myself. I love it; it is such a cute story! The little bear with a missing button that no one wants to buy goes off on an adventure throughout the department store. Up the escalator he goes, thinking it is a mountain. When he reaches the next floor he sees all the beds and tables and chairs and believes that he must be in a palace! This is one of those happy, feel good stories. Even reading it as an adult I still love it. The pictures of this little bear are enough to make you want a little teddy bear of your own!
  • Gina Gilbert (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    This is wonderful simply read book. I love reading this book to my daughter and children in my day care. It is about a toy bear who lives in a department store. He wants to go home with someone and loved. He tries look for button thinking that is reason no one will buy him. But to his surprise someone does buy him.
  • Double Dee (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    I bought this book for my baby just a few months after I found out I was pregnant. It was my absolute favorite as a child and I wanted her to have it from Day One. The story and the artwork filled me with so many emotions as a kid - I remember feeling sad for the lonely little Corduroy and so full of hope and happiness when he was taken home and loved. I remember thinking the little girl in the story was special for seeing past Corduroy's flaw and that I should try to be more like her.
  • Jimmy Crouch (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    Corduroy, written in 1968 by Don Freeman, is a great book for children who are just learning to read up to those children in 4th or 5th grade. I myself enjoy this book to this day and I am in 8th grade. How could someone not like this book about a furry and lonely little bear looking for a home. This story is a classic, it has been told to many children and I would strongly recommend it to a parent looking for beginning books for their child. Corduroy is about a stuffed bear that lives in a warehouse who is missing a button. One night he searches for the button, but he does not find it so he goes to sleep. The next day he wakes to find that a girl has come to get him and he is finally given a home. Throughout the story you get a since of warmth and love and it makes you feel better. This book is also a challenging read for the younger children out there and is a great way to help beginning readers learn how to read quicker. Corduroy is in my opinion the best children's book that I have ever read, if you are a parent looking for a great book for your child, or if you are a child looking for a great book, Corduroy is definitely one that you won't want to pass up.
  • K. Chace (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    I used to love this story as I little girl, and I had a feeling my 2-year-old daughter was ready to enjoy it, too. I was right-she loves this sweet story of a teddy bear who lives in a department store hoping someone will want to take him home. Actually, it's a fairly long book for a 2-year-old, but it really holds her attention. She especially likes an episode where Corduroy leaves the toy department at night to search for his overalls' lost button. I can't even count how many times we've read this book together since its arrival.
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