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The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century (Updated and Expanded) (平装)
 by Paul R. Krugman

Category: Economics, Federal government, Finance and investing
Market price: ¥ 160.00  MSL price: ¥ 138.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Painting a pessimistic view of people acting badly, selfishly, and with little regard for the welfare of the people from whom they derive their power, whether it be economic, social or political, this is an excellent collection of Krugman's columns.
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  • Publishers Weekly (MSL quote), USA   <2008-10-17 00:00>

    "This is not, I'm sorry to say, a happy book," says Krugman in the introduction to this collection of essays culled from his twice-weekly New York Times op-ed column, and indeed, the majority of these short pieces range from moderately bleak political punditry to full-on "the sky is falling" doom and gloom. A respected economist, Krugman dissects political and social events of the past decade by watching the dollars, and his ideas are emphatic if not always well argued. He has a somewhat boyish voice and a pleasingly enthusiastic tone, although his enthusiasm sometimes leads him to take liberties with punctuation. The essays are grouped thematically instead of chronologically, which gives this audio adaptation a scattershot feel. Since these pieces were written over a long stretch of time, certain key ideas recur quite often-political reporters don't pay enough attention to the real news, the Bush administration is dishonest, big corporations are inherently untrustworthy-and can become tedious. To his credit, Krugman is not entirely partisan-he reveals himself to be a free-market apologist-and even listeners who disagree with most of the things he says will likely be taken in by his warm and energetic delivery.
  • James Carville (MSL quote), USA   <2008-10-17 00:00>

    If I had a tenth of Paul Krugman's brain and a twentieth his courage, I'd be the happiest person alive.
  • Paul A. Samuelson, Institute Professor Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA   <2008-10-17 00:00>

    Krugman twice a week and in this coherent sum-up on relevant 2003-2010 economics. Buy. Read. Ponder. Benefit.
  • Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. (MSL quote), USA   <2008-10-17 00:00>

    Lively, lucid, witty, superbly informed, his commentary on the state of the union is required reading.
  • David Levering Lewis, author of W.E.B. DuBois: Biography of a Race, USA   <2008-10-17 00:00>

    Paul Krugman's coruscant book calls for a "great revulsion" across the land before it is too late.
  • Molly Ivins (MSL quote), USA   <2008-10-17 00:00>

    You need to read this book, and when you do, you'll have only one response: it's time to get mad.
  • A guest reviewer (MSL quote), USA   <2008-10-17 00:00>

    Krugman is a godsend. As a Princeton economist, he has the training, the time, and most importantly, the job security to take on the huge job of analyzing the Bush administration's policies and exposing them for what they are. The corporate-owned mainstream press must bow to many masters, including popular opinion, and must placate the administration officials they cover for fear of losing the most precious thing in news: access. Krugman has the luxury (if that word applies to the daunting task he's taken on) of assiduously digesting the Bush camp's proposals and actions, including complicated economic plans that most of us have neither the training nor the time to study in detail, and point out in clear language how they differ not only from many of the administration's own statements but from what most people (i.e., the majority of us who aren't millionaires) want out of our government. I've been reading his Times columns faithfully, and find that they have done some of the best work widely available of demonstrating factually just how socially retrograde and economically dangerous the Bush policies are. He details the frightening arrogance and irresponsibility of those at the top of this government, facts that are only now beginning to be brought to the attention of the general public. If you're now surprised by the titanic budget deficit and what it has done and will do to the economy, the huge mess in Iraq - including the deceits that got us involved there in the first place - and the White House's cluelessness in dealing with it, the jobless 'recovery,' critical cuts in basic social services like schools, police and fire houses, health care and more, and revelations about continuing domestic security vulnerabilities, well, none of this is news to Krugman readers. Simply put, he's one of the best.
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