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The CEO and the Monk: One Company's Journey to Profit and Purpose (精装)
 by Robert B. Catell, Kenny Moore, Glenn Rifkin

Category: CEO thinking, Corporate governance, Leadership, Management
Market price: ¥ 300.00  MSL price: ¥ 248.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This thought-provoking book will inspire you and give you hope that organizations can both do the right thing and do well.
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  • Publishers Weekly (MSL quote), USA   <2008-10-20 00:00>

    The sublime union of temporal and spiritual power in the business world is celebrated in this earnest corporate hagiography. The titular monk is ex-Catholic clergyman Moore, a "thoughtful, provocative, gentle and good-natured" man with "the interpersonal skills of a priest, the serenity of a monk, the unbiased attitude of a business neophyte and a stark absence of a personal agenda." Signing on to the human resources department of gas utility Brooklyn Union, Moore becomes a confessor to troubled colleagues and a spiritual advisor to CEO Catell. As the energy market deregulates and Brooklyn Union metastasizes into energy conglomerate KeySpan through a series of traumatic mergers and acquisitions, Moore helps the company "hold on to its soul" through a regimen of high-concept human resources initiatives in which employees meditate, create murals, do improv comedy and vent their feelings, initiatives that are also supplemented by random acts of senseless beauty, like sending anonymous floral bouquets to unsung workers. Nominally the company ombudsman, Moore displays a combination of sacramental and community-building roles that makes him more like an archbishop; he likens one of his HR functions to a Catholic Mass, another to the Last Supper, and even presides, decked out in priestly vestments, over a "funeral" for Brooklyn Union. Employees roll their eyes at first, but Moore is stoutly supported by Catell, a "messianic CEO" whose "salvific task" Moore compares to that of Moses himself. In the book’s trinitarian chapter structure, business journalist Rifkin (Radical Marketing) offers third-person narrative sections praising the character and good works of the two KeySpan executives, followed by first-person sections in which Moore and Catell praise each other (and themselves.) The result is a fairly well-written devotional tract that will inspire far more than it enlightens.
  • HR.Com Book of the Year 2003, Runner-Up, January, 2004, USA   <2008-10-20 00:00>

    Entertaining and human story of making a business work by keeping an eye on the intangibles of the human experience.
  • Boston Globe (MSL quote), USA   <2008-10-20 00:00>

    If you're interested in CEO thinking, human resources issues, and corporate culture, ''The CEO and the Monk" is worth reading.
  • Harvard Business School's Working Knowledge, USA   <2008-10-20 00:00>

    It's an odd partnership that makes for an offbeat but intriguing story.
  • David Rockefeller (MSL quote), USA   <2008-10-20 00:00>

    The CEO and the Monk is an enormously interesting and utterly charming book. We all know that we have to restore faith in our capitalist system if it is to survive and flourish. Bob Catell, with the assistance of an unusual advisor, did just that at a critical moment in his company’s evolution and our nation’s history. This is a rare business story that will both amaze and inspire you.
  • Peter Block, consultant, speaker, and author of many bestselling books, USA   <2008-10-20 00:00>

    This is a wonderful story of commitment, integrity, and the power of relationships. It offers the possibility that executives who care about community and people bring both honor and economic success to their business. Inspiring and practical, The CEO and the Monk threatens to restore our faith in those who lead us. I tip my hat to Bob and Kenny for telling the story of how human values can be brought into the marketplace. This book is unique and much needed.
  • Beverly Kaye, founder and CEO, Career Systems International, and coauthor of Love It, Don’t Leave It, USA   <2008-10-20 00:00>

    The CEO and the Monk offers great lessons for any leader or HR professional who wants to build a positive work environment. Where else can you learn to handle such business challenges as mergers and acquisitions, growth, deregulation, cutbacks, and change intertwined with the human issues like employee involvement and communication in one place? Filled with best practice concrete examples, this is one of the finest case studies for engagement and retention that I have ever seen.
  • Jim Champy, Chairman of Consulting for Perot Systems and coauthor of Reengineering the Corporation, USA   <2008-10-20 00:00>

    Managers don’t always recognize the critical need for trust and understanding. The CEO and the Monk will awaken their sensibilities. It brilliantly blurs the line between the soft and the hard of business, and proves that you don’t have to sacrifice your soul to make a profit.
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