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My Thirteenth Winter (平装)
 by Samantha Abeel

Category: Award-winning books, Fiction, Learning disability, Ages 9-12, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 88.00  MSL price: ¥ 78.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This book is an honest, hopeful autobiography that will inspire anyone who has ever had to overcome an obstacle in his or life and is a must-read for teachers, parents, and kids with learning disabilities (LD), which help them to find the light of hope in the dark.
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  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    Samantha Abeel's story is a memoir with reads with all the smoothness, drama and pointed observations of a novel. Her math-related learning disability sets her apart from others and until she is diagnosed in 7th grade, her life is one big struggle. My Thirteenth Winter is a very fine autobiography of courage and frustration.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    I think this memoir was so well written I don’t know what to say. The way she describes everything- I can see myself in a few chapters as she struggles with those panic attacks. I suffer the same ones, day and night worrying, and how she described them, it’s perfect. That book really had an impact on me. It gives people that are at their lowest, hope to keep going to find the light in the dark, whether they have a learning disorder or an anxiety one.
  • M. Davis, USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    I read the entire book in one sitting. Samantha Abeel writes with grace and amazing imagery. She lets the reader into her world so completely that I found myself weeping for her suffering. I feel privileged to have been allowed to see inside her world. My 8 year-old son was recently diagnosed with dyslexia and mild discalculia. I could see him in her struggles, especially with time and money. In her feelings of isolation and depression, I could see myself at her age. Her conclusions about antidepressants were very affirming to read. Ms. Abeel said so eloquently what I have always believed. Her courage and perseverance are most admirable-what a wonderful role-model and spokesperson for the learning disabled (LD). If you or someone you love or someone you teach struggles with learning disabilities, anxiety or depression, read this memoir. It is enlightening for parents and teachers, and would-I imagine-be liberating for anyone struggling with LD.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    This book is an absolute must-read for teachers, parents, and kids with learning disabilities (LD) and other special needs. Beautifully written, honest and very open about what life is like for a child with learning disabilities. This is especially important reading for those who don't understand that a child can be both intellectually gifted and LD, and that no one is "too smart" to have a learning disability. As someone who works with families of gifted/special needs children, I will be recommending this book widely.
  • Lori Wilkey, USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    As a teacher of fifth and sixth graders, this book really touched my heart. I have three special needs children in my class of thirteen kids. I feel that this book has given me a better understanding of what life must be like for people with disabilities. My heart just wanted to reach out to this child that was terrified of going to school everyday because she couldn't do the work, particularly math, no matter how hard she tried. Samantha Abeel does an exemplary job in showing that all people have talents and gifts. I know it is very frustrating to work with a student every day that just can't seem to "get it." Samantha reminds us that even if someone is not good with math, she might be able to write. Never give up on the child. I recommend this book to all children, parents, and especially teachers. This book will remind you that life can be very frightening for people that don't think or learn like the majority of people.
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