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QBQ! The Question Behind the Question: Practicing Personal Accountability in Work and in Life (精装)
 by John G. Miller

Category: Personal accountability, Problem-solving, Personal development
Market price: ¥ 250.00  MSL price: ¥ 218.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
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MSL Pointer Review: This awesome and life-changing short book advocates personal accountability in work and life. You'll see your life change for better if you learn and apply the principles.
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  • K. Lowenstein (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    I happened upon this little gem strictly by accident, or was it divine intervention. QBQ is a straight-to-the-point, no-fluff and tremendously relevant book no matter who you are. While reading you think, 'Wow, it's really that simple to change my outlook and the way I go about my daily activities?' The reality of personable accountability hits home, and it hits home hard. John backs up his insights with examples that we can all relate to. It's not a magic pill or mysterious tonic. What QBQ is, is a set of guideline for living your life to the fullest based upon the conscious choices you make and asking better questions that focus on the “how and what I can do” and not the victimization questions that begin with “why, when and who.” The book is a quick read, but the changes are up to you to implement. John goes beyond the book by providing his readers with a website the supports the QBQ way. I've already seen positive changes in how I deal with family, friends and business associates.
  • R. Klinger (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    So many books miss the point when it comes to accountability/responsibility. But author/speaker John G. Miller QBQ! in QBQ! it with a practical "how to" method to live it each day. Rarely do you find a book so small with such a "hands on" approach. It is specific in every way because:

    1. QBQ! tells us WHY personal accountability is important and WHAT it is.

    2. QBQ! teaches us what accountability is NOT. This is critical because without this, we don't really "get it."

    3. QBQ! shows us HOW to do it by eliminating bad questions we ask and how to ask excellent questions of ourselves. The three step technique taught is effective and easy to apply. A gem of a tool.

    4. QBQ! changes one's thinking instantly so you view problems, frustrations and your daily work differently right away .... and in a better light.

    5. QBQ! helps us realize that accountability is about ME and not others

    6. QBQ! provides excellent stories about people who practice personal accountability and it is these stories that live with me long after I've read the book.

    And just like the author recommends, QBQ! is to be read over and over so it becomes part of our daily walk. I keep my copy right on my desk as THE resource to help me stop blaming, whining, and procrastinating and begin each day with an accountable mindset.

    I also give 5 stars to Miller's new book Flipping the Switch... Unleashing the Power of Personal Accountability. An absolutely terrific companion piece to QBQ! More wonderful stories and additional practical content.

    We had Mr. Miller ( in to keynote our conference and he is a fantastic speaker... so that is another way to bring QBQ! and the message of accountability into an organization.
  • Dave (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    This book contains a lot of common sense guidance on how to practice personal accountability. Like all books like this, your first instinct is to say "I need to give this book to my employees, spouse, brother, etc." However, this book isn't about changing others, but about changing yourself, the one person whom you have any control over.

    I especially enjoyed the direction given on asking the right questions, often substituting "I" for "we", "you", "they", etc. This book gives good guidance on common sense leadership principles that I find especially useful which redirects you from the natural tendency to look for scapegoats rather than search for solutions, a common problem in many organizations.

    A very good little book that gives sound advice regardless who you are and what responsibilities you are faced with.
  • Andrea Alhsen (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    I've read this book at least five times now. As a career professional ranging from higher education to corporations, no one is immune to the "blame game" of he did it/she did it or better yet, "they" did it.

    Much time and emotional energy is spent on blaming others for problems, frustrations, and anger. This also spans into our personal lives.

    QBQ address the crux of the matter or what I feel is truly choice. Many people do not feel that they have choice or that they need to deal with the deck of cards they've been handed. The reality is that all of us have a choice on how to act or react in any given situation.

    QBQ takes the premise of choice and places into a framework that takes blame language into positive, actionable language where one can take charge of a situation. Instead of who did it or why did "they" cut our budget, an appropriate rephrase might be "how can I help this situation?"

    This book is a very easy read, half hour tops and is good to come back to again and again. No matter how positive one might be, even the best of us can fall into victim thinking to remove ourselves from the equation.

    An excellent read for anyone, professionally or personally.
  • J. Ges (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    Both of Miller's books are life changing. One is QBQ! and the other is Flipping the Switch. Very practical content that anyone can use. He teaches how to stop the blaming and victim thinking. As I read it, it stopped me in my tracks: Simple but profound. I realized right then, though I thought I was an accountable person, I had been off track by asking the Incorrect Questions that lead me to finger-pointing and waiting for others to get things done. Now at work I am better able to practice personal accountability by simply looking at a situation and asking, "What can I do to help?" as opposed to blaming the other dep't or my boss or my colleagues. I find the QBQ! approach reduces my stress and I manage my time better. Blame is such a time waster. When I then read Miller's newest book (Flipping the Switch) I realized these ideas can be taken even deeper. I can build Trust, Learning, Creativity, Service, and Ownership into my daily walk. I highly recommend both books. Buy them as a set. Both are an hour read and well worth the time and money!
  • Ed Smitz (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    QBQ! is a book that simply works. I keep it with me. As it teaches me to respond in a healthy manner to all kinds of situations. We have use the training program to train all of our staff. Being DVD based featuring Miller himself teaching what he knows best - personal accountability - it's very easy to implement. The book comes with it and helps me ask great questions of me so I can avoid blame, and whining, etc. QBQ! has worked its way into our culture and we talk the language. It's by far an away the best piece on personal accountability out there. Brief, full of stories, and easy to read. A five star for sure!
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