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The Going To Bed Book (平装)
 by Sandra Boynton

Category: Bedtime & Dreaming, Ages 0-3, Children's book
Market price: ¥ 128.00  MSL price: ¥ 108.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: It's a great book for the children who are reluctant to go to bed.
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  • I. McClain , USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    My kids loved this book when they were little and, believe it or not, I read it so much to them that I can still recite it 16 years later! It's one of the first books that I've picked out for nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews, friend's babies-you name it. Wonderful rhymes, nice pictures-you can't go wrong with Boynton's books.
  • Marie hui , ca United States   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    This book is one book we truly adore. My son seemed magnetized to this book. This was one of the first books I read to him at bedtime...whether nighttime or naptime. We love this better than Goodnight Moon. I actually can read the book to my son with my eyes close after a couple of readings. The rhyming text flows so smoothly, that makes reading so fun, easy and addicting. I never liked reading but this hooked me to doing so daily. I'd even whisper the repetitive texts to my son's ear, which he likes so much. He gives me a rewarding giggle for that. Phrases we like most are:

    "The sun has set not long ago.
    Now everybody goes below
    To take a bath in one big tub
    With soap all over, SCRUB-SCRUB-SCRUB!!!"

    "They hang their towels on the wall
    And find pajamas, big and small.
    With some on top and some beneath,
    They BRUSH and BRUSH and BRUSH their teeth."

    "And when the moon is on the rise,
    They all go up to exercise!
    And down once more but not so fast,
    They're on their way to bed at last."

    "The day is done, They say goodnight,
    And somebody turns off the light.
    The moon is high. The sea is deep.
    They ROCK and ROCK and ROCK to sleep."

    One great buy, One great treasure to keep forever in our hearts. I highly recommend this Boynton Book.
  • R. L. Scott, NY, USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    Sandra Boynton is one of my favorite children's book authors. She makes even the mundane bedtime rituals fun, and has cute characters as well as fun reading. I have all of her books and have read them to all 3 of my children. My children love pointing to the characters and reading along with me (I have read them so many times, they have the books memorized!). Easy reading for young children and short enough for the wee little ones. I highly recommend this book, as well as Sandra Boynton's other books!
  • Ellis Godard, USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    The other (positive) reviews are all spot on, except for the age ranges discussed. Like all of Boynton's books, this one's not just for toddlers, 2-6 year olds, etc. I've been reading (reciting, really, since I know it so well from our first child) this to our daughter since she was only 3 or 4 months old, and she knows and recognizes its cadence remarkably well even now at not quite 9 months. It's a great tool that I incorporate not only in reading as part of the bedtime routine, with the book in hand in a rocking chair, but also something I recite while dressing her - a great tool, that is, for shifting from the fun and frolic of the bath, to the placidity of the reading/rocking chair.
  • M. Allen Greenbaum, USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    Sandra Boynton's colorful board book is a bedtime treat! An assortment of expressive animals gets ready for bed aboard a giant boat. Boynton amusingly shows then bathing, dressing, brushing teeth ("With some on top and some beneath, they brush and brush and brush their teeth."), and exercising together.

    It closes with the animals settling down for the night: "They rock and rock and rock to sleep." Graced by Boynton's well-known illustrations and rhythmic, lullaby-like poetry, this is a great book for infants and toddlers alike. It's one of those books you'll keep long after the kid(s) grow up.
  • J. McKellar, AK USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    After reading all of the positive reviews here, I decided to order this book for my two year old son, who loves to read. I must admit, I probably would never have picked it out, but my son absolutely loves it! Every time we finish reading it, he says, "Mommy, read again." I recommend it to anyone who has a little reader at home.
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