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Solution Selling, Creating Buyers in Difficult Selling Markets (精装)
 by Michael T. Bosworth

Category: Solution selling, High value selling, Consultative Selling
Market price: ¥ 318.00  MSL price: ¥ 288.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: The standard in high value selling, this book is the bible for consultative sales.
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  • Gorshi, Dan (Sales Manager, AT&T Global Business Communications Systems), USA   <2006-12-28 00:00>

    Solution Selling is an excellent vehicle to teach new salespeople critical sales skills and allow experienced salespeople to fine tune their skills. Solution Selling is the best methodology I've seen for placing emphasis on business issues rather than product.
  • J. Straub (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-28 00:00>

    Bosworth sells us all on solution selling. He teaches us how to sell everything from shoes to software. IBM recommends this book as the definitive guide to their sales strategy. Bosworth provides numerous examples, case studies, and most importantly he explains and analyzes each of them. But perhaps the best example of solution selling is the book itself - it solution-sells the concept of solution selling, from catching our attention, demonstrating that a problem exists, asking us questions, and finally prescribing a solution: solution selling. A must read for anyone in sales or business in general.
  • Frank Verkich (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-28 00:00>

    It is often said that "people buy people" and Michael Bosworth's book Solution Selling explains why. Can you remember buying a big ticket item and not having to be "closed" on the deal? Well I can, and Solution Selling explains exactly how that happened. Michael Bosworth crystallizes the process that all great sales people use every day to become one of the 20% that make 80% of the sales. Once you have read this book, you will recognize "Solution Selling" techniques being used by the sales masters to effectively create relationships that close the sale. These techniques can be used to create win-win relationships in the workplace, or to make increased sales. I have benefited greatly from reading this book and I say "Don't let this one get away without reading it!" Thanks Michael Bosworth for demystifying the sales process and letting us know why sales people are, and should be, the most highly paid people in the world.
  • Larry Shulman (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-28 00:00>

    After selling network and connectivity services through my own business for 26 years, I finally learned why I was successful, and why I failed. The most important part I took away was to shut down my attempt to rush a solution on a customer that I knew was correct. Rather I must develop a careful vision for the buyer, through many of the techniques I already apply in a haphazard way.

    Slowing down, building the vision, is critical to a sale of services. Very hard to imagine "good network services" versus cruising in a BMW. The book is one of 50 that I have on sales and the first one to "click" Others have been good but typically just confirmed what I knew, this one forced action and thinking and role playing. Maybe because it was difficult to understand at first. Those selling services will surely benefit from it.
  • Rick Pultorak (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-28 00:00>

    In my estimation, this book picks up where the New Strategic Selling, the New Conceptual Selling, and Successful Large Account Management leave off. The first three books are also excellent and focus on the strategic aspects of selling and marketing. This book is focused on the tactical aspects of selling and sales management with a good primer on negotiating with buyers.
  • Eric Albertson (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-28 00:00>

    God only makes so many natural sales people. As a Director of Sales and then a VP Sales & Marketing, I had to have a way to enable a wide variety of people to have consistent success selling my company's wide variety of expensive products and services... or I would be out on my ear. I also needed a way to tell my CEO and CFO what revenue they could expect monthly and quarterly. Solution Selling gave me the way. The results were that I could teach almost anyone to sell successfully and could set very accurate revenue forecasts to the delight of my management.

    The book is excellent. The seminar is even better. Really implementing this stuff is a step to take luck out of your sales and marketing operation. Implementing this take a commitment from your CEO and VP Marketing. If you do not get all the pieces into place (all very reasonable) and strictly enforce compliance to the process, your results will improve but will be a mere shadow of the market dominating power of Mike Bosworth’s outstanding gift to the sales and marketing profession. Don't worry about your competition. You could send them the book and 99% of them would prefer to keep counting on luck to fatten their bank accounts. Do the work and let your competition wonder what happened to their former luck.
  • James Carter (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-28 00:00>

    I own an agency for OD/HR consulting and have read HUNDREDS of books, manuals etc on selling. I am especially interested in books about selling high dollar intangibles (HR consulting is incredibly intangible). This book is by far the best book I have ever read for this type of selling. If you sell these intangibles, you must read this book.

    HOWEVER, in order for these ideas to actually be effective, you must plan on implementing the ideas and putting in a lot of work. Bosworth shows you, tells you, gives you an outline, gives you specific questions and just about anything else you could need to be successful after implementing his process. But this is not a book you can simply read and be successful. It takes practice, practice, practice.

    Since I have instituted his process in my selling (and I STILL practice the process), my sales calls have dramatically improved. Most noticeably, Bosworth shows you how to position yourself and ask questions in such a way so that the customer feels in control of the process. I actually have had prospects close themselves.

    The ideas and plans in 'Solution Selling' require a great deal of hard work for the sales person to implement, but trust me, it will pay off. Not only that, if you love sales like I do, it will help sales be fun again.
  • Harinath Thummalapalli (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-28 00:00>

    What will you get out of this book? You will learn to make the process of selling a very formidable strategic and competitive advantage on top of all the other advantages you may already have (technical competence, etc.). This possibility alone immediately convinced me to get this book without a moment's hesitation.

    First of all, let me say that this book is aimed at showing you more than just selling services. It is aimed at teaching you how to sell anything (services or products) that is difficult to sell - intangible, hard to describe, or expensive.
    I am most familiar with selling services so I will restrict this review to this one aspect of the book. If you are in consulting, you have already experienced the deleterious effects of a bad sale several times in your career.

    But if you are the salesperson responsible for selling these services, you really don't see any way out of the most common situations that lead to the bad sales! I have been both a sales person trying to sell and the project manager trying to implement these badly sold projects. Before reading this book, I strongly felt that there was no solution (no pun intended). One of my really good friends recommended this book after hearing my complaints. I started reading it a bit at a time and it has taken me several months to put this theory into practice. And I am still learning (nowhere close to sales excellence). But there is finally some light at the end of the tunnel for anyone stuck in a similar situation because of what's in this book.

    The book is divided into three parts - 10 Faces of Pain, Strategies to facilitate, influence, and control the buying process, and Solution selling in action. Through out the book, the author uses several realistic examples in a dialogue fashion to clearly show the problem at hand. The first part sets the stage so that you are ready for the solution, the second part outlines and describes in detail 10 different strategies, and the last part is full of success stories of people or companies that used these strategies to eliminate their selling pain.
    If you are having trouble selling something, do not hesitate to get this book. I have not regretted this purchase even once! My only recommendation is to spend a lot of time understanding every aspect of the solution selling process so you can master it. Good luck!
  • Sid Sahni (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-28 00:00>

    I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to differentiate himself/herself in sales today. It examines the role of the "seller" and tries to position him/her as the "buying facilitator." Conceptually, it is difficult to argue with Mike's line of reasoning and process. However, I tried to examine some of my recent sales opportunities as I was reading this book, and found several exceptions that justified deviating from the process prescribed herein.

    Therefore, it goes back to the traditional wisdom in sales that every opportunity is unique in some way and should be treated as such. There is no one "silver bullet" process to go about winning opportunities (which is the paradigm I sense from this book).

    Three additional drawbacks that are worth commenting on regarding the book: First of all, despite what Mike might claim, the book is biased towards selling products or products and services as opposed to pure services. Secondly, I think customers are more intelligent than what Mike gives them credit for. He presents them as being generally unaware of solutions for their problems, but discusses them in the context of being shrewd buyers. My experience is that most customers are fairly well-read and informed through journals and periodicals and even the hype (even for their "latent needs") - and this information has not necessarily been shaped by a competitor that entered the process earlier. Additionally, I have not found my customers to be as vicious price negotiators as Mike portrays them to be in his examples. Finally, my impression is that Mike's selling process assumes some level of brand recognition in favor of the seller's product/company. I think companies have a harder time letting you shape their vision if they have never worked with you before or heard of you!

    For those that are aware of SPIN selling - the concept is very similar but the implementation is unique to the way Mike perceives and describes the problem. Even so, the book is insightful and worth a read!
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