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Secrets of Millionaire Mind, Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth (精装)
 by T. Harv Eker

Category: Personal finance, Personal wealth, Self help
Market price: ¥ 228.00  MSL price: ¥ 208.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Great, to-the-point book on earning and keeping your wealth.
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  • Loren (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Exposure to Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive set me on a path of working towards financial freedom over two years ago. I also attended the Guerilla Business School, a $2,500 intensive.

    What is important to realize is that actually being in a room in the workshops and doing it several days in a row will actually (as it did with me) shift your perspective, if you are at all open to having it shifted.

    Getting into a better mindset with regards to prosperity is fundamentally an issue of breaking down old programs and replacing them with new ones.

    This book may help you, but the seminar will help you more.

    The Millionaire Mind intensive taught me things and set in motion a change in perspective for me. I am now financially free and well on my way to be wealthy as an internet marketer.

    Being rich is a matter of perspective. True wealth is measured for me by the health of my body and mind, my relationships, and lastly my pocketbook. But its sure good to have plenty left over at the end of the month.

    A journey worth pursuing.
  • Patrick Goonan (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Harv Eker does a good job of describing the inner game of creating wealth. What I most like about this book is that it is focused on some good core values. For example, one of the wealth principles says, "If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a non-supportive root such as fear, anger, or the need to "prove" yourself, your money will never bring you happiness." I think that's a true statement and a pretty good message to be putting out along with all the other advice on becoming wealthy. It provides balance and this is one of a number of examples of similar responsible statements. I very much believe it is possible to become wealthy serving others and the communities in which businesses operate. Unfortunately, it is also possible to become wealthy and leave a path of devastation behind.

    Admittedly, many of the ideas in this book are very simple and even clich?s. However, it is entertaining and gives one a sense of what it takes to get wealthy and how to do it without compromising important values. While the advice is simple, the application can be very difficult. I think the golden rule falls into this category. The deeper question is how can I live up to the golden rule? In a similar way, Eker leaves me wanting to know more about how one would rise to the occasion and change deep-seated behaviors that undermine a person's ability to apply the simple principles he describes.

    Ideally, I would love to see everyone who reads this book also read American Mania and perhaps A Brief History of Everything. I think having more money implies having more responsibility to use it wisely. I think the same can be said of technology. Technology is great in its place, but a society must have the wisdom to use it to its advantage. As we all know, more technology in itself doesn't always improve a situation. This aspect of the technology game is often neglected as is the ethical aspects of acquiring wealth. I applaud this author for keeping some of these things in mind while providing some good practical advice on increasing one's net worth.

    If you are interested in the metaphysics underlying economics, you might enjoy reading Small Is Beautiful by Schumacher. Other books that take an ethical approach to business practices include The Ecology of Commerce by Paul Hawken, A Better Way to Think about Business by Robert Solomon and Stewardship by Peter Block. The subtitles of the last two books capture the essence of each of them well... A Better Way to Think about Business - How Personal Integrity Leads to Corporate Success and Stewardship - Choosing Service Over Self-Interest. It would be nice to get these things right so we can keep providing a great example for the rest of the world and leave it an even better place for those that follow us.
  • Sally Atman (MSL quote) , USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Eker has taken all the old tried-and-true information and created an industry. This book comes in every form imaginable, and Eker even created a deck of cards so we won't forgot his pearls of wisdom which amount to variations on the golden rule and other dirt-basic "reminders" (as if we need any more of that stuff floating around).

    Not only did Eker take old information, he even cashed in on an old title. Readers might remember the bestseller The Millionaire Mind? It wasn't written by Eker.

    In this book, Eker offers a lot of free goodies at his website. But to get into that website, you have to enter a registration number found at the back of the book. My book doesn't have one. Yesterday I went back to the book store and checked, and none of Eker's books have registration numbers. On the way home I stopped at another bookstore and found the same problem. I wrote to Eker via e-mail, and was told that "if" I still had my sales slip (I didn't), that I could enter a number from that. What's with the speakeasy attitude? What is this character trying to prove?

    The whole thing is just too slimy for me, from the littering of seminar ads throughout the book to the self-righteous "I've Changed Millions Of Lives" attitude. Eker is the kind of guy who gives rich people a bad name. Yes, I want to get it into my head that it's all right to have money, but I don't want Eker telling me how to do it. He should be selling used cars.

    (A negative review. MSL remarks.)

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