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Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs (平装)
 by Judi Barrett , Ron Barrett (illustrator)

Category: Fiction, Story, Ages 4-8, Children's book
Market price: ¥ 98.00  MSL price: ¥ 88.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Have you ever thought that it'll rain soup and juice, snows mashed potatoes, and blows storms of hamburgers from sky? This book will give you the picture about that.
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  • Carole Burrage , USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    This is one book that bridges the generation gap. There are many books in my son's library that elicit a groan in me when he chooses them during our nightly story reading, but Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs certainly isn't one of them. From the absurd tall-tale to the fabulously detailed drawings, each time we read this book we find something new to discuss. Due to the fact that my son is only three and a half, and not able to understand much of the subtle humor of the illustrations, I know this book will have a very long shelf-life at our house as he starts "getting" more and more of the punchlines throughout the years. In the meantime, he is fascinated by the pancake that Grandpa flips onto Henry's head and the giant jello setting in the sky after dinner one night in the delicious land of Chewandswallow.
  • A Kid, USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    Do you enjoy a good, funny, story? If you do, then Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is the book for you. In this story, two young kid's grandfather, tells them a bed time story. This story is about a city called Chewandswallow. Chewandswallow is a town far, far away across many seas and oceans. In this town many interesting things happen. It rains and storms all of the city food and drinks! Nobody has to go to a store because it rains what they all need. Even if they feel like it, they can save some food for snacks in between meals! But, something goes terribly wrong in the city of Chewandswallow! To find out the rest of what happens, read the ending of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. It is a great story, and I think that even if you are 100 you will still enjoy this book. I encourage everyone to read this story. It has an excellent story line and is fun for everyone to read!
  • A Kid, USA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    I really liked this story and I think that it is a funny book and I think that a lot of kids will like this story and I think there’s a lot of good parts in this story but I think it should be a longer story and I think that the children need to ask questions about the school and it needs to have more action in it because people need to say like all this is a good story I want to read it again but when children read this book there like this don't have a lot of action I don't want to read this book again it don't have much action and not wanting to be mean but just make it have more action and it needs to be a little bit longer. I think it’s a good story but I think JUDI BARRET & RON BARRET could do much better than they did. that's all I wanted to say.
  • Betty Dravis , San Jose, CA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    This is undoubtedly the funniest book I've read in a long while. I had a blast reading it ... and I'm an adult! I can just imagine how it will tickle my grandchildren's funny-bones! Johnny will most likely be taunting Ashley with lines from this book forever.

    I've been told I have a great imagination, but Judi Barrett takes the prize. A wonderful author who knows how to write with children in mind. Not to mention how much we adults love her characters and her wit. ...

    Food falling from the sky! A town with an outrageously funny name! Vivid descriptions! Great art!

    I am left with one over-used but appropriate word: WOW!
  • New mom , DeKalb Illinois   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    I read this book to my 4 year old daughter and she could not stop LAUGHING! The illustrations are not traditional yet captivating and the overall content is HILARIOUS. The content provides opportunity to extend the story and laughs. I have read other "funny" quality children's books but the laughter that came out of my child was like no other after reading this book! Definitely a part of our personal library!
  • Roo Stamps , CA   <2006-12-20 00:00>

    I love this book. I have loved it since the first time it was read to me. This is by far one of my favorite children's books, matter of fact, it's one of my favorite books period. This is probably one of the books that have inspired me to write myself. I've been writing now since I was 6 years old and I owe much of my creative mind to books like this. Children of all ages love this book. Food falling from the sky, that's pretty frickin' cool. You will be a better person once you read this book, it will expand your mind and your love for creativity.
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