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Think and Grow Rich! (Mass Market Paperback) (平装)
 by Napoleon Hill

Category: Personal success, Personal wealth, Inspiration, Self help
Market price: ¥ 108.00  MSL price: ¥ 98.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
Other editions:   Paperback
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: With 60 million copies sold in the past 70 years, Think and Grow Rich! is simply the best personal success book ever written.
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  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    What common link do Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Charles Schwab, John D. Rockefeller, Thomas Edison, Teddy Roosevelt, and Mahatma Gandhi share? They are simply a few among the hundreds of individuals from whom Napoleon Hill had the opportunity to learn, one on one, the secret formula behind their success. If you do your research, not one of them simply happened to be at the right place at the right time. Nor was any one of them born with a supernatural talent. Hill explains that what separates these people from the masses is simply a difference in mindset, a focus that enables them to obtain whatever they set their mind to. According to Hill, anyone that studies and internalizes this book adequately enough has just as much potential for achieving their dreams in life.

    Sounds too good to be true? I would have thought so myself. Yet after doing my own research, I couldn't help but find many contemporary success figures repeatedly attributing their own success to the principles of this book: Robert Allen, Jim Rohn, Robert Kiyosaki, and Mark Victor Hansen - to name a few.

    My only suggestion is that you don't read Think and Grow Rich like any anther book on the shelf: study it like a textbook and consider it your guidebook of wealth secrets.
  • Larry Hehn (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Napoleon Hill encourages readers to go through this book at least three times. Solid advice, for there is a lot to chew on here.

    First, you must know what it is that you want. As the publisher notes, "The riches within your grasp cannot always be measured in money." Get a clear picture of your definition of riches. Second, you must keep an eye open for opportunity, and be prepared to apply this material to transform thought into rewards.

    20 years of research are crammed into these pages. You will learn six steps to stimulate your subconscious mind to turn desire into gold, a five step self-confidence formula, the 31 major causes of failure, how to train yourself to be persistent, how to multiply your brain power through a Master Mind group, the power of sex transmutation, the secret of effective prayer, and how to identify and conquer fear.

    Do not aim to understand and apply all of these concepts in one trip through the book. Some of the ideas presented here take a while to absorb. Treat it like a buffet, sampling some of the familiar and comfortable in the first wave, while trying some of the new ideas as well. Look to understand and apply more with each read. As you progress, you will see evidence of the truth behind each chapter.

    Henry Ford said, "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason so few engage in it." This is not always an easy read. The concepts aren't trendy and easy to apply, so some are likely to dismiss them. But if you take the time to study this book, apply the principles and really start "thinking" right, you will grow rich.
  • Robert Altman (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Napoleon Hill spent 25 years writing this book after being persuaded to do so by Andrew Carnegie-the richest man in the world at the time. The book turned out wonderful. There is no denying that this book is a winner. Although it truly a very high concentrated book, what it says is still pertinent today. The book can be discouraging since it presents many examples of success. You need to be ready for this book since it tells you of extra ordinary winners. It tells many stories of successful people and unless you are prepared to be a success yourself, you may not understand what is being said. The book puts plainly before you many reasons that people become successful. You do not have to be obsessed. In order to be rich, you need to obtain what you need, and this book will help. This book will help you form a foundation in which to build your riches upon. You may write your notes in it and keep it as an aid in your outline while getting richer. You do need persistence and will power and focus-all of which is analyzed in this great book. This book also presents you with many secret riches right under your nose. Those riches that make a difference in life: love, happiness, good health. The good and free foundation of riches. It even states that the riches of the heart are more worthy than mere representations of wealth like paper money. It says most of all be happy. I think this book will make you happy. Yet this book also clearly defines the true ingredients which go into acquiring material riches-it contains moral support on your road to riches. This book may not give you what you expect-because, the secret of this book is.. it'll give you what you need: riches of the heart and mind-self respect.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    It's hard to believe that Think and Grow Rich has been aroud now for over 70 years! When I first heard of this book in the early 70's, I thought it was a new book at that time. Then when I heard it was nearly 40 years old (at that time) I, being a college grad and highly sophisticated figured that Hill's work was outdated. About that time I met a young businessman with a harelip and a severe speech impediment. This guy was an 8th grade dropout and was extolling the merits of Think & Grow Rich and network marketing. This guy didn't look like much. He was pretty ordinary looking. Average, maybe even below average and he wasn't rich. In fact he had to borrow money from his uncle to get into business because he had worked on a farm all his life and came from a poor family. I figured this guy was insane and had gotten sucked in by some city slickers. Many years later I noticed a big limo coming through town. Curious I waited to see who would come out. In this little southern town, newer cars were rare and seeing a limo was like the president was coming to town. Much to my surprise the man that walked out was the harelip! I walked up to him and started to introduce myself but amazingly to me, he remembered me even though we had only met once. I asked him what the occasion was and was actually belligerent enough to suggest that perhaps his uncle had paid for the limo. He then told me he owned the limo… in fact a whole fleet of limo's. He had moved to Orlando, Fl and created a cosmetic/personal development company that extrapolated into over 78 companies. His net worth, he said, was over $350 million ($1.5 billion in today’s money) Stunned, I asked him how he did it. He attributed his success to Think and Grow Rich and some other books like How To Win Friends and Influence People and he said the most important book, The Bible. I went ahead and bought a copy of Think and Grow Rich. I didn't get into his motivational or any company or direct sales company, but I did use what I learned from Think and Grow Rich to achieve success that was extraordinary for me. Surprisingly to me, I also became a better parent, a better spouse, a better friend, a better coworker, a better manager and became better in everything I did with more balance all the way around. This book may have been around for along time, but the principles are timeless. Since the 70's I have not met a single person who has achieved any level of success who has not at least read Think & Grow Rich. Napoleon Hill's book is a classic because it delivers...but only if you read it and use it.
  • Truman Stater (This review refers to the Restored and Revised Paperback edition) (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    This is an awesome edition of Napoleon Hill's awesome book. The annotations in this edition of Think & Grow Rich enhanced my understanding and application of the Think & Grow Rich philosophy. This book will help you to reach your maximum potential, achieve your goals, build your character and develop your leadership skills. I discovered Think and Grow Rich when I read Former Heavyweight Boxing Champion and International Boxing Hall of Famer Ken Norton's autobiography Going the Distance. Norton shared in his book that he read Think & Grow Rich and it changed his life. Norton's book states he was prescribed to read Think & Grow Rich after he suffered his first boxing defeat and had to start over. He then went on to beat Muhammed Ali for the title. Norton shares in his book that he read Think & Grow Rich repeatedly during his career and he became a stronger person for it. Ken Norton won a Napoleon Hill Award for positive thinking.
  • Farrar (This review refers to the Restored and Revised Paperback edition) (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    There are several versions of Think and Grow Rich on the market. None comes close to matching this one. Not only does it restore much material that apparently was in the original book but is omitted in other versions, it also has a lot of new features that are extremely useful and valuable, such as an index, biographical information about Napoleon Hill that I have never seen elsewhere, a great index, and complete explanations of certain aspects of Hill's philosophy that I always found somewhat difficult to understand. The book even tells you where Hill is buried (in South Carolina) and offers a wonderful interpretation of how the gravesite and its surroundings are symbolic of his whole life. I also found helpful an article about "success literature" written before and during Hill's time. It put Think and Grow Rich in perspective. All of the components and techniques of Napoleon Hill's great philosophy of success are still in the book (and if you apply them, you WILL find success), but it is these new features that really make it so outstanding. I would rate this book 10 stars if I could!
  • Franklin Gurley (This review refers to the Restored and Revised Paperback edition) (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Napoleon Hill's classic book Think and Grow Rich has been around for a long time, since 1937 in fact. There are numerous different editions on the market today. This one is head and shoulders above all the others. It not only restores content that is left out of most editions of the book since the 1960s, it also provides (in its endnotes) a thoughtful analysis of Napoleon Hill, his era, the people he interviewed, and the Think and Grow Rich philosophy itself. If you want to really understand Napoleon Hill and "Think and Grow Rich," you will find this book to be indispensable. I read this new edition cover to cover and compared numerous pages with the pages of the little 256-page version published by Ballantine Books, which up until now has been the most popular version and the one you usually see in bookstores. Try it for yourself. There's no comparison, in terms of features or ease of reading and understanding. It's like comparing gold and lead. Somewhere in one of these reviews a reviewer said that this "Restored and Revised" edition was replacing the one she used to keep on her shelves. That's ditto for me. It is just a great, great book.
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