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The Magic of Thinking Big: Acquire the Secrets of Success, Achieve Everything You’ve Always Wanted (平装)
 by David Schwartz

Category: Personal success, Motivation, Self help
Market price: ¥ 158.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
Other editions:   Audio CD
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A powerful and time-tested manual for success.
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  • John Kim (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Simple actionable advice for self-improvement. Basically, we are what we think, so think big.

    1) Build confidence in yourself. Action reduces fear, so act.
    Take small steps at first: Sit in the front everywhere you go, practice eye contact, walk 25% faster, practice speaking up, smile big, use positve words.

    2) Think and dream creatively. Believe that it can be done and then the mind finds a way to get it done. Be open to new ideas and be progressive. Stimulate yourself with diverse ideas from diverse people. Capacity is a state of mind.

    3) You are what you think. "The price tag you put on yourself, is probably the same price tag that the world will put on you." (pg 75) Dress up. Think your work is important. Think enthusiastically. Ask yourself if you are the type of manager that a subordinate would respect and follow?

    4) Manage your environment because it is food for your mind.
    People who tell you that it cannot be done are usually unsuccessful people.

    5) Make your attitudes your allies. Live it up. Broadcast good news. Do better work that others expect. Remember people's names. Take initiative to build friendships. Talk less. Listen.

    6) Get the action habit. Nothing happens just by thinking. Do not worry about problems. You can handle them as they come. Successful people handle problems as they arise. You cannot buy insurance on all problems. Start now.

    7) Turn defeat into victory. Defeat is a state of mind. Be constructively self-critical; do not just look for another reason that you are a loser. Think that there IS A WAY. If it does not work, then back off and start afresh. Get mentally refreshed.

    8) Use goals to help you grow. Goal is a dream acted upon. "The important thing is not where you were or where you are but where you want to get." (pg 195) Know where you want to go. Visualize your future.

    9) How to think like a leader. Achieving success requires the help of others. Trade minds with the people you want to influence. "What would I think if I were that person?" Be human, and put people first.

    The last words of the book, sum up its meaning:
    "A wise man will be master of His Mind. A Fool will be Its Slave."
  • Randy Gilbert (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    David Schwartz's classic success book "The Magic of Thinking Big" is one of the top ten all time best proactive success books. After you have read it you will begin to refer to the earlier part of your life as "before I read the book." Even before you finish reading it the first time, you will be a changed person - it's that incredible. I say first time because you will want to read it again and again. My copy is well read, well read, and well marked. It has been a treasured part of my library and I've recommended it to others countless times.

    I consider David Schwartz to be one of the earliest "proactive thinkers" in the world. If you haven't read this book before, get ready for profound wisdom. Schwartz makes it easy to understand that our thoughts are things and have God given powers, far beyond what is commonly taught by others. I can tell you from my own astonishing situations and experiences that, "your success really is most definitely determined by what and how you think."

    Schwartz covers all of the proactive bases: smart thinking, system thinking, futuristic thinking, and positive thinking. If you are truly seeking the kind of success and abundance that makes your life 100% livable - you must read this book. Many of his ideas are found in SUCCESS BOUND, another book built on learning how to live a proactively life that is God centered and fulfilling.

    You will find that this exciting book becomes a part of you. Don't hold back - let it happen. In fact, you should spend 10 to 15 minutes every morning focusing your thoughts on the truths of this book, thereby allowing them to seep deep into your subconscious mind. If you do this I guarantee this wisdom will most assuredly bring you the success and abundance you deserve. Enjoy the book and your new proactive success life!
  • Sunil (MSL quote), Australia   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    John Milton in his Paradise Lost wrote: "The mind is its own place and in itself can make a heaven of hell or hell of heaven." Lord Buddha also said that "mind is behind all our action" over 2,500 years ago! Now Dr David J Schwartz gives a similar message in his motivational book. However, there is a difference. Dr Schwartz's book presents us with a carefully designed program for getting most out of all aspects of our lives: job, marriage, family and the community. It tells us the importance of positive thinking and how we can turn a defeat into a victory and many more including achieving financial security. He guides us to reach all these goals through our own will.

    No wonder why more than 4 million copies of this book have been sold! I'm sure that there are few of us who haven't read the book would consider extracting some wisdom from this wonderful book.
  • A British reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    In life, you encounter many situations where, with a little guidance, you could have succeeded and excelled, but without it you apparently floundered, blundered and failed. Well, the good news in this book is that with the right attitude, you never fail, you just learn. In fact, if you follow the advice in this book, you find there are only two things you can possibly be doing at any given time - succeeding or preparing to succeed!

    I have been trained in management, leadership and motivation by some of the best management training organizations in the world, yet I am sure that most of what they taught me is already in this book.

    Take my advice, spend more time succeeding and less time learning. Read this book cover to cover then LIVE the messages it contains. You cannot help but succeed if you do.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    One important purpose of this book is to help you train yourself to observe, to develop deep insight into human action. You'll want to ask yourself questions like 'Why is John so successful and Tom just getting by?' 'Why do some people have many friends and other people have only few friends?' 'Why will people gladly accept what one person tells them but ignore another person who tells them the same thing?
  • Phil Humbert (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    This is a classic. If you have any real interest in taking charge of your life and moving beyond your current comfort zone, this is an absolute must read. At the same time, like any classic, it has draw-backs associated with age.

    Schwartz published this in 1959, and it has stood the test of time. These are the core principles of any personal development program. You can read newer books by Tony Robbins, John Maxwell, Marianne Williamson or anyone else you prefer, but you'll quickly see that they have built on the foundation laid down by pioneers like Schwartz. When in doubt, go back to the source.

    A personal word, if you will permit me. I got my copy of The Magic of Thinking Big from one of my mentors, Don Baker, in 1980. I started reading it but decided it was "old." The language was old, the examples were old, and the goal of making $10,000 a year was hopelessly out of date! As much as I trusted Don, I figured he'd dumped one of his old books on me, and I decided to buy a newer, "better" book. I have no idea what I bought, but it's long gone and long forgotten. When I finally read Schwartz sometime later, I knew I'd found the real thing, the "mother lode" and I've read it many times over the years since.

    This is one you simply must have. I suppose there are 10,000 "good" self-help books on the market, and any one of them might be the key you're looking for on a particular day, but there are a very small number of absolute "must have's" and this is one of them. Buy it and plan to read it at least once a year. Your life will be transformed as a result!
  • A. Stewart (MSL quote), Australia   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Written around 50 years ago this book still holds true. It is incredibly easy to read and will help your gear your mind towards success. Like most 'success' based books the concepts in here won't make your jaw drop in shock and awe as they are all essentially pretty simple - Think Success and Gain Success. The belief in your ability to achieve something is the first and most important step towards success. Believing you can, will spur your mind to support your belief with reasons, it will find a HOW so you can achieve your goal. Conversely, if you believe you can't, your mind will find reasons to support your claim,

    The application is always the challenge but this book definitely inspires you to tap into the innate potential within. Coincidentally this book arrived a few days before I had an important job interview and put me in the success frame of mind. I passed the first interview easily, nailed the second one and got the job! It's the sort of book you will read again and again to keep the concepts fresh in your mind. It's also a book you will want to lend people you care about. Highly recommended. Buy it!
  • Karl Mohd (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    This book outlines in very simple and precise details ways in which to program one's thoughts to achieve long-run success. Serving on the principle that your thoughts are what lead to yoru actions and thus your long-term success, this book is one of the greatest pro-active, goal-setting books every written. The self-reflecting and goal oriented future exercises aimed at expanding one's horizon perspectives are classic and I guarantee that this book will lead to outstanding long-term improvements in ones life.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    It is always shady when you see someone using the usual cliché "This book has changed my life!” While I usually don't take those comments seriously (too much money wasted in 'life-changing' books, I guess) I have to admit that sometimes a particular book hits you with more impact than usual and after a couple of years some self-examination might leave you with the impression that perhaps the author has indeed influenced your choice of paths more than you would have expected.

    This was the case with me and Dr. Schwartz's "Magic". I am not an intense fan of self-help and motivational literature, but do read a title or two now and then. I have read many of the classics like Dale Carnegie's books (almost all), Napoleon Hill's Think and grow rich, Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and others like How to Be a Start at Work, The Power of Positive Thinking, Psychocybernetics and many more that have sold millions, are mentioned everywhere and everybody seems to love. Maltz, Hill, the list goes on. The fact it that so far no book of this kind has proven to be as effective with me as this one. I even felt I have wasted too much money. Not the case with this particular book. This is the kind of title where you read things you already know, you are after all mostly just looking for motivation. That extra push to get you going in particular moments when things aren't flowing as easily as you'd wish. And for that use, my preference goes to books that have an honest simplicity. This title isn't verbose, it isn't very technical or full or scholarship, perhaps even some of its examples are fully fictional. The truth is that I don't care about that, because it has proven very effective.

    If you are looking for something to motivate you (in any area), I suggest you try this title first. The effect with you might be quite different.

    Perhaps Napoleon Hill's style suits you better (I truly disliked his books) or maybe some other author. But to many of us, Schwart'z approach is perfect. I first read this over a year ago, and can now look back and see certain aspects that were definitely made easier because if it. Overall, the only thing I regret is not having found this title much sooner in my life (I'm 27), but it will no doubt still prove useful for many years.

    As a side recommendation, I suggest you combine this with the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, or the more accessible "The Art of Virtue" also based on Franklin's words, Dale Carnegie and as much wisdom and self-examination as you can come up with. The results won't be magic, but I'm pretty sure the improvement will be easy to notice.
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