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Good Dog, Carl : A Classic Board Book (精装)
 by Alexandra Day

Category: Story, Picture books, Ages 0-3, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 98.00  MSL price: ¥ 88.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A dog and a baby's adventures in the house that parents and children will both enjoy.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    As a children's librarian, I, too, am absolutely outraged about this book! I am outraged that so many people have so little ability to separate reality from fantasy. Folks, if this book is causing problems in your home, may I suggest that you also avoid Amelia Bedelia (dumbest maid in the world), "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs", all the Miss Nelson books, The Stupids and, as your child grows up, toss ALL fantasy novels straight out the window. (Goodbye, Dorothy! Goodbye, Chet Gecko!) Of course, for all I know, the people worrying about Carl being left alone to mind a baby actually DO inhabit a world where maids actually draw a picture of the bath when asked to draw a bath, it really DOES rain spaghetti, teachers can fool their students with simple disguises, people are as dumb as the Stupids, animals talk and tornados really do carry little girls away over the rainbow. In which case, instead of being outraged, I am either very jealous or very scared. For everyone else, Carl is a riot to read, cute as can be and your child will have a giggle imagining that a baby and a dog could REALLY get up to that much trouble.
  • Spencer (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Five years ago, my sister-in-law tried to convince me that a book about a dog - a rottweiler, no less - who baby-sits when mother goes out was "wonderful". I was skeptical (at best). (Let me get this straight: the mother puts her baby in the crib and tells the dog to take care of it? Then the mother leaves? That's crazy. That's not a good message. It's a Rottweiler? What was the author thinking?) Once I got to read the book, though, I fell in love too. I must admit that we contributed a couple of Carl books to my niece's growing library that year. Now we are building a Carl collection for our son, and it's a hit. At 2 years old, he loved to have Daddy read this to him. At 3.5, he reads it to anyone who will sit still. His take on the action is a little different than ours, but it is very imaginative! This is the first of the Carl books. They're all my favorite. I just can't decide. I like to go in order, though. These are not particularly sequential books, but Baby is a little bigger in each book as they go along. I love the open-ended play we get from this book, so that anyone reading it, including your own Baby, can make up the story. The illustrations are fabulous - the action is what our kids have focused on, and the detail is amusing for the older reader on the 112th time through. I recommend this for any small child, especially the 1yo - 4yo crowd. Give it to some lucky family, or get it for yourself!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    We have four children between the ages of newborn and six, and we have found ourselves reaching for Carl books over and again at story time. Reading the other reviews posted were the first time I had heard of the series referred to as "disturbing". There is a whole class of what has been called "obsessive parents" that will find something wrong with all things parenting, but the simple truth is that most seasoned parents who have shared Carl with their children will attest to how loved the books are. I either read or heard somewhere that the series is intended, in part, as a veiled protest of modern parents' reliance on day care. The lack of words provides excellent opportunity for language development; ask questions of your child and listen to the (often funny) things they see within the books' will be amazed at how much your grown-up eyes are incapable of seeing any longer. You don't have to like rottweilers, or even dogs, to enjoy Carl!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    I loved this book! It is just cute! Sarah, the mom, has to do some errands for a while and asks Carl to take care of Madeleine. While Sarah is gone, the two of them have fun while jumping on Sarah's bed, dancing, having a snack, and Carl even gives Madeleine a bath! Just as Carl sees Sarah coming home, he cleans up the mess downstairs. When Sarah comes in she says, "Good dog, Carl!" just likes the book. I suggest this book to young kids who love canines!
  • Karen (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    I gave the subject of my sister-in-law's baby shower gifts quite a bit of thought. "What books would be good for her baby?" I wondered. Since she has two exuberant dogs, I wanted to get something about a dog-preferably a large dog-and I suddenly remembered the Alexandra Day books my mom was so excited about when they were new. I was pleased that the Good Dog, Carl board book was available because the story is a good introduction to Carl's antics and because the board book format would be excellent for an infant. What I wasn't expecting was the reaction the book got at the shower-everyone seemed to recognize the book, and at least one person said, "I wish I'd thought of that!" I was really pleased with the results of the gift, and I would recommend the book. Living in a two-bedroom apartment with a roommate's Great Dane turned me into less of a dog fan than I used to be, but even I like to check out all the adventures Carl has with his young charge. I'd forgotten all the beautiful detail; I love the scene with the bubbles! "A classic board book" is right-I think I need to get Good Dog, Carl for my son too.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    We love Carl. The illustrations are just beautiful and you can make up a story and it can be a little or a lot different every time. My 2 1/2 year old just loves Carl and all the antics. WE have fun making up the stories together. Definitely a sweet series and sure to be a pleaser for little ones everywhere!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    My 2 years-old loves this book (and the other Carl books we have). We've been reading it every day for months and he's never tried to slide down a laundry chute or swim in a fish tank as one reviewer suggested he would. The drawings are lovely and the detail provides opportunity for great games of "Do you see the..."
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Leave so much to the imagination. This could be a different story about Carl and the baby every single time. I can see a glimmer in my toddler's eye and I can tell he's thinking about how fun it would be if one of our dogs would "baby-sit" him!!
  • Michael (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Everyone in our family loves to see what Carl is doing. He is a great helper and always seems 'to save the day'or at least knows how to entertain and keep a toddler or baby busy. You and your kids will want to keep this book handy, the kids will keep you busy telling them what Carl is doing with the baby. Do dogs really make good babysitters? Who cares, this book commands your children’s attention.
  • Lori Woods (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    This has to be one of the greatest books, all of the Carl's adventures really. With so few words this book can be enjoyed for so long. My three year old who has had this book for sometime loves this... and my seven year old enjoys this as well. He makes up much more interesting details about what is going on in the story than I. love it.
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