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Your Erroneous Zones (Mass Market Paperback) (平装)
 by Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D.

Category: Self mastery, Mitivation, Inspiration, Positive thinking
Market price: ¥ 108.00  MSL price: ¥ 98.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
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MSL Pointer Review: An awesome inspiration for self-mastery and self-development. Join the group that have benefited massively from the book.
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  • S. Jayakuma (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    It is well known that humans cannot mature emotionally unless one takes the initiative to look into oneself. It is easier to point the finger away from us. When we have a flu, we take some steps to address it. We may rest for a whole day, then decide to take some medication, and then, if necessary, see a doctor. In other words (1) We are good at sensing that we have a physical problem (2) We know that we need to do something about the problem (3) We first attempt to solve the physical problem ourselves (4) If that fails or if incapable or ignorant of the problem, we don't hesitate to seek outside help (e.g. doctor). It is ironic that at the emotional level, we may even not reach the first step, i.e. recognize that there is an emotional weakness! However, if a physical adult recognizes that he/she is an emotional child (i.e. suffering from things such as anger, guilt, lack of assertiveness, etc.) and needs help, Dr. Dyer is a gift to that person.

    Dr. Dyer does a superb job of: (1) Helping us understand the problem ('erroneous zone'); 2) Offering concrete steps to work at the problem in our daily life.

    His presentation style is worthy of note - His way of driving home a point by using metaphors and a touch of sarcasm makes it very easy for the reader to assimilate the subject matter. As with any book on personal develop- ment, reading the book is only the starting point. One has to put in effort. As John Bradshaw says, "It will work if you will work." Pick the top 2 or 3 erroneous zones, chip away at it, and discover yourself blossoming.

    Your erroneous zones" is a book as well as a timeless reference manual.
  • Yoda Dad (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This book is one of the best books, perhaps even the best book I've ever read in terms of gaining control over one's life. It is truly empowering in the best sense of the idea. It comes down to the fact that you are a "choice making individual". No matter what the situation is that comes up you can still choose how to react to it.

    To illustrate... I used to believe that I had certain tendencies (like "worrying" about all the "what ifs" for example) that were somehow out of my control. The idea of buying into the idea that some things were just "family traits" that I was helplessly born into, that "we come from a family of neurotic people who worry".

    I have a particular favorite story which is on the audio tape version of the book (I can't remember if it's in the printed version of the book.... the audio seems pretty much like he's extemporizing on the principles outlined in the book). He tells of how he was in a restaurant and the manager/owner of the restaurant is getting very upset and emotional at an employee. Dr. Dyer says to the guy something like "Look at yourself, you're going to give your self a heart attack by the time your fifty" to which the gentleman replies "I am fifty two and I had a heart attack two years ago" to which Dr. Dyer says something like "Then why do you do this to yourself ? " to which the fellow says "What do you want from me.... I'm Italian !" ..... as if that was an explanation for why he was getting himself all worked up.

    Wayne really helps one realize that they don't have to "buy into" feeling like they are helpless victims of their cultural background, family dynamics and, Genetic tendencies etc. While these may all seem to be the same thing there are in fact subtle differences between them.

    I have recommended this book and it's audio version for countless people who have felt "out of control" of their emotions.

    The ideas in this book really work if you are willing to finally let go of the mental crap in your life that is holding you back from being happier and healthier in every way. This is not to put on Rose Colored glasses, but to be able to "catch yourself" before you go into reacting the way you "always do" and really asking yourself if it is necessary.
  • Brock Kranats (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I highly recommend this book for anyone, teenagers to elderly ... if read with an open mind and a thirst to understand themselves, they will be stronger, have more self-confidence, and be less easily influenced by others. I read this book when it first came out and I was going through some really tough times! This book actually changed the course of my life, in the respect that it showed me that no person could make me happy, or sad or anything emotional - I had the control over those things where I was concerned. I learned that someone's anger, even at me, was about them, not about me. I have purchased this book many times over the years and I read it again for myself, then give it to someone who is in need of the revelations I found.
  • Andrew Parodi (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    In Your Erroneous Zones, Wayne Dyer encourages his readers to ask themselves this question: "How long am I going to be dead?" Dyer suggests that taking such an "eternal perspective" will aid one in gaining a more "take charge" stance in life. Life is a risk, and we are all going to die anyway, so why not do what we want with our lives? This has been one of the most helpful self-help books I have ever found. In fact, I think it may be THE best self-help book I've ever read. This is one of the "classics," and many others have taken its lead. I believe this is Wayne Dyer's best work.

    The other not-so-pretty reality of life that Dyer suggests we face is that things are not fair, and they never will be. In Chapter 8, "The Justice Trap," the author writes bluntly about the fact that injustice is committed every day and that if one has enough money one can get away with it. Poor people will rot in jail, while rich people get a slap on the wrist for the same crime. It is not an "erroneous zone" (self-defeating behavior) to notice the injustices of this world; the erroneous zone is the belief that becoming incapacitated with anger, guilt, worry, or indignation, by the injustices will change anything. Many heroic people try to change the injustices, and they are to be commended. But they often fail because they are against impossible odds. Year after year, century after century, the privileged few get away with what the rest of us do not. Is it fair? No! Should we convince ourselves that it is okay? No! Should we fool ourselves into believing incapacitating ourselves with worry and anger is going to change anything? No, again. If you can do something to end an injustice, then do it. If you can't, don't feel guilty.

    I also enjoyed Dyer's candor on the hypocrisy of educational institutions, and found it surprising considering that he himself is a professor. He notes that one of the greatest "erroneous zones" is the need for approval, and then he points out that schools are one of the main culprits in instilling the need for approval in people. From the moment you walk into a school, he says, you are told where to sit, how to talk, what to write, how to think, control, control, control, and then you are graded according to your willingness to hand your mind over to the authority figures. Students with high self-esteem, who are full of self-love, and who are not susceptible to guilt and worry, are systematically labeled "trouble makers" by the school faculty. The inference is clear: ridding oneself of guilt and erroneous zones often means going against the very fabric of this society.

    This is a radical book! And it's been a good friend for years. I had the honor of meeting Mr. Dyer a few years back at a book signing, and he seems to live what he preaches.
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