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Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed (精装)
 by Eileen Christelow

Category: Bedtime & dreaming, Story, Picture books, Ages 0-3, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 88.00  MSL price: ¥ 78.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A good fun bedtime story for little ones combining fun with counting.
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  • Spencer (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    Yes, this book will get the kids trying to jump on the bed. It's a lot of fun, and much laughing is heard whenever we read it. There is a lot of detail in the pictures - I love watching the doctor, and Mama gives us a great ending! I picked this up when my younger son was asking for us to play "monkeys on the bed" (the rhyme with hand motions) over & over & over - my fingers were tired. We've been reading ever since! Have I mentioned that the board book format is a great, sturdy idea? Definitely a good buy, and highly recommended.
  • Rosangela (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    It'll be a good fun bedtime story for little ones, your children will love it. Reading and singing can be motivating to foreign students from 5 to 7, it can be used at a sleepover.
  • S. Albaugh (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This has become our daughter's favorite bedtime story. She's 3 1/2 and I wish that I had gotten the book earlier. She likes to read along with us, and has each monkey say "goodnight mama" in different voices. At first she wanted to jump on the bed as well but she didn't liked being called a silly monkey.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This book is an excellent children's book. I really enjoy reading it to my kindergarten class because they have so much fun listening to it and helping me say the words. It teaches counting down and repetition. It would be a fun book to act out for kids at home. There are many other versions of this book and they are all just as fun as the first...collect them all!!! You can even use a Velcro hand puppet with Velcro monkeys to do a finger play and sing the book as a song. The kids really enjoy this!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This fantastic, destine classic is a must, kids love jumping on the bed, this book shows some consequence, in a fun rythmaticc way, you'll find yourself (parent) singing this every time one of your monkeys jump on the bed!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    My niece loves having books read to her but the one she wants over and over and over is this one. She just turned three but this has been her favorite for a while. She knows it by heart and will pretend like she is reading it. She has many books but she always comes back to this one. I highly recommend this one.
  • Diva (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This is a terrific book. Any book my three year old cousin likes to have read to her more than once is a winner in my book. She's memorized the story to the point that she can recite it even without the book nearby. And she loves the pictures. We have a great laugh and a whole lot of fun whenever we read this book. It's a book that's also been used at a summer reading program I volunteered at one year, and the students thought it was great. They were ages 5-8. This book would be a great addition to a child's library.
  • Scott (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    My daughter loves the Five Little Monkey's song, so much so, that she wanted to jump in her crib every morning when she got up for a month. This book became a favorite the first time we read it. She loves reading the story and looking at the pictures, as well as repeating parts of the story as we read it. The song/story itself is simple; the lyrics repeat as one-by-one the monkeys fall off the bed.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    My kids love rhyming books and this one was a big hit with my year olds! "Mama called the doctor and the doctor said..." It's so cute, you won't mind reading it six or seven times in a row, as I have. (And my daughter does shake her tiny index finger at "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!") If your kids like to turn pages as much as mine do, they'll love this one too, as it has a lot of pages. My daughter's favorite monkey is the one in the lime green dress. Mine is the one in the red-striped pajamas who looks increasingly baffled every time a monkey falls off the bed on to its little head!
  • M. H. Bayliss (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I love this book. My daughter could not stop howling with laughter as we read this book about five times in a row. By the fifth or so reading, she'd memorized it (not that hard to do since we just count down the number of monkeys jumping on the bed: "five little monkeys, jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head, mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" How could you not laugh after reading this book? Plus, the illustrations with the little monkeys are adorable. The other ones in the series are not nearly as good as this one, so if you only buy one, make it the original five little monkeys.
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