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As a Man Thinketh (平装)
 by James Allen

Category: Motivation, Inspiration, Personal achievement, Self improvement
Market price: ¥ 118.00  MSL price: ¥ 108.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A motivation classic, this little book has inspired millions around the world with compelling wisdom.
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  • Tony, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    I was introduced to this great work by James Allen over 32 years ago in the form of an audio tape narrated by Earl Nightingale. Shortly thereafter, I bought the book and read it everyday. It is a short easy read, only 73 pages and 7 chapters:

    1) Thought and Character
    2) Effect of Thought on Circumstances
    3) Effect of Thought on Health and the Body
    4) Thought and Purpose
    5) The Thought-Factor in Achievement
    6) Visions and Ideals
    7) Serenity

    Each chapter is short and to the point. The book is thought provoking and stimulating.

    Here is one of my favorite quotes from As A Man Thinketh:

    "Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,
    And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
    The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,
    Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills,
    Environment is but his looking glass."

    Here is another one...

    "You will be what you will to be,
    Let failure find it's false content
    In that poor word, “environment,”
    But spirit scorns it, and is free.

    "It masters time, it conquers space;
    It cows that boastful trickstar, Chance,
    And bids the tyrant Circumstance
    Uncrown, and fill a servant's place.

    "The human Will, that force, that force unseen,
    The offspring of a deathless Soul,
    Can hew a way to any goal,
    Though walls of granite intervene,

    "Be not impatient in delay,
    But wait as one who understands,
    When spirit rises and commands,
    The gods are ready to obey."

    Some interesting thoughts from this book.

    - A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up his

    - Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results;
    bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.

    - He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure.

    This is a small book with giant sized inspiration and thoughts. I recommend reading it every day for the first few weeks and see if you notice a substantial difference.
  • Lane Fox, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    There is so much life-improving wisdom, advice, and guidance packed inside the short 52 pages of this wonderful book that you could read it 100 times and still learn something new every time.

    In fact, do yourself, your family, your relationships, your health, and your finances a favor and read this book 100 times.

    Here is what you will discover within the pages of this book:

    1. The exact reason you are suffering in certain areas of your life right now.
    2. How to obtain true prosperity and riches.
    3. How to attract all that you want to you.
    4. How to create more freedom for yourself.
    5. How to bring your body back to perfect health.
    6. How to replace fear, worry, and doubt with peace, confidence, and accomplishment.
    7. How to achieve great victories in your life.
    8. How to gain purpose, energy and power.
    9. How to realize all your dreams.
    10. How to get rid of bad relationships and create beautiful relationships.
    11. How you and you alone make your environment, conditions and circumstances what they are.
    12. How you can change your environment, conditions and circumstances to be what you want them to be.
    13. How you can literally define and create your own destiny.
    14. How to become more in tune and in harmony with God's laws and the laws of the Universe.

    Bottom line, this book will bring about the exact transformation in your life that you are looking for. Don't hesitate. Get this book now.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    Although his book, As A Man Thinketh, has inspired millions around the world and been a major influence in the self-improvement industry, very little is known about its author, James Allen. James Allen was born in Leicester, England. When he was fifteen, the family business failed and his father left for America to find work. His father was murdered before he could send for the family and subsequently, James left school and worked for several British manufacturers. His literary career lasted only nine years until his death. As A Man Thinketh was his second book. At the age of 38 he "retired" to writing and moved with his wife to a small cottage at Ilfracombe, England. He penned more than 20 works... I have recently discovered the titles of several other books by James Allen and fortunately for all of us, they are still in print. All of these may be purchased directly from Sun Publishing Company or ordered through your normal book retailer.

    As A Man Thinketh has influenced many contemporary writers including Norman Vincent Peale, Earl Nightingale, Denis Waitley and Tony Robbins, among others.

    His "volume", has been translated into five major languages, inspiring millions of readers to recognize that man's visions can become reality, simply through the power of thought.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    I feel compelled to defend this book against the ignorant remarks by previous reviews. This is NOT a new-age book. Had he read the book he would know that the book was written by a shy, humble man named James Allan in the year 1904. Last I checked 1904 wasn't the peak of new-age thought.

    The author never asserts that if you think "rich, rich, rich" you will become rich any more than thinking "unicorn, unicorn, unicorn" will turn you into a mythical creature. The premise of this short yet remarkable book is that you can shape your destiny simply choosing to think positive thoughts. If you preoccupy yourself with your fears and self doubt, you will most certainly be a slave to these negative thoughts. These self defeating thoughts only serve to prevent you from success. If you think positive thoughts, you're putting yourself on the path of success. Focus on your strengths, don't let thoughts of self-doubt harbor in you. The concepts are not new and hardly new-age. There are no new ideas in this book, James Allan was just the first to present them is all.

    James Allan emphasizes the importance of hard work and effort throughout the book. He states in the book "He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little. He who would achieve much must sacrifice much. He who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly." Effort and sacrifice are common themes throughout the book. James Allan makes the point that all your hard work will be in vain if your mind is filled with thoughts of failure.

    Read some books by Rick Patino, Jack Welch, Vince Lombardi, Sammy Davis Jr. (on a side note, Sammy Davis Jr.'s book is even called Yes I Can which is what he would tell himself whenever negative thoughts crept in his head) or anyone who overcame the odds to be a huge success and you will see that they live their lives exactly as James Allan advises, they think only positive thoughts, they visualize their success rather than being fixated with their weaknesses. Nothing new age about it folks.
  • Roderick Young, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    A close friend of mine recommended As a Man Thinketh to me. Understanding my thought process and how he thinks, I knew this simplistic, yet poignant book, would be a savoring read. Over the past 3 or 4 years I have been on a journey trying to find my 'Personal Legend' and live this so-called utopian life. Living in the confines of Los Angeles I had a very comfortable life. However, I knew if I wanted to escalate to another level mentally, spiritually, educationally, and financially, I had to sacrifice and take a risk. Therefore, I decided to jettison Los Angeles, risk everything and move to New York to grow. Mentally, it was like a kaleidoscope; I was challenged from several different perspectives. The move enhanced my life more than I anticipated. A year later looking back at my decision and my mental journey, I sometimes wonder how I was able to function, operate, and thrive mentally with the cards I was dealt. I believe it is good for the soul and the mind to pigeonhole yourself in situations that you normally wouldn't put yourself in. Therefore mentally you will test yourself and see how you will respond. After reading this book I was able to reflect and assess my mental muscle. The mind is so powerful.
  • A reader, Canada   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    This is the type of book that is short and "to the point." Allen basically emphasizes that you come to be and are, based on what and how you think. My first impression of this book after the first chapter was that there were way too many elaborate and confusing words. I felt overwhelmed and just wanted to forget about the book; it wasn't worth looking up all the words I didn't know just to try to possibly comprehend what the author was trying to get across. However, once I did decide to read further, I admit that the book eventually grew on me. I began to see the validity of many of the author's very important and yet basic points. Based on what I learned from this book, I think that this is very educational and "mind-expanding," as the author takes you on an adventure, exploring another incredible skill of the human mind. In addition to this, I think that it would be very beneficial for anyone and everyone to read it, as it gives you a very different perspective afterwards about how one's thoughts are able to create and destroy many aspects of your ever-developing life.

    As A Man Thinketh is book that shows and guides - not dictates and demands - someone how to change their way of thinking so that it is positive and fruitful. Allen writes, "Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions. But when he realizes that he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow, he then becomes the rightful master of himself." This statement itself could sum up the entire book. However, there are many ways to look at and decipher the meaning of this quote.

    As stated in the book, the majority of people today have many negative outlooks about different things for different reasons. That's human. However, what all these people who think negatively don't know, is that by their negative and unconstructive thinking they are inevitably just hurting themselves and unconsciously bringing negative situations upon themselves. What this book repeats over and over again is that for good to come to you, you must have good and positive thoughts. If you breed and harness negative thoughts, chance is, it will be highly unlikely for much good to come your way. As said in this book, the fruits and misfortunes of your thoughts clearly show by the type of person you have come to be, and what you have and don't have.

    At first I thought this book as kind of a hoax. I kept thinking, "yeah right, like I'm going to be rich if I think it." But then once I continued reading this book, I realized it was true. Let me give you a smaller and less high profile example than becoming rich: if someone always thinks they are sick and is always fearing the thought of becoming sick, they will usually be sick. It seems that the more you think of something, the more it is prone to being drawn towards you. This book just teaches you how to bring forward the good-not the bad.

    After completing this book, I would definitely say it has had a positive influence on me. I am now always conscious of what I am thinking and constantly analyzing many of my thoughts, considering the possible benefits of each one. I would definitely read more of this author's books, as I have no doubt that the lessons I learn from them will positively help me for a long time, as did the many lessons I learned from this book.
  • Nani Linder, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    If you liked Master Key or Master Key Arcana by Charles F. Haanel then you shall enjoy As a Man Thinketh by James Allen. This little book is packed with wisdom and concepts of living daily with "hope". In a short time one understands the power of the mind and the choices one makes to weave ones own inner and outer character. It is indeed an eye opener to understand that until thought is linked with purpose as James Allen says, "there is no intelligent accomplishment." He further says, "strength can only be developed by effort and practice!" Practicing personal responsibility and feeding the thought process true concentration is a starting point for future power and success. In Hawaiian wisdom, one practices the 4th R "responsibility" and places into motion awakening the power within building on the truths that "what you think about, you bring about!" I am delighted to read and research how ancient wisdom of many cultures has practiced these truths for generations.
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