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You'll See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation (平装)
 by Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D.

Category: Personal transformation, Inspiration, Motivation, Self development
Market price: ¥ 158.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: How to achieve personal transformation? Creative visualization, the oneness of the universe, positive thinking, and synchronicity, you have it all with this inspiring book.
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  • Samuel Oliver (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    You’ll See It When You Believe It is a book filled with words of wisdom. Wayne Dyer reminds us that we are endless streams of possibilities connecting to a single source. This essence of our being cannot be seen through the five senses alone. We have to believe in what cannot be seen with the five senses in order to embrace our spirit that lies beneath all appearances. As we trust what cannot be easily seen over what can be, we enter into infinite realms of bliss. This bliss is our natural state. Here, we are able to "become what we think about." We become our authentic selves. We become soul. Thanks, Wayne Dyer, for all you do and say.
  • A reader (MSL quoting), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This is a thought provoking book, that questions the very attitudes to life that I have always held. I have not been happy with the "traditional" philosophies to life, death and after, and this is the first book that makes any real sense of our relevance as beings. I love the writing style, and the humility that Wayne Dyer portrays in this book. I encourage anyone to read this book, and to reflect on the messages that he portrays.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I first read this book in 1994. Since then I have read over and over many times. The best thing is the how the author explains the common features of all faiths. The style of writing is so authentic that I felt Dr Dyer was standing and talking to me. This is not for one time reading. One should read many times, and you will be amazed how the book helps you as you progress in life with different situations, problems and people at different times. The book per se is a guide. It is up to the reader to practice it in real life and experience the changes.
  • Irette Patterson (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    Dyer's premise is that you don't see something manifest in your life until you believe that it's possible. My usual problem with books like this one is that they're filled with stories. The actual information is pretty skimpy. Not so, here. Dyer gives suggestions at the end of each chapter on how you can incorporate these ideas into your everyday life. It's pretty balanced. If you were to find fault with the book, then it would probably be because it doesn't give a step-by-step way to incorporate these principles in your life. If you want specific ways on how to start a spiritual practice, I'd suggest Manifest Your Destiny by the same author.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    After reading Your Erroneous Zones, I didn't think there was any more Dr. Wayne Dyer could discuss on psychology, human nature, and everything he covered in his debut book. I purchased You'll See It When You Believe It mainly because I liked his other book so much. I was baffled once again as I read through this book at how Dyer completely hit the nail on the head when he spoke of typical neurotic behavior.

    I have never been more impressed with an author than I have been with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. He is truly a remarkable person, and should undoubtedly deserve more credit than he has gotten. Anyone wanting to improve relationships should this book. For the price of a McDonald's Extra Value Meal, you can totally transform your life. You'll see it when you believe it!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I borrowed these tapes from the public library recently (MSL remarks: tapes are the audio version of the book). I was so impressed and motivated by them, I ended up sharing them with my co-workers. They enjoyed them as well. We can all relate to Dr. Dyer's analogies at one time or another. He has so many comment sense and simple ideas to apply to everyday life. I've played these tapes over and over and each time, I picked up something new. Despite the fact these tapes were from 1987, Dr. Dyer's philosophy is still alive and well in the year 2000!! There were sections of the tapes that I wondered how he got into my head and knew what I was feeling. Especially, when he describes the quiet zones. I've been transforming over the last few years and did not even realize it. There is still room for growth, and I am eager to move forward. These tapes come highly recommended.
  • Scott Nevol (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    Prior to reading this book, my mind was lost in thoughts of worry, fear, frustration, negativity. Basically my inner self was in competition with my outer self causing endless troubled days in my life. Eleven years to be more precise. That has ALL changed due to the guidance of TRUTHS in this MUST-READ book!

    I have turned into an avid reader because of my new ability gained from reading, and understanding every word in this book. My life has turned into a bright joyous activity. My relationships have grown stronger and healthier. And for the first time in my life I now have been able to find my true calling and will pursue my passions with a sense of purpose and joy.

    Due to Mr. Wayne Dyer's gifted knowledge of the inner self, all my problems have turned into opportunity and a sense of adventure. Read the book and better yourself and the world.
  • Tim Burness (MSL quote), UK   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This book was recommended to me in 1990 and has played an important part in my life ever since. On reading You'll See It When You Believe It, it very quickly becomes clear that Wayne Dyer is actually living the ideas he is writing about. There are numerous suggestions as to how to transform your life for the better, ranging from going beyond your "comfort zone" on a regular basis, to meditation and other self- awareness strategies. He also recommends being easy on yourself when you slip back into bad habits! There is a gentle compassion throughout Wayne Dyer's writing.

    The chapter on "Oneness" uses quotes from Albert Einstein and Paramahansa Yogananda to help show the fundamental inter- connectedness of all things. This theme is continued later in the book when Dyer explores synchronicity. Beginning with obvious connections that are easy to believe in, such as a car moving when petrol has been put in it, Dyer ends up in the bizarre and mystical world of subatomic physics. Here, particles make decisions in relation to other particles that may be in a different galaxy but are still somehow intimately connected. Applying this model to human life on earth, we may be a lot more responsible for our collective reality than we had hitherto assumed.

    Wayne Dyer asks us to wake up, forgive ourselves and each other, and transform our lives through using our thoughts constructively. Excellent stuff!
  • John Morgan (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I used to be one of those people that dismissed things. I just saw life as random and chaotic. Once in awhile there would be a small glimmer of "something more" but it was quickly swallowed up by the mundane and the ordinary and then one day I received a magnificent "sign" that this was no ordinary world I was a part of. I got a message that this Universe was alive and beautiful and overflowing with Light if I would just open myself up to it AND the universe didn't care if I opened up myself a little or a lot. It wasn't the degree that I opened to it, it was the WILLINGNESS I had to open myself up in the first place that made all the difference. And that's where a lot of get stuck. We don't open ourselves up because we don't want to get hurt or used or frustrated or overly excited about things because what if we get let down or disappointed or we fail? The only way we ever fail is when we see ourselves as merely human.

    We are Spiritual Beings now and this book reinforces this Truth. That every thread of our lives is interconnected with all that is seen as well as all that is unseen. We will never fully know on a human level of things the result of our actions good or bad. This is why we must learn to work on being more and more conscious of what we say, what we think, what we do because in the grand scheme of it all, EVERYTHING counts.
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