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Bed, Bed, Bed (精装)
 by They Might Be Giants

Category: Bedtime & dreaming, Story, Ages 0-3, Children's book
Market price: ¥ 178.00  MSL price: ¥ 168.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Imaginative collection of stories and songs featuring familiar bedtime milestones.
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  • Michael (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    Our 2 boys (3 and 7) are big TMBG fans. They love No!, saw the children's show in NYC last spring, and enjoy all the songs on Dial-A-Song CDs. Our TiVo recorded TMBG on Conan when they performed No! /Clap Your Hands - we haven't deleted yet and it's still frequently requested (and danced to!). So needless to say, when we heard about Bed, Bed, Bed we were very excited-and we weren't disappointed! The kids aside, I really love "Impossible"-a great song and wonderfully illustrated in the book. This book and CD are now part of our bed time routine. The songs are perfectly ordered to get things slowed down and everyone ready for slumber (except last night when our 3 year old couldn't stop dancing - note to self: no more chocolate milk at dinner!). We highly recommend this book/CD and have already picked it out for several holiday gifts.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I love They Might Be Giants. I love love love them. I've been listening to their music for more than 15 years, and it's been very exciting to hear their music evolve over that time. Their foray into the world of children's entertainment has been exciting for me, since I'm a children's-book junkie. But while I think the No! family CD hits the mark, the Johns' "children's book," Bed Bed Bed is a bit off. The design and illustrations are beautiful, of course. TMBG is known for their cutting-edge taste in designers almost as much as for their music, and so the design and illustrations of the book are bound to catch a child's attention and hold it for a bit. The text of the book, however, is just song lyrics, and I'm of the opinion that song lyrics generally don't make good reading - without the music, at least half (if not more) of the experience is missing. And TMBG lyrics are so typically strange; you really do need the music to complete the context. Of course, the book was meant to be read along with the enclosed four-song CD, and I do think the book is rather pointless without the CD. I take issue, however, with the recasting of the book's title song as a "lullaby." This plodding, tuneless version of the song would put anybody to sleep, in the hope of getting away from Kimya Dawson's monotonous voice. They may have done better to kick off the book and CD with the march-like, sound-effects studded version of "Bed Bed Bed" as it's featured on the "No!" album, and saved the floating, lovely "Idlewild" for the closing lullaby. Last week I attended one of TMBG's "family concerts," and it was pretty clear that the "No!" album is building a very young sector in the TMBG listening audience. There's a lot to love about the "No!" disc, with its upbeat songs and fun animations. The "Bed Bed Bed" book and CD, while a beautiful package, is less accessible. I do hope the Johns will give children's publishing another shot!
  • N. Lacefield (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I love the music on the CD and the intriguing art work in the accompanying book. My kids are big TMBG fans and I couldn't wait to get something new from the Johns. The songs are uplifting and again encourage kids to use their imagination and reach for their dreams. Idlewild is a beautiful lullaby that I enjoy hearing over and over myself. The only thing I did not enjoy as much was the different version of "Bed Bed Bed", but that may be because I like the original version so much. I would highly recommend this to any fans of TMBG with kids (or to the kids who are fans themselves).
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    Here's the routine: jammies, brush and floss, Bed Bed Bed, lights out. Every night, like clockwork. In fact, the only way I can get her to stop fooling around with the toothbrush is to say, "Let's go listen to Bed, Bed, Bed!" And she hops down from her stool and runs on tiptoes to her room shouting "BED BED BED!" When I start the CD, she alternates between studying the pictures in the book very carefully and dancing wildly. She calms down a bit at Idylwild (her favorite song?), and at the end of the fourth song she says "Night night time" and curls up with her pillow and doll. THAT'S IT! Is that amazing or what! Yeah, I'm a TMBG fan, but this CD/book isn't about me and my interest in TMBG, it's not about being a great work of art, it's about the MIRACLE of getting my daughter to go to bed without a fuss.
  • Celeste (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    We just saw TMBG at the Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago. They are nothing less than brilliant. And this book/CD is just lovely. Highly recommended. (For other great children's lit recommendations, see Esme Raji Codell's How to Get Your Child to Love Reading. Esme is to children's literature what TMBG is to children's music-extremely fun, intelligent, and hip.) Buy this and How to Get Your Child to Love Reading for the families and teachers who you know, and you'll have one happy holiday.
  • Antwan (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I am 21 years old and I just saw They Might Be Giants in one of their in-store performance and signing sessions. I'm a huge fan and I have been since I was 12. Yes, this is by all means a children's book, but it's enjoyable for anyone at all. The illustrations are perfectly in tune with TMBG's quirky style. The included CD really makes the book worthwhile, as the lyrics sometimes don't have the rhythm on paper that they do in song. I especially enjoyed The Moldy Peaches' Kimya Dawson singing the title song, as her voice is very soothing. As you listen to the CD and follow along with the book, it's very difficult to not smile and feels like a kid again. I fully recommend this to fans, kids, and those who are looking to see what TMBG are all about.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I've been a fan since about 1987 so it's great to see TMBG appealing to the "next generation." I took my 4 1/2 yr old daughter to see them last weekend and we bought the book/CD. She loves it-likes to look at the pictures while she listens to it, but sometimes we all just dance. I can't get the songs out of my head, either. When we listen to it at night we skip the second song because it's just too rocking' but the drawings are great and it's a good value-4 songs plus a book for the price of a book alone. Can't beat that!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This is a sweet little storybook illustrating four songs from the included CD. The pictures are simple and very cute, drawn beautifully by Marcel Dzama. The fourth song, Bed Bed Bed, is a different version than the one on the "No" album. This one is sung by Kimya Dawson and the pace is much slower than the original. Song number two, Happy Doesn't Have to Have an Ending, is constant repeat in our house. My kids, who are 8 and 6, just love it. They were already big fans of "No", and they love to read along while the songs play.
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