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On the Day You Were Born: Book And Musical CD (精装)
 by Debra Frasier

Category: Story, New baby's birth, Ages 4-8, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 218.00  MSL price: ¥ 198.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This book is a simple expression of profound truth that on the day you were born, the universe rose up to greet you. Share the awe and wonder of life with your precious one and it will be a beautiful birthday gift.
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  • M. Sideris-Bettencourt (MSL quote), Greece   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    So this book may not speak about how my child's coming stirred your World or this World, but I'm sure as most parents will agree the beautiful description about the welcoming of a child into the World describes each parent's feelings about there own child's birth as each child is unique and special and even more special to a parent that has hopped and prayed for a happy, healthy and beautiful baby. I don't think there are enough stars to give this book so I will have to settle for the five. Parents if your child's birth was so special to you that you felt the entire Universe stirred out of joy, then in your own little World it did. Every child's conception and birth are two of the greatest miracles in life. To feel that the whole world around you stirred to welcome your precious child and also letting your child know that this is how you felt about his/ her coming I feel, is the most beautiful gift you can give your child to thank them for enriching your life. All I can add is that this book has found the most beautiful way to describe how I felt when I carried my son inside me for 40 weeks and when I looked into that beautiful tiny face when I first saw him.
    "While you waited in darkness,
    tiny knees curled to chin,
    the Earth and her creatures
    with the Sun and the Moon
    all moved in their places,
    each ready to greet you
    the very first moment
    of the very first day you arrived."
    But most importantly my now 34 month old loves it and he likes the pictures too. He points to the animals and says what they are, and then at the sun, the moon, the rain, all beautiful miracles of God (or Nature if you prefer) and he points at the drawing of the baby and says Adrian, because as he knows in our eyes that represents him. If you are a parent buy this book for your kids, if you aren't yet buy it as a gift, any new parent receiving this book I'm sure, will be grateful.
  • Julis Erving (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This book is so good. A baby has just been born and he is about to find out some crazy stuff. On the day he was born a lot of stuff happened everybody was talking about it even the animals knew that he was being born. That makes a person feel good on the inside when they know that they are that important. It was like the world bowed down to him. What would you do if you could take back time too when you were never born and when you were born the whole world was talking about it. Think about the day you were born.
  • Louise Thomas (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    As a veteran teacher of 29 years, I've read hundreds of books to students and my own children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. On the Day You Were Born is the book I reach for first when I'm planning a special present. To make the book even more precious, I've had students write special notes to the new baby (for colleagues), or colleagues write welcomes to my granddaughters on the inside cover of the book. Talk about a meaningful gift! My passion is geography, and I can't think of a better book to give to children because it details so many important events in our life in a delightful way.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I received this book for the birth of my first son almost 5 years ago. It was put on the shelf until his first birthday... when I read it to him at bedtime for the first time. I was moved to tears. He was captivated by the pictures as well. We have read it to him at bedtime on every birthday and it has become an important family tradition. We started the tradition with our younger son as well. I look forward to it every year. My son loved it so much by the time he was 3 years old that he started requesting it all the time. And tonight, my youngest second birthday, he sat and stared at the beautiful pages without one squirm (which is unheard of around here). It is a wonderful gift!
  • Tanya (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This is actually my favorite book in our children's private collection. At first I was not too thrilled with the pictures but over time they have grown on me... now they seem just perfect for the story. I noticed some reviews down the book because they feel it is too advanced for the age range suggested; I personally disagree. In my opinion it is never too early to impart knowledge to our children. I particularly like that it involves the child in the story line so that they ask what these things mean. I am surprised to see some (very few, yet some none the less) feel so differently about the book but I wanted to post in defense of the book because I feel it really is a true treasure. (Not that it really needed it at 4 1/2 stars... I just think it is 5 star worthy!) I also noticed one reader refer to the text as freakish. Wow! I am still trying to figure out how the text could be seen in that light!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    On the Day You Were Born is a lovely look at how the earth and all of its creatures prepare for a new baby's arrival. Both the story and the collages are just beautiful. I recommend it as a gift to all new babies. I've just begun reading it to my four-month-old son, and he stares in amazement at the collages. I've read that books should be introduced around six months, but this book certainly holds his attention. I'm sure it will increase in meaning as he grows.
  • W. Kaplan (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I wish I had known about this book long before now, because it would have been the only gift I would have given to any new parent. It certainly will be so from now on. In the most beautiful and spiritual wording imaginable, this book tells a child in no uncertain terms that his or her birth was a celebration-a cosmic event that changed the world for the better. Although it has some New Age aspects to it, it transcends any religion or dogma, and is, quite simply, completely beautiful. I want to buy it now, for my two teenaged children to cherish and keep. I want them to know that even though I often want to wring their respective teenaged necks, this is what they mean to me--every single word in this glorious book. I have never felt so moved over a baby gift as I am over this one. It is truly a gift of the heart, not only for me, but for anyone who is, or who has just become, a parent. Sometimes we forget just how much of a celebration the arrival of a new child can be. "On the Day You Were Born" is meant to remind us, and our children, now and forever. What a wonderful keepsake!
  • W. Kaplan (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I wish I had known about this book long before now, because it would have been the only gift I would have given to any new parent. It certainly will be so from now on. In the most beautiful and spiritual wording imaginable, this book tells a child in no uncertain terms that his or her birth was a celebration-a cosmic event that changed the world for the better. Although it has some New Age aspects to it, it transcends any religion or dogma, and is, quite simply, completely beautiful. I want to buy it now, for my two teenaged children to cherish and keep. I want them to know that even though I often want to wring their respective teenaged necks, this is what they mean to me - every single word in this glorious book. I have never felt so moved over a baby gift as I am over this one. It is truly a gift of the heart, not only for me, but for anyone who is, or who has just become, a parent. Sometimes we forget just how much of a celebration the arrival of a new child can be. "On the Day You Were Born" is meant to remind us, and our children, now and forever. What a wonderful keepsake!!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    We got this photo journal based on Debra Frasier's On the day you were born to use to tell our adopted baby the story of her birth and adoption. We've included pictures of her birth parents and us (who were all there at her birth) and so it makes a great way to introduce her to her story. The last page "We're so glad you've come!" is especially moving to me - I cry happy tears every time I read it to her, knowing how happy we are to have her in our lives.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    "On the day you were born a forest of tall trees collected the Sun's light in their leaves, where, in silent mystery, they made oxygen for you to breathe..." Radiant and moving, it doesn't get much better than this explaining what went on in the Universe the day your child was born. A book that I highly recommend. A child will feel and know that they are a significant part of Universe. A beautiful book to give as a gift. Although this book is recommended for the 4-8 group, a child of 12 months will be fascinated and held captive with this book and grow along with the book. This is a beautiful book celebrating the joy and wonder when a child is born. It describes how everyone, from animals to people to Earth itself, celebrated when 'you’ were born. A child can't help but feel loved and very special when this book is read to them. And the parent, who is reading the book, can't help but realize how wonderful bring a new baby into the world really is. This is an ideal gift for a family when a child is born.
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