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The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship (平装)
 by Don Miguel Ruiz

Category: Relationship
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
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MSL Pointer Review: Powerful, heartfelt, and spiritually freeing, the love and relationship teachings by a Toltec master will will you bring you inner joy and geneine peace.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I loved The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, in which he shared wisdom from his Toltec ancestors…it helped me and I'm sure countless others develop a simple, yet effective code of personal conduct. So when I had the chance to listen to his follow-up book, The Mastery of Love, I naturally was intrigued by the possibility of gaining some more valuable insights from the author - this time dealing with the subject of both developing and maintaining a loving relationship. Perhaps my only disappointment in this title was that it was too short... I gained so much from it that after one listening, I immediately felt the need to go back and listen a second time... methinks that if you were reading it, you'd do the same, if just to master this one concept:

    1) To try to change somebody is to try to change a dog or cat. You love them for who they are. If you're with somebody, don't try to change him or her.
    2) Also, there were these other valuable tidbits: Let go of the past and begin every day with a high level of love.
    3) Also, there were these other valuable tidbits: Let go of the past and begin every day with a high level of love.
    4) If you don't love yourself, you can change your belief and your
    life will change.
    5) When you hear your heart guiding you to happiness, make a choice
    and stick to it.
    6) Forgive others, and you will see miracles happen in your life.
    7) And lastly, there was this one that really struck home:
    If your choice is to be in a relationship and your partner is playing
    the same game… what a gift!
  • Kristen Davis (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    Kudos to Ruiz for writing another great book that's also a quick read! The lowest rating anyone has given it is a 3 out of 5 stars, which is amazing. It's not your typical relationship book, it's not going to tell you how to settle your argument about who should take out the trash, who's behaving poorly, or a fool proof way to find your soul mate. It will take you down a path of how you develop relationships, starting from the beginning of your emotional life to now. Then it describes to you how to re-examine your current relationships.

    I really enjoyed the stories that typically start most chapters and the creative examples he uses to get his point across. "The Perfect Relationship" has the dog example "The dog is responsible for its half of the relationship with you. One half of the relationship is completely normal - the dog's half, When you come home, it barks at you, it wags it tail, it pants because it's so happy to see you. It does its part very well, and you know it's the perfect dog." He goes on to say because your expectation of the dog is to be a dog and nothing more, it is a perfect relationship. How many relationships do you have where you only expect a person to be who they are and nothing more?

    The chapters are filled with great points about emotional development and "wounds" we acquire through the life process. In the end, he sums it up that finding heaven is about finding truth, forgiveness, and self-love.

    I feel there's other books that cover similar material that have moved me more passionately than "The Mastery of Love" most of those take longer to read and are a little more abstract. I recommend this book to anyone recovering from a breakup, or coming from a "I can't find the love I'm looking for" point of view. For anyone else, it's still a good book :-)

    Four out of Five stars for great messages, good dialogue and length. Minus one star for not blowing me away with some sort of deep feeling or passion.
  • Denise Mastriaoni (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    From this wonderful book, you will learn more about the importance of true, unconditional self love, and from that place, you will then know how to love others as they are, not as you try to re-make them to be.

    Self love comes from the center of your heart and being, and with that comes the realization that we can only share true love with another person when we first share true unconditional love with ourselves.

    This is far different than "ego" as ego is the exact opposite of love. It is all from the outside in. Ruiz writes in a manner that is to the point, where you will come to understand more about authenticity, and the difference this perspective can make in your life.

    I loved this book, and I also suggest another book along with this one by Barbara Rose called Stop Being the String Along. Both books have opened my mind and heart, and are authentic gems of wisdom that have been a tremendous benefit in my life.
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