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Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born (平装)
 by Jamie Lee Curtis (Author) , Laura Cornell (Illustrator)

Category: Story, Family love, Ages 0-4, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 98.00  MSL price: ¥ 88.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Finding the right words to explain the joy and love you feel for the child you bring into your heart and home isn't always easy, and it is a marvelous story of love and remembrance.
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  • Sonya (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This book is about a young girl, who is asking her mother and father to tell her again about the night she was born. This little girl is adopted. She knows the story by heart. So, she ends up telling the story herself. This is a very heartwarming book. It begins with the phone ringing to tell them that she has been born. I cannot begin to express how touching this book is to me. The illustrations are adorable. They are so enticing to observe. The pictures capture Curtis's writing perfectly. Laura Cornell is a gifted illustrator who brings books to life in her drawings. I would definitely recommend this book. It makes me feel all warm inside when I read it. This book really brings out the true meaning of family and what it means to be loved.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    After having our first three children "biologically," my wife and I adopted our now four year old daughter at birth. This book is a terrific mix of story and entertaining graphics that encapsulates the first few days of her life. It has given our daughter a book of her own that has the words "adopt" and "birth mother" in a context that is warm and entertaining. She loves the book and at least once every week she picks it out for story time. What is most telling is that when my wife and I are sitting together in the evening; our daughter will find this book and bring it to us. So she has given it a five star rating of her own!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I loved this book the very first time I saw it at a book fair last fall. I fell in love with the story of this little girl who is so obviously loved by her parents. It brought back memories, especially the part where she says "And tell me again how you couldn't grow a baby in your tummy, so another woman who was too young to take care of me was growing me and she would be my birth mother, and you would adopt me and be my parents." That's my family. It hit so close to home.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    Those books of Ms. Curtis' which I have read to and with my daughter have delighted both of us. Neither of us find them too simple for her, nor are they in any way condescending towards a child's intelligence. I am an adopted child, and I found her book, "Tell me about the night..." to be touching and a great way to explain to my daughter how things worked. However, I do find the person who writes in to completely trash every contribution that Ms. Curtis has made to children's writings to be quite annoying. If you have that much time on your hands, why not try to make some kind of lasting and good contribution yourself? The fact that you are writing terrible things about a book which hasn't even been released yet shows that you have little to do and little mind with which to do it. Get a hobby and see a shrink. I pity you the lack of self-worth that makes you attack other people. It is a sure sign of your own feelings of worthlessness. Ms. Curtis is no more perfect than anyone else, but she has entertained and cheered all ages through her performances and her books. All you can do is irritate people with your inane drivel. Perhaps your feelings of worthlessness are well-founded. Thank you again, Ms. Curtis, for all you have done.
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