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A Great And Terrible Beauty (Readers Circle) (平装)
 by Libba Bray

Category: Bestsellers, Fiction, Gothic fantacy, Ages 9-12, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 118.00  MSL price: ¥ 108.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A fantastic combination of a historical fiction, a delicious, elegant gothic fantasy, and a teensy bit of romance, incorporating a very modern view adolescence and a particularly insightful depiction of female friendships.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    I love fantasy- and I've read so much of it, that I'm fairly confident in my ability to tell the good from the bad. This book, A Great and Terrible Beauty, by Libba Bray, was most certainly a good one. So good, in fact, that it could rival some of my favorites in the genre... Which is saying something, as I've got pretty high standards. It took place a long time ago- in the 1800's. Personally, I prefer books that happen now - we get enough history in Social Studies class. This book, however, seemed fresh and up-to-date even though they wore corsets and hoop skirts. Libba Bray's style of writing was fluid and smooth, and it felt as if the main character was there with you, telling you a fantastical story. The story begins in an exotic location that Gemma's really quite sick of-India. After spending nearly 16 years (her entire life) in a country of trained monkeys, animals, and sari-wearing-nurses, she's sick of it all. She throws a tantrum at her mother, but not before she receives a mysterious talisman (from the same mother that she yelled and screamed at). As she's walking away from her parent, she falls to the ground and has a terrible vision-and it's not the last one she has... All of these strange visions have an unlucky habit of coming true, as she's soon to find out. After Gemma's first psychic experience, her remaining family ships her to a finishing school in England. Gemma doesn't really fit in there at first, but she finds a place for herself... A very special place, among the most popular girls in the entire school. Gemma, however, finds herself in that place not because of money and beauty, but because of her rather special talent; the visions. This talent unfolds as the story goes on, and she finds herself able to access another realm- and bring people with her. Gemma finds herself wrapped up in an organization decades old, full of secrets. Strangely enough, this far-fetched tale of different realms, visions, and danger-filled clubs is believable- simply because of the way the story is told; as if you're right there. My only beef with the book is that if you don't hang on to every word (which isn't difficult to do) you miss things. Important things. Although, I suppose that can't be considered much of a bad thing... Libba Bray writes beautifully, and reading this book was quite a pleasure. The language was descriptive but not flowery and hard to understand, and, I was ready to scream when the book ended-I'd gotten so attached to the characters I didn't want to let them go. My only consolation is that there will be a sequel- for which I'll be waiting eagerly.
  • Connie (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    Simply put, this book is perfect. I absolutely love the Victorian background, and I adore all of the characters. I am a huge fan of fantasy books, and this is the best one that I have read. It is a real page-turner, and just when I thought I knew what was going to happen next, there was another twist. I enjoyed reading it so much that I am currently re-reading it. I have read "Rebel Angels" as well, and I am hoping that a third book is coming out soon! (Connie Boy, Fort Myers, FL)
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    So I bought this book Saturday afternoon and fell asleep at five am the next morning, 350 pages into it. Finished it right after church. If that doesn't say that it's a good book, what does? No, good means nothing. Exceptional doesn't begin to describe the emotion and the engrossing depictions that pin to you your cozy, reading chair and multi-dimensional characters that speak right through you. And how about that Kartick? As if we don't all know what it's like to see someone you feel for who may be checking out your friend, but you know that there's a connection. Okay, so maybe we haven't experienced it quite like that, but you know what I mean. It's so real and the present-tense writing style is beyond magnificent. I don't know that I've ever read a book so impeccable.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    Have you ever wanted to see what it would be like to be a sixteen year old living in a posh Victorian boarding school set in the early 19th century? If so, A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray is the book for you! The main character is sixteen year old Gemma Doyle who lives in India with her parents. After seeing her mother's mysterious death in a vision which became true, Gemma leaves India alone and travels to England. There, Gemma attends Spence Academy for Girls. She becomes friends with her roommate Ann, Felicity and Pippa. The visions continue and later on her friends join her on the adventure. The story becomes more thrilling as mysterious clues come together. I really enjoyed this book. Reading it gave me a fascinating view into the Victorian era and how young women were expected to behave. Since the book is written in first person it feels as if you are right there with Gemma, as she discovers secrets and solves mysteries. The gothic, chilling, and suspenseful aspects of the book make it even more interesting to read. There is a sequel titled, Rebel Angels which I am interested in reading. I would highly recommend this book to any teenage girl who is looking for a superb novel that they cannot put down!
  • Brian (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    A Great and Terrible Beauty is a captivating fictional novel that is one of those curl-up-under-the-covers kinds of books. It will have you hooked by the second chapter. Libba Bray displays her area of strength -writing- through this novel, which is her very first. It will live in for many years to come because of its excellence. Libba takes you through the mysterious life of Gemma Doyle, who not only isn't understood by her peers, but also isn't understood, be herself. Gemma is different, she will not fall in line to be a rich-man's wife, and have no say like the other girls. NO, she finds her own way through life, no matter what everyone else thinks! Gemma's life takes a turn... but, is it for the better? This happens when "tragedy strikes her family in India" and she must move to London, England. There she will attend Spence Academy, a prep boarding school for girls, the does not welcome her warmly. Soon she finds herself wrapped up with the most popular and powerful girls at Spence, and can't seem to find a way out of it. Gemma is a lonely girl that is "prone to visions of the future" that have a miserable way of coming true. She can't decipher what the visions mean. But, when a young man is watching her every move and warning her to shy way from the visions, Gemma finds herself scared and confused. Through the visions Gemma finds an answer to a question that she didn't even ask. Her mother belonged to a group of people called the Order. Gemma is not alone and can't wait to find out more of this so-called Order. There her destiny awaits her in a train of unforgettable events that will change Gemma Doyle forever! This is an amazing book that I would definitely recommend to many different people from teenagers and up but it is definitely for girls! Libba is a brilliant writer. I just love her style; she puts so much into her writing and is very creative with her story plot. She uses such detail you feel as if you are the character themselves. Libba has a way of making you never want to put down, it is great! This is one of the best books that I have ever read in my life and I can't wait to read her next novel. I highly propose this book as a present or just a book to read on a rainy day!
  • L. Bruce (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    It's 1894 where women are supposed to learn to waltz, draw, and not make a spectacle of herself in public. They are made to make connections so they can marry rich men and keep up the family name. Here we come to meet Gemma Doyle who has odd visions that unfortunately come true. When she visioned her mothers death Gemma was sent back to England to go to a finishing school named Spence. Here at Spence she gets caught up in gossip, and the most popular girls in school. A young man watches her from a distance and if need be threats Gemma to close her mind to these visions. But Gemma is too sure of herself until she gets caught up in a whole new world filled with magic and the realms. Then, she isn't sure of anything. A Great and Terrible Beauty sweeps you up into a whirlwind of vivid colors and shadows as you learn about The Order, Circe, Spence, and Gemma's destiny. It is one of my favorite books because it has so much detail and so many cliffhangers that I finished the book in a very short amount of time. You will become so involved with this story that you will buy the next book in the series, Rebel Angels. It is as good as the first. When I read the summary on the back I really thought this quote was the most helpful. "It's a vividly drawn portrait of the Victorian age, when girls were groomed for lives as rich men's wives... and the story of a young girl who saw another way."
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