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How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market (精装)
 by Jerry Zaltman

Category: Marketing, Customer research, Marketing research
Market price: ¥ 358.00  MSL price: ¥ 338.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
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MSL Pointer Review: An unusual marketing book with profound insight into the role of subconscious in the consumer’s mind and how we can then take advantage of this discovery when we make decisions.
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  • Shashank Tripathi (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-01 00:00>

    I bet you will come away with some thought-provoking ideas. For instance, there's a suggestion that you could segment your markets along entirely new lines. Among other things, brain scans could be used to classify your customer base into people who prefer visual communications and those who prefer auditory ones, and then target the first group with a newspaper display ad and the second with a radio spot.

    But now for my paltry quibbles. While I adore the way the theory is constructed, I do not entirely agree with the author's ideas. Some ambiguous findings are shrugged off with "Qualitative research is not a replacement, it is complementary." The truth in some of the cases is that all his metaphorical attempts with showing of eccentric visuals etc do not always lead to any more exhilarating insights than could have been attained through other forms of research, or plain gut instinct.

    For instance, consider his study of executive MBA students at Harvard Business School who were questioned: "What do you mean by customer focused?" Part of the answer: It means collecting information, analyzing data, anticipating customer needs - all exactly what customer-service gurus advise. But further elicitation revealed another part of the answer: Being customer-focused means having integrity, caring about customers in an authentic way, being a company worthy of trust. This leads Zaltman to the conclusion that "The executives were surprised by how much of their individual thinking was shared by others, although they had never discussed these things with anyone."

    I am not sure how "having integrity, caring about customers, being a company worthy of trust" translates into something seminal?

    This is not to trivialize the impact of this book. I love it. I love the WAY in which the theory is constructed. Chances are you will indeed be goaded into thinking of issues pertinent to your function and gain a good deal of insight into how human beings assess and operate (spoiler: in images, not in linguistically confined words.)

    I recommend this book wholeheartedly, perhaps even a must-read book for anyone involved in psychology or strategy, but just keep your reality hats on.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-01 00:00>

    This is by far the most revolutionary book on marketing to be released to the public in the past two decades. Frankly, I was astonished as to the level of depth and detail Zaltman revealed into his methods. Backed with hard data, validated by huge windfall profits where implemented, and celebrated by Fortune 50 firms, How Customers Think will transform your perceptions of business marketing strategy.
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