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The Total Money Makeover, A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness (精装)
 by Dave Ramsey

Category: Personal finance, Investing, Wealth management, Self help
Market price: ¥ 288.00  MSL price: ¥ 268.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A witty, entertaining, and motivational wealth guide for the financially challenged.
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  • G. Mellander, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    This is a great book for everyone. It is the Benjamin Franklin guide for 21st century Americans. Actually it has good advice for anyone in the whole world.

    Back to Franklin - a penny saved is a penny earned. That's the first step. There is no need to buy every single toy that Madison Avenue tries to foist on us. We lived without it yesterday and we can live without it today. Ramsey makes that ever so evident.

    One of Ramsey's major points is that with few exceptions (the purchase of a residence or a car) we should pay cash for all our purchases. If you use a credit card, to earn airline miles, that's fine, but be sure you pay all your balances each and every month. Why pay a credit company 12% or more. Insane!

    Some people can't do that and thus must heed Ramsey's advice all the more. Get rid of your credit cards, carry cash and think three times and hopefully let a day go by before you make a large (as well as many small) purchases.

    It is not hard "to be rich." It starts by being disciplined, buy only what you need (not what you want), always pay cash (when you are out of cash, go home) and follow the many other wise suggestions in this book.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    I stumbled across this book in the book store before I had ever even hear of Dave Ramsey. I had told everyone I knew about it. This book made me face reality and stop listening to friends and family who had me convinced that debt was just a part of life. This book has done more than put me on the road to financial freedom. It has helped me to not define myself by money. It is just an uplifting book (which is nice when the reality of your debt is getting you down.) This book just gives you direction when you have no idea where to start.
  • Christine Williams, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    The stories and examples in this book are incredible. The step by step guide is easy to understand, but hard to apply until you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Great book if you really want to know how to be secure, this is the book you should buy.
  • Joshua King, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    This is financial step one: Start the journey. I have been listening to Dave Ramsey since he started in Nashville in 1993. His common sense information is why I have a 6 figure 401K, and have had financial peace over the past 13 years. He taught me what my parents should have about personal finance. I have only made 4 car payments in 8 years(I have the cash to pay it off whenever I choose)and have had almost zero credit card debt in 8 years.(A divorce set me back for 5 months).When I started listening to him I was BROKE. This is a great beginners book in personal finance, it can show you the way out of debt.
  • D. Reeves, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    If there is anybody out there that is thinking about using Dave Ramsey's system to get out of debt, I highly recommend this book. It is filled with lots of uncommon common sense information that will help you out if you take it to heart.

    Before reading this book, my wife and I were a bit worried about using this system and didn't know whether or not we could do it. My wife read the book first and got very excited about changing our habits. I read the book soon after and we got on the same page and have really changed our habits in a short amount of time.

    In less than a month, we have stopped using credit cards all together and gone from digging a hole for ourselves to clawing our way out of debt.

    This book does not bore you with a bunch of numbers and big vocabulary. It states simple truths in ways that you probably haven't thought of before and then backs it up with motivational stories. For the people that want the numbers, there are plenty of blank forms in the back of the book to help you on your way.
  • Jeff Bennett, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    Excellent book that my family was able to follow. Within 6 months of reading the book, we have reorganized our finances to be completely debt free except for my house. Debt is bad especially if you have a savings account that can cover most of the debt. What woke me up was the Bible passage where Jesus instructed the young man to sell everything and give to the poor. Today most of us would sell everything and still have to borrow money to give to the poor. Not very encouraging.

    Here is an example of how I thought before the makeover.
    This illustrates how backward some of my thinking was and how I let advisors lead me there.

    It all started with a financial advice company while I was still in the army.
    1. The advisors tried to talk us out of tithing so we could put more money away.
    2. They were quick to advice taking advance pay to put away into investments
    3. They wanted me set up in huge insurance (whole life) and called me every few years to increase it. I was soon paying over 250 monthly.
    4. They wanted me to borrow against my savings to put a roof on my house. Since the interest rate was less, I could actually make money with the debt.

    Long story short, I was broke, even though I had money in the bank, I had no cash flow. To their protesting, we immediately stopped the Roth IRAs temporarily, bought term life, sold a few things, cashed in our savings, cashed in our whole life and are now debt free. Now we can save like crazy. I look forward to being able to give now.

    Get debt free and begin to live like no one else.
  • E. Lambeth, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    I have to agree with all the reviewers who've given this book 1 or 2 stars. I you need a basic financial guide, do yourself a huge favor and get Rich Dad Poor Dad or The Courage to be Rich instead.

    If you're utterly out of your depth when it comes to simple financial tasks such as budgeting and balancing your checkbook, I suppose you might find this, or one of Ramsey's unending series of nearly identical books, moderately useful. However, the author's approach is far too simplistic to be the "total" financial guide which he proclaims it to be, and some of his assumptions are downright foolhardy. To take just one example, he advises anyone with any automotive loans whatsoever to immediately sell their car and instead buy a "thousand dollar car" to get them by. This completely ignores the fact that any car that costs only $1000 almost certainly is going to require constant large repair bills which probably will exceed the payments on the old, more expensive car. Furthermore, such car is likely to leave the driver stranded somewhere on the side of the road, running up towing bills and possibly causing other severe repercussions such as job loss. Furthermore, Ramsey completely ignores the bath a buyer will take at the dealership on selling the more expensive car, buying the cheaper car, and then re-buying a nice car again once he has saved the money in the bank. In very few cases (only if you are driving around in a shiny new BMW or Hummer which you can't afford) is the benefit of all this hassle likely to outweigh the costs... but don't try telling that to Dave, who proclaims his blowhard message with missionary zeal and caustically disregards anyone who disagrees. Another example is Ramsey's relentless promotion of "growth stock mutual funds" as a cure-all investment for people at all ages and life stages, completely disregarding the fact that many people (older Americans, retirees, college students, etc.,) have absolutely no business putting their money in high-risk growth stocks. As an MBA in corporate finance, I am also appalled that Ramsey never even mentions the widespread empirical evidence that most individual investors are unable to correctly manage a portfolio without panicking during market downturns and are likely to find such an investment to be a financial albatross.

    Additionally, readers of any faith other than protestant American evangelism will also find Ramsey's endless religious bromides quite tiresome.

    ( A negative review. MSL remarks.)
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