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Chicken Soup for the Kid's Soul: 101 Stories of Courage, Hope and Laughter (Chicken Soup for the Soul (Paperback Health Communications)) (Paperback) (平装)
 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Patty Hansen, Irene Dunlap

Category: Motivation, Inspiration, kids
Market price: ¥ 178.00  MSL price: ¥ 168.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A timeless book that brings you back to innocence and happiness of childhood.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    This book has different topics like On Love, friendship, family, etc. It teaches you how to build your strengh and love. This book encourged my dreams. Chicken Soup also teaches you a lot about friendship. Chicken Soup has 101 courages, hoping and laughing stories. There are different topics that teach you different things. On Love they have stories on love and loving back in return. There are Sad, happy stories helping after people who you love. Then there's friendship. Friendship is about having friends that fight with you, but after, becoming friends again. The stories also tell it doesn't matter if your friend is black or white. The real test is if they're nice to you. Family is about how you get in fights and how to respect your family. Attitude and Perspective is knowing what's right. Death and dying is when you love someone and then dies. They still love you and want to be with you. Achieving Dreams is on going towards your dream, don't stop trying. Overcoming Obstacles is when you say something like I would have gotten 100% if I didn't get those 7 wrong. When you don't want to get something wrong to get people mad if you did something wrong. On Choices is anther way of saying decisions Tough stuff is when you want to do something so bad but you can't that's tough luck.

    I liked this book because it realy changed me on problems and dreams. It was really good book.

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    This book is what everything a kid goes through. They go through love, friendship problems, family problems and attitude a justment. Every kid should get this book because this book has the answers to your problems. No matter what situation, good or bad, this book does have the answers. This book shares a lot of problems a kid goes through and a lot of good times in their childhood. For me, i don't dislike the book, i really love it!
    As I was growing up, I had a lot of problems. One of my problems was the fact that my bestfriend was moving. In this book, it says "But the more i thought about it, the more I realized I wasn't really losing her. The person taught me so much in life and laughter, the person who had helped me grow to be myself, was just going away for a while, to do some growing and learning up of her own." This quote is really true. The person who taught me so much is still here with me. I think that he just needs to keep learning. He was always there for and he made an impact in my life that no matter where he is, he is always going to be apart of me.

    This book teaches a kid not to take things for granted. Lately, I been taking time for granted. Me and my brother has been really distance in the last few years. Me and him are seven years apart and we and him never really talked. In one short story in the family section it says " Hey Tova,It's me Sara. I just called to tell you I love you." This quote is a good quote. In this story, Tova is travaling to Egypt to study by herself. Her sister, Sara, is a few years younger then her. Sara wanted to be everything her sister is, so she copied everything she did. On the night Tova left, Sara noticed how quiet it is without her older sister so she cried all night. She then got the courage to call her and say I love you and she did. I wish that I could do this, so this short story gave me the courage too.

    I have no favorite part in the book because everything in this book is really usefull in a kids life. This book covers every aspect in a kids life. Turning from a kid to a teenager, this book has it all. I advise every kid to read it because it's really handy when your in need.

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    My Mom brought this book home one day I picked it up and Ithought it was very, very good. Although in the section On Death AndDieing was sad I found the stories interasting and amazing and I likedto know other kids are going through the same thing and worse things then I am. I hope to see a Chicken Soup For the Kids Soal II soon.
  • Jessica (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    Chicken Soup for the Kid's soul has real life stories from celebrities like: Shaquille O'Neal, Kenan Thompson, and Kel Mitchell. There are also stories from children and teenagers. The Chicken Soup collection is an inspiration to help people through life. I feel like Chicken Soup for the Kid's Soul has helped me make many life changing dicisions.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    I think this was a lovely book because I had many interesting stories that I wanted to read again and again on many interesting topics. Some made me cry and some made me smile. This book taught me about other kids point of view and their lives. After reading this book, I understood that other peoples point of view matters and that life is not just a game. I can't even begin to explain what this book has done for me. It turned me into a whole different person. I think every kid should read this. It is so exrodenary. It will change your life!
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