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The Prophet (精装)
 by Kahlil Gibran

Category: Spirituality, Inspiraton, Self-help
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A supreme literary achievement that has impacted millions of people around the world, The Prophet is the exploration of self, soul, community, nature, and universe, and a must read for everyone.
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  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    All of us have compelx thoughts, ideas and questions about life and what goes in it's circle; the difficult part is how to express them with words, write them down, or asking them and get who ever reads what we write to understand what we mean. Gibran (as I believe) contributed to humanity by writing his The Prophet book; a book that is a must have for any one who seeks to find answers for the deepest questions in life from the time they are born untill death. Deep words that are able to take you to a totally another world, a writing style that is unique by its own. The Prophet will expand your vision of things and make you a better person. As Gibran was not only a writer but an artist too, this would be his ultimate achievment; a book that you will always cherish having, and never get bored reading.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    This book helped me through some really rough times when I was in a very dark place in my mind and spirit.

    The insightfulness spirituality of his passages gave me hope that one day I could find my way free of the cloud of dispair that was hanging over me. And it has.

    Now, when I go back through this book with a soft smile on my face I enjoy reading it aloud to that special person. It still captures the heart of the reader, and if its being read aloud, the listener.
  • Timothy (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    It is a true masterpiece in which almost every, if not every word counts. I have read it over and over again, since a girlfriend gave me a copy just before I left for Berkeley to attend law school. I have given copies to many friends, and recommended to others that they buy it and read it carefully.

    There is enormous wisdom in each chapter, especially given the materialistic and secular world in which we live - which often seems for many people to be devoid of of Life, and his words are just as profound today as when they were written in the early years of the last century.

    This book should be recommended reading for any young person who is old enough to wonder what Life is really all about. Indeed, it can be picked up at any age, and it offers insights that are brilliant and beautifully written.

    I urge anyone, who is thinking about buying it, to do so. Just peruse a copy at a local bookstore or library, and you are apt to become enthralled. It may take several readings to soak up its essence; and even after many years, I still find nuances and learn more each time I reread it.
  • Tim Burness (MSL quote), UK   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    At least 6 out of 5 stars! "The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain", is my favourite quote from this classic book of magical mystical poetry and philosophy. There is insight and wisdom on every page. 25 years after someone first lent me a copy, it seems to have more relevance to life's fundamental challenges than ever.

    Kahlil Gibran tells the story of Almastafa's departure from the city of Orphalese. As he leaves, the prophet (Almastafa) shares his thoughts on just about every aspect of the human experience. "Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding", "Work is love made visible", "And think not that you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course".

    However The Prophet is much more than a few inspiring self-help quotes. More a case of some of the deepest Eastern wisdom, universally applicable to the human condition. Long may it continue to inspire countless numbers of people around the world.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    Intrinsically, this book utilizes a flowing a cleaver way to express the ideological interpretations of the author. While, personally, I found nothing profound in the ideologies expressed in the book, I did find it, simply a pleasure to read. Even with the lack of philosophical epiphany, the style of the book in its fluid manner, the parallel structure of the chapters, and the brevity combined with the larger font in the piece, leave the reader, whether they agree with the philosophies therein or not, in a state of solemn peace and the feeling that they have not wasted their time. As, really, they probably have not, it really did not waste my time anyway; it only took a little over an hour to read (with breaks).
  • A reviewer (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    Khalil Gibran's The Prophet is a truly awe inspiring work of prosaic poetry. Despite being a native-born Arabic speaker, Gibran wrote The Prophet in English, ensuring that his powerful words lost nothing in translation.

    The work's 28 short chapters recount the words of a prophet as he leaves his home to depart on a new journey. The words that flow from the prophet's mouth and onto the pages are philosophical and spiritual treatises on all aspects of life. Chapters discuss the range of human experiences and include discussions such as "On Friendship", "On Pain" and "On Death." What unites the 28 chapters is Gibran's thought provoking and probing literary style as Gibran's prophet invokes his listeners to live life to the fullest. The book is not overtly religious but every word and sentence is filled with a spiritual clarity.

    The book is eminently quotable with every chapter providing a nugget of truth worthy of repeating. Amazingly, Gibran packs his masterpiece into less than 100 pages, making it a very quick and easy read. Readers will find themselves returning to The Prophet again and again to recapture the beauty of Gibran's words.

    The Prophet, which Gibran himself recognized as his greatest masterpiece, is a timeless literary classic. Its truth has touched generations of readers and will undoubtedly continue to do so.
  • Michelle Pastore (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    If you love someone give them a copy of this book! I was given a copy of this book when I was 18 years old and graduating high school. I had heard a quote from the book during my speech and debate class that made perfect sense to me "Love knows not its own depths until the hour of seperation", and I made myself a promise to read this book. I had told a friend about my promise to myself and for a graduation present she presented me with The Prophet. I can honestly say that I have never read a book that has touched me as much as this one. It is written almost lyrically. I have since given several different people copies of this book: some friends, some family, some more than friends. Each of them have come away from reading it with a better appreciation of life. When I give this book I ask the recipient only one thing and that is this: if ever they know someone who is going through a rough time in life to pass the book on and let them heal,learn, and realize they are loved by someone no matter how bad things may seem!
  • Del Zimmerman (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    Eloquent and full of divine wisdom, this little treatise packs more truth into 96 pages than you're going to find anywhere else. I'll continue to read passages each morning just to remind myself of the beauty and magic of life.
  • John (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-05 00:00>

    This piece of literature promises enlightenment but fails to deliver. Though the transient prophet indeed speaks eloquently and his words inspire deep reflection, they fail to impart true understanding. The initial discourse on love is riveting but what follows quickly descends into empty rhetorical musings which continue until the bitter end. The most entertaining aspect of this book is the artful use of language which almost masks the fact that the prophet indeed speaks but says nothing.
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