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Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul: Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit of Writers (Chicken Soup for the Soul) (Paperback) (平装)
 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Bud Gardner

Category: Motivation, Inspiration, Writer, Writing
Market price: ¥ 148.00  MSL price: ¥ 138.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
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MSL Pointer Review: An excellent reference for those who always seek beauty and healing in writing and self-examination and people who are preparing to pick up the pen.
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  • Rachel Elaine (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    This notable volume of "Chicken Soup" consists of eighty stories within ten chapters to thoroughly inspire and give voice to the value of writing, whether for profit and as a career or for the sheer joy in the outlet of creative expression.

    Each true-life story was written by a professional writer within some genre of the field, and I found myself turning the page to find any familiar to me. Regardless of familiarity of name, each story will inspire, even if you have no inclination to write. And if you do write, you will find helpful tips, comradeship and motivation along with the encouragement.

    As with all books of the Chicken Soup series, this one can easily be book-marked and read at leisure. I enjoyed every page and every story.
  • Nissel (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    Having writer's block? Used to love writing, but now it seems you have to force yourself to pick up a pen (or open your word processing program)? Get this book, but don't read it all at once or you won't have time left to write!

    This book helps you realize WHY you are a writer and that your favorite writers struggle with the same silly self-doubts!

    Forgotten the power of your words? Read the first couple of stories and realize your pen holds the same power Soup's pages do.

  • Deborah Woehr (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    I've been glancing at the Chicken Soup series ever since they started coming out. When I saw an advertisement for this book, I immediately set out for the bookstore and picked up my copy. What can I say about this book that hasn't been said already? It is inspirational, yes. The stories touched my heart in many ways. But that was not all. I felt connected with these people, some of whom had a very difficult time with life, in getting their stories published, and staying published. Some hit the lowest point in their lives before something (or someone) touched their hearts and brought them back.

    I read a story last night about how a 21 year-old drug addict discovered that he was alive after he wrote his first essay during a prison writing course. There are too many stories to list here, but I will tell you that each one of them touched me in some way. Some of them made me laugh outright. But most importantly, they spurned me to do what I need to do most-write, write, and write. I have just finished my manuscript, and when I get my first rejection letter, I will turn back to this book and see all of those who made it despite the many that they received. I will turn back to it when I need a little boost to jumpstart my creative juices. I will turn back to it when I need to connect to other people just like me.

  • Blackburn (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    One of the latest installments in a highly successful and quality series of books, Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul is a wonderful book whose time has come. An avid storyteller, I have been inspired to put on paper all the ideas and dreams that have always seemed unimportant. I feel the two best pieces of advice in this book were:

    1) Even if your subject isn't new, your view of it is, and is unique.

    2) If you keep your ideas locked up inside all your life, when you are gone, who will know how history stood from your angle? I highly recommend this book to everyone, from wish-I could to now-I am writers.
  • Randy Gilbert (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    Sometimes words can't express feelings, but let me just say that I love Chicken Soup for the Soul books. As a writer, this one in particular strikes at my heart strings - I find myself crying, then laughing, then struck with enthusiasm for writing some more.

    Once you've read any of the Chicken Soup books you are hooked. They are all fantastic. Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen are special people, following their dreams. Both of them are very proactive thinkers, motivating thousands of other people to follow their own dreams - and I am one of them. Their proactive style mixes really well with mine. They have a knack for getting people to work with them and their books practically build themselves.

    Mark Victor Hansen in particular, America's Master Motivator, always covers all of the proactive bases: smart thinking, system thinking, futuristic thinking, and positive thinking. If you want to be a good writer and have the kind of success and abundance that makes your life 100% livable-you should follow his advice. Some of the ideas he promotes are found in Success Bound, another book built on learning how to live a proactive life that is God centered and fulfilling.

    I now have a whole bookshelf full of Chicken Soup books. This is one of the best. It is serendipitous in that it will always bring the unexpected. If you have other friends who are writers, consider getting them this book. Needless to say, it has played a huge role in helping me to be a successful writer and businessman. Get the book and look for "Why I Keep Writing" and "Writing from the Heart" two excellent stories that will move you.

    My recommendation to you is, take a few minutes each day and read this book over time. Let it inspire you, then, move out confidently towards fulfilling your dreams, knowing that success and abundance will be your destiny.

    Best wishes for a successful and proactive future!

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