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The Great Santini (平装)
 by Pat Conroy

Category: Fiction
Market price: ¥ 108.00  MSL price: ¥ 98.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A wonderful author who brings his characters to life with a grace, humanity and humor rarely seen in modern literature.
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  • Mark Nevitt (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-08 00:00>

    I found The Great Santini to be a fantastic read for numerous reasons. Conroy's vivid character depictions of the Meecham family and subsequent development of these characters engaged the reader. As an aviator in the US Navy, I found Conroy's depiction of "Bull" to be both appalling and fascinating. So much has changed (much for the better) and the traditional machismo fighter pilot has been transformed into a more subtle but equally confident aviator. I was surprised at Conroy's overtly autobiographical description of his family (what do they think of "Santini"?), but Conroy's courage to tell this tale should be commended. In summary, this is a fine read and anyone who has served or grown up in naval aviation will relate well to the characters.
  • Blume (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-08 00:00>

    I began reading this book with trepidation, because I worried that a book about the Marines and basketball might be a little too masculine and juvenile even for someone who tends to enjoy books with that character, but I was pleasantly mistaken. This is a great book - not just good, but great - about a career Marine who has established himself as a hero in war, leader within the Corps and one of the most bombastic, foul mouthed and party-hearty personalities anywhere, but a man who has no idea how to alter his personality at home. His family, which dutifully follows him around the South, admires his professional abilities and follows his orders almost without question also live in terror of the man who rules with an iron fist and absues them emotionally and physically. Bull Meecham is truly one of the great characters and personalities from any fiction I've read.

    The other members of the family, however, are also just as valuable and interesting in this book. Bull's son's attempts to be a man, his wife's attempts to rear her children with Southern charm and grace despite their father, the oldest daughter's attempts to be an independent woman despite both of her parents. The Great Santini goes further, however, and explores racism in the mid-century South, the power of sports in youth culture, the troubled existence of military families, etc.

    Pat Conroy is a beautiful writer who creates lifelike characters, produces huge laughs and equally large tragedies, and never lets a dull moment slip into this book. This is one of my favorite books I've ever read and will highly recommend it to anyone I meet.
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