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The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization (平装)
 by Patrick J. Buchanan

Category: Current affairs, global politics, Nonfiction
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Serious and challenging, this excellent read is for all open-minded readers who are more interested in a pursuit of truth than in political correctness.
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  • Shane (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    You can ignore what the PC Publishers Weekly reviewer says above; he/she is typical of what's wrong with American journalism. I never paid much attention to Pat Buchanan, but I should have. This man is bright, has insight and broad knowledge, and he cites his sources scrupulously. I'm halfway through The Death of the West and it scares the **** out of me. Now I see why he and other conservatives are so adamantly against abortion, against social decadence, for controlled immigration, for Christianity, for moral principles. Buchanan means absolute moral principle, not the pseudomorals of the guilt-ridden leftists, who defend every wolf in victim's clothing and paint conservatives as the only real evildoers.

    The essence of Buchanan's arguments is that with all-time low birthrates and "everything's relative" philosophy, white Europe and America are committing cultural and genetic suicide. We will die out in a few generations, and who knows what will happen to the unparalleled culture we created. America is overrun from the south by Latinos fleeing corrupt regimes and permanently weak economies. Many of these immigrants, even after they've found their way into our universities and often into elected office, Buchanan shows to be devoted to changing our official language to Spanish and returning sovereignty of large parts of the US to Mexico.

    Europe is deliberately importing Muslims from North Africa and Pakistan in immense numbers to fill jobs for which there aren't enough French workers. France is already 10% Muslim, and the rest of Europe is not far behind. Not a problem? Did you watch the news about Muslim youth firebombers who set France ablaze for weeks in November, 2005? Have you seen what Muslims do to other Muslims (clerics, police, babies, women in mosques) in Iraq, quite apart from what they do to Israelis? That behavior will escalate in Europe, too. European leaders are completely clueless, or if they perceive, they won't admit it and are doing almost zip to change course. They're pathologically politically correct.

    Buchanan cites sobering statistics about birth and death trends all over the world that simply can't be denied, and are ignored at our peril. He points fingers at the Marxist ideological origins of our malaise (Frankfurt School, Marcuse, others) that were propagated by, and now more than ever permeate our educational institutions from grade school through graduate school. The ideology's deliberate intent was to kill Western bourgeois society by undermining its culture, and it is succeeding brilliantly. Although we won the Cold War, we are losing the culture conflict badly. It's probably too late to change now. Have a look at this book if you disbelieve.

    And speaking of disbelievers, please also read some of the Koran to supplement Buchanan's arguments. The first half-dozen chapters (surahs) will suffice to give you the flavor. It's published in many languages (a dozen English translations) in books and on the web. This is Mohammad's manifesto, telling us about the eternal hellfire Allah has prepared for disbelievers, anybody who doesn't submit. The Koran is full of virulent anti-"unbeliever" passages that ensure that no Muslim can be indifferent to Jews and Christians, and at worst they'll kill us with Allah's approval. If you never read the Koran, you have no idea what Islam is really like.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    Populations rise and fall over time. Even if the West and Europe increase their numbers they will have draining resources. More people in a society, more resources it takes to acquire it. China had this same problem, which is why they had to limit the amount of children they had.

    I find it a little appalling how Buchanna uses the founding fathers to justify his arguments, yet complains about the Ten COmmandments being taken down. First of all, the founding fathers were very against have religion mix with politics, and they would have greatly approved of removing the Ten Commandments off government property.

    There is nothing wrong with maintaing Christian values. The problem is when religioin mixes with politics. When that happens you have countries like Iran or Ireland. Those countries aren't getting along, and that is due to the government pushing religion with politics.

    I do certainly agree with Pat that many of the immigrants don't care about America, and are making us have to adapt to their cultures. If you want to live in someone's country, then YOU learn their language, YOU respect their culture. The Europeans and Asians respected our culture when they came here, why can't the immigrants today?

    I also agree with Pat that the double standards and hypocricies with the black rights/gay rights groups have got to stop. Sure the murder of Matthew Shephard was terrible, but why is it worse than the 4 white, hard working college students that were murdered in Wichita, KS?
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    Bigots have always claimed to be just trying to preserve their way of life. Fortunately, this kind of thinking is no longer the thinking of the majority. Even my Republican friends are embarrassed by this kind of nonsense. Dress it up with big fancy words and its still bigotry, plain and simple. Glad I didn't buy it, just checked it out at the library. I was happy to see that, even tho there are only a few copies, there always seem to be some left to check out...guess even here in the Bible belt his message is seen for what it is...hatred.
  • Tyler (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    I just finished reading The Death of the West and have gained a new respect for Pat Buchanan. Granted I'm a lifelong Democrat from Massachusetts and don't agree with him on every issue, but 4 years later, many of the problems outlined in this book are proving to be incredibly accurate.

    Birth rates throughout Europe and other Western countries hit all time lows in 2005 (see, illegal immigration is worse than ever and I hate to admit it but we really do seem to be losing our identity and what we stand for in this country.

    In the U.S. alone, inflation goes up, minimum wage stays the same. Gas prices are at all time highs, taxes keep increasing, political correctness runs rampant, the media (read: news) has become a joke and our morals/values seem to be missing.

    Now I'm not saying it's over Johnny but it does seem to be that many of the problems outline by Buchanan in his book, will be the watershed issues for this up and coming generation. More and more it seems people are fed up with the state of affairs in this country and want to see real change, not just politically but socially and culturally as well.

    Overall an excellent book that I would highly recommend.
  • Lee Edwardsen (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    A well done and focused piece of work... accurate and essential. It is, unfortunately, a clear picture of America today and the dead-end cultural path it follows and sadly engenders. In fostering the pluralist counter- culture of xenophobic anti-white minorities with "civil rights" and "hate crime" legislation these groups and their opportunistic leaders squeeze the life from their host and its middle-class producers with reckless abandon and no remorse. The floodwave of illegal Mestizos into this country across our southern boundary has only shown the dire need for effective and complete border control. In cockfights, MS-13 gangbangers, civil disobedience, and "Reconquista" the only lasting culture these illegals bring is one that's criminal and destructive.

    Buchanan presents these demoralizing issues in unapologizing manner with the tenacity and zeal of his fiery Irish disposition that all of us have seen on television. It is only fitting and certainly appropriate he delivers the realities of this book with the same fervor and pitch his critics muster when swarming together in unity to blast his beliefs and call him names.

    An alarming look at the menaces of Relativism, Far-Left extremists and their organizations, and unchecked immigration in no uncertain terms. A fine choice for any collection, personal or otherwise.
  • John (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    Buchanan asserts that the "Culture of Death" (contraception, abortion and euthanasia) is resposible for the decreased numbers of our native population, while at the same time, illegal immigration is changing the makeup of our culture. In addition to this, our culture is being changed even more radically by subversion. The Frankfurt School (Marcuse, Lukacs, Gramsci) is engaged in a long-term plan to subvert the moral structure of our society by promoting the various aspects of the Culture of Death, and by leading us to acceptance of moral perversion. These goals were declared by Gramsci (an Italian Communist) in the late thirties, and more than six decades later have born fruit (the kind that is bitter). They have invaded the schools, the churches, the media and the government. Think back to the sixties when there was protest and rebellion on college campuses. Think about the turmoil in the churches of all denominations, where moral codes have broken down, and sinful behavior and perversion have been, in some cases, normalized. Our Judeo-Christian culture, which has been the bedrock of this country's moral goodness, has been vandalized. Think about all the trash put out by Hollywood which subverts our loyalty to our country, as well as the immoral trash which subverts our moral senses. And be sure to think about our senators and representatives who pass laws that punish the good people and reward the bad ones. With impunity, the judges rule against the laws enacted by Congress. We are doing it to ourselves, and it began in Academia many years ago, when the sixties generation was persuaded that the United States of America was wrong about everything.

    Since the end of the Cold War America has been the undisputed military power in the world. To a loyal American this is comforting. To a dissident, it is appaling. Have we forgotten that the United States saved the world from totalitarianism by fighting World War I and World War II, and we saved the world from Communist totalitarianism by opposing the Soviet Union's quest for expansion after the second World War. This is a great nation, and we shouldn't have listened to those who told us otherwise.

    But too many of us have listened and have accepted the ideas that were promoted by those that would destroy us.

    Gramsci knew that we could not be led to a revolution of the kind that happened in Russia in 1917, because our moral sense and our belief in God would not permit it. He himself declared that this morality would have to be subverted in order for our unity to be shattered. Those things in our culture that were moral in nature would have to be compromised and then destroyed. Only then would we be ripe for a revolutionary takeover, and it would be done without firing a shot. Among the several factors pushing the West to its death, the loss of a strong moral sense is perhaps the most important, for without it, we will not be able to resist the changes being foisted upon us.

    Buchanan's analysis encompasses morality, the immigration problem, and governmental decisions. His statistical and philosophical references are more than noteworthy, and he makes a good case for a bleak future... unless we decide now that something must be done, and then do it!

    This is definitely something that every adult person should read.
  • Gina Sohl (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    I had never read any of Pat Buchanan's books before, and had only seen him on some talk circuits and heard him on the radio. From the moment I began this engaging book a newfound respect for Pat began to emerge. The flow of the book balances nicely with presenting history and astonishing birth rate facts without weighing down the reader. The layout from start to finish was brilliantly executed.

    There is so much information in here that one can't help but come away with a new and refreshed perspective in everyday life. Marxism truly has etched its way into our country and he explains just how it began and why, and where it is leading. Having read Animal Farm and the likes, his book really brings home in intellectual fashion just how our society quickly follows those that would lead us astray. We truly have lost the plot, and it is a frightening thought.

    I highly recommend this book to anyone who would like to see our country become great again. Moral decay and the loss of patriotism have helped create our now godless society. If we are to continue on this path it will only lead to our destruction, just like other great societies and nations of the past.
  • John Hilliard (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    I read this book cover to cover, and I must say that it is well-written and extremely interesting. Buchanan basically asserts that the "cultural revolution" of the 1960's and 70's totally overturned the culture not just of America but of all of Western Civilization. A main topic in this book is birth rates, which are at historic lows in Europe and America ("The West"). Buchanan argues that 2050 will see the world as a vastly different place, with Islamic tidal waves of immigration crashing into Europe, Latin American immigrants taking over the United States, and exploding third- world populations. The thought of this is a fearful one to many, and Buchanan shows why we should be wary. He also takes on revisionist historians, and some Republicans who he says are reluctant to join in on the culture wars. Overall, Buchanan paints an incredibly gloomy portrait of the world by the middle of this century, and he backs up many of his assertions with meticulous statistics.

    After reading this book, I felt, like many others, disturbed at the trends Buchanan portrays. So I set out to do some research on the subject. What I found is that it is very true that European and other Western nations have low birth rates compared to the rest of the world and compared to historical rates. However, one KEY FACT that Buchanan omits and I don't believe even eludes to, is that birth rates are dropping like a rock in developing (third-world) nations as well. I predict that by 2050, more likely earlier, birth rates in the West and the rest of the world will be much more similar. For example, Buchanan leads his readers to believe that the population of Iran is exploding out of control.

    However, he omits a huge fact that Iran's birth rate has fallen from an enormous 44 births/1,000 population to only about 17 births/1,000. Its present rates are below the world average and are not enough even to sustain the population indefinitely. This is just one example of facts that are omited that do not bode very well for such a gloomy picture. Nearly every country in the world, EXCEPT FOR EUROPE, recorded a drop in their birth rate from 2002-2003.(for good info on the topic see the CIA World factobook) It appears that European governments are becoming increasingly aware of the "birth dearth" and are slowly begining to take action.

    Overall, this is the message I have: this is a great book, very informative, but to all those who read it and felt awfully gloomy: CHEER UP! The picture is not as frightening when you look at all the facts!
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    Pat Buchanan is more gloomy than usual of this effort to convince readers that the west is dying. It is hard to chalk it all up to a conservative's fear of change. But in the last part of the book, the "take action" section, he comes to conclusion that the truth may win out over Bolshevik pseudo-intellectualism.
    His argument that Western countries are not having enough children is somewhat unique and the topic needs to have more coverage. White people need to know what the consequences of barrenness will be--the extinction of themselves and their society. But as feminism marches on and young women become more focused on careers than children, it will be very hard to get white populations above the replacement rate. Buchanan links childlessness to lack of faith in traditional Christianity and the loss of our future for refusing to have children. He explains the consequences well. He explains the importance of children in being able to sustain and defend a civilization. The west may very well decide to bring in people of alien cultures just to have a big enough tax base to support the older white Americans, even though immigrants themselves are also often a monetary burden on society.

    Buchanan also explains well the strategies of far left in trying to take over America. Rather than going for the top down approach that they used in USSR, they thought it would be more successful to use a bottom up approach in American by infiltrating all our institutions and then changing the culture that way. It is more subtle approach and harder to resist. Buchanan also explains that conservatives are not dealing with an opponent willing to compromise, but is dead set on destroying everthing conservatives loved about Western culture. In such a situation, conservatives have to become counter-revoltionaries willing to fight and rebel against corrupt institutions, even though it is not in nature for conservatives to rebel. In any case, many on the far left do not intend to live in a live-and-let-live libertarian la-la land. They intend to impose their values on everyone, which is what all political groups seek to do.

    Buchanan has written a disturbing book about the culture war from his right wing position and it is obviously a call to arms for conservatives to defend their culture wholeheartedly, relentlessly, and aggressively. Going on the offensive is imperative too. But the dying dominant culture may be too complacent and the left wing revolutionaries are more motivated since they have not made the culture completely confortable for themselves yet. That means conservatives will either have to become very uncomfortable and marginalized or will have to capitulate by surrendering their beliefs.

    But perhaps the right's greatest advantage is that the left is very annoying; they are the original people against sacred things such as Motherhood, Baseball, and Apple Pie (especially motherhood, and fatherhood doubly so). The common folk do not like it when everything they love is attacked and white people in particular may soon weary of being humilated and blamed for every minority short-coming. It is this annoyance that brings people further to the right. Another advantage is that left wing ideas don't work out too well in reality, which causes discontent and longing in people to rebel against such tyrants.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    While reading Buchanan's latest work I was struck by the similarities to Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West. Buchanan believes, as did Spengler, that the West is in the midst of a grave crisis. Like Spengler, Buchanan is attempting to alert the reader to this impending disaster. While Buchanan is somewhat more optimistic than Spengler, the picture he paints is still quite bleak.
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