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The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization (平装)
 by Patrick J. Buchanan

Category: Current affairs, global politics, Nonfiction
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL Pointer Review: Serious and challenging, this excellent read is for all open-minded readers who are more interested in a pursuit of truth than in political correctness.
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  • Eric Gross (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    I can't believe Buchanan would be so arrogant! This is the most chauvinistic, white-supremacist argument I've heard for a long time. Sure he has the freedom to be a lunatic, but I have the freedom to express my low opinions about this book. Buchanan on the other hand, wants unfair immigration policies for people not of Christian European descent... and wants to push procreation on the white people of America to eventually instill more White Pride as the population distribution becomes whiter until it becomes a dominant political force again.

    I've heard several of Buchanan's other commentaries. While there is some mention of "the need to rechristianize" and plenty of moralism, as well as the savage mentality of other cultures, he has never been this extremist sounding before. That's like saying "We need to give special welfare to the wealthy and form corporate guilds so that the poor can't get enough wealth because they are all socialist scum." Pure prejudice. After reading this I am convinced that Buchanan really is a dangerous threat to the American Dream, not at ALL a patriot of it.
  • Mike Heath (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    I am not a conservative. However, Buchanan is one of my favorite authors for several reasons evident in this book. First, Pat sees the forest from the trees. What other ideologue, either left or right, writes a thesis at the level Pat writes at? He doesn't care so much about a particular law or judicial ruling as he does what major sociological trends will cause America pain and thus should be dealt with now. In this book that is that immigration policy and declining birth rates will cause America to have a future identity crisis. How can anyone dispute that, we are in the middle of a culture war now!

    Pat is at his best on foreign and economic policy and the major social factors that drive our policy approach. He probably knows 20th century foreign policy history, and conservative evolution in reaction to that history better than anyone. This provides Pat with great insight into future policies regarding taxation and trade. However, he is at his worst in terms of his ignorance regarding the founding ideals of our country and the revolution that took place in the 1960s, thus his response to certain events can be and often are based on misperceptions of our past. While he's right that immigration trends and birth rates are driving an unprecedented change in how Americans will interface with their government, I humbly believe he is too quick to condemn immigration as a whole when controlled immigration can in fact be our savior relative to our declining birth rates.

    Another great reason to read Buchanan is unlike nearly all other conser- vative writers, Buchanan is honest. He doesn't spin, he doesn't con- veniently leave-out critical information to make his case sound better, he doesn't toe the party line even when it opposes current GOP policy. Politicians come and go, but the conservative viewpoint will be with us for a long time, when Bush 43 the quasi-liberal/conservative leaves, it'll be Pat providing continued insight into the real conservative mind. Pat is ALWAYS consistent.

    You don't have to agree with his thesis to love this book ,which I don't; the fact he's gotten me thinking more clearly about these issues is reason enough to embrace this book.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    All based on sound, heavily supported facts, figures and statistics, this apocalyptic window into the future of the west has a self preservation agenda beyond conservative or liberal policy. Pat talks like America. For he knows that we desperately need a third party to get us out of this mess before it’s too late.

    Any naysayer minority who condemns this book should return to the land of their blood. My best bet is that problems there will far outweigh this democratic experiment of Eurocentric peoples who spearheaded the Renaissance, industrial revolution, mass communications and in so doing happened to invent civilization.

    To judge such logic, reason and common sense, you either think with your head or your heart. He/she who think with their heart yearn for an endless melting pot utopia where we all get along when there's no longer a safe majority to govern us. Such foolish folly is not a battle cry vs. hatred or racism, it's a denial of simple math.

    Unfortunately, if you look at the annals of history, patterns of mankind struggle model animal kingdom territoriality. If we had the foresight to study ourselves as we do the beasts, we would see the same burdens. But we fail to see ourselves as we are. To do so would be to accept blind nature's fearful immoral truths.

    Pat in his telling tome admits to the genesis of this country and the centuries of horrors committed therein. But there's not a civilization on earth founded without oppression of one people over another. This is true even amongst third worlders who find solidarity in hating us yet cannot achieve peace among their own kind.

    This is why if the new global order proceeds as suicidally scheduled, and they become the majority in the west, the world map will be thrust into a Biblical chaos that will make the Dark Ages look like school yard bullyism in comparison. Don't think so? Then travel the globe and wave the flag at your own peril.

    With bevies of stat data to back up his claims, Buchanan is a student of the struggle of mankind, not a hater. He merely defines who controls the world and who is controlled. And the same Machiavellian cruel to be kind Darwinianism that defines states, governments and politics also applies to humanity in general.

    Human struggle is part of the food chain life cycle with winners and losers regardless of skin color. Today it is the white man, tomorrow it is the brown man. The problem is that the brown man has already proven he cannot rebuild or sustain civilization via war and peace, while the white man can. That's food for thought.

    Defining the immoral code of human struggle is a debate as timeless as life itself. For if one man's freedom is another's subservience, both are oxymoronic if won or lost through mass bloodshed. Yet if it has been wrong for the white man, won't it too be wrong for the race that fights to prevail in the future?

    Using Buchanan's philosophy, he who was a slave yesterday will be a master tomorrow. Given that prognosis, if the white man doesn't stop choosing money and self over sex and babies, then the survival of the human race is at stake. Because when melanin challenged people are no more, the dark will miss the light.

    Love him and/or hate him, Pat is a patriot and not a politician. He is beholden to the truth and not public polls or consensus opinion. He can never win office because the truth hurts and people don't wanna hear it. Now more after 9/11 then in any time in our history, we're aloof, passive witness to our own end days.

    I thank God my lifespan will likely be over before statistical prophesies of Buchanan come to bare. But I've a love/hate thing with this guy. The anti-sex Christian family values stance is in direct contradiction with the very means of our reproductive survival - the sex act itself - be it recreative or procreative.

    All said, his wrong messenger/right message stings because selfish people who exhibit power in society have less kids and therefore ultimately doom their own posterity. I thank him for telling us the truth. But he should have dealt more in Anglo analogy and alegory, and less in stark black and white terms.

    Still, in a dangerous world with too many different ways of thinking to support and unite us, majorities and pluralities are wrong and only rare individuals are right. If the lessons taught in this book are not heeded in our lifetime, then we are indeed headed for the death of the west in future generations to come.

    PC thought police pundits say Pat represents a conservative fascist fringe minority. But it's really a silent nationalistic US majority. And when that patriotic majority is threatened, so too will certain minorities who label him. For as civilization falls, the smallest sum of its parts is the first to be unfairly scapegoated.
  • Emil Shuffhausen (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    Pat Buchanan isn't too worried about pleasing the Left or the Right; certainly, he has his enemies on both ends of the spectrum. His fans tend to be independant-minded or populist in their approach - sometimes referred to as "Reagan Democrats." He certainly isn't interested in being politically correct or in gaining favor with "the elites," whether they be academic, media, social, political, or economic.

    This commitment to being a "straight shooter" has generally served him well. I don't believe Pat Buchanan is always right; I don't even believe he believes he is always right. But if he sometimes misses the mark, it's not on purpose, and it's not often.

    In The Death of the West, Buchanan infuriated the "PC Police" with his dire - and prescient - warnings concerning the assault against American cultural values. This assault was being reflected on many fronts, including the precipitous decline of birthrates among traditional American population groups and the geometrically expanding birth and immigration rates of people groups who do not want to assimilate into "the melting pot."

    Buchanan demonstrates how this is already wrecking havoc in Europe as native Europeans abort and euthanize themselves while importing workers from predominately Islamic nations who not only reproduce in high numbers, but are committed to the spread of their religion and culture - not to assimilate. Whether or not one loves traditional European culture, one only has to do the math and observe the trends to understand that the Europe of the future will in no way resemble the Europe of today.

    (My most recent travels to the UK only confirmed to me how prescient Buchanan was when he wrote this book.)

    Unchecked immigration policies and unguarded borders will have serious (and disastrous) consequences on America socially and economically in years ahead, Buchanan predicts. Our welfare, educational, health, and Social Security systems will strain, crack, and crash under the weight of illegals demanding topnotch care and benefits without cost... and our "common culture" will be shattered as immigrant groups refuse to assimilate with the larger American "melting pot" or with each other.

    Buchanan's words have only loomed larger in the intervening years since this book was written.

    Let me be clear: I read this book expecting to hate it, or to find Buchanan as a racist or extremist. I was wrong. Buchanan doesn't write as a hater or a bigot, but he simply states the facts and the trends - and the conse- quences. Men and women of all ethnicities and backgrounds can read this and understand the dangers of any outside group coming in who refuse to appreciate American values, learn the American language, or cooperate with American law... nobody likes anarchy.

    Read this with an open mind, and it will open your eyes.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization by ultra-conservative former presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan, is a disturbing account of recent population trends and cultural shifts which threaten to bring about the downfall of the West as we know it. Buchanan is obviously indebted to the conservative revolutionary Oswald Spengler, whose The Decline of the West proved especially prescient during the post-World War I era. Buchanan, a staunch traditional Roman Catholic, attempts to explain how the European population is dying out, as European women produce fewer and fewer children and the population ages. Buchanan blames these demographic shifts on the widespread abundance of birth control, the decline in traditional morals that emphasized marriage and family, and the feminist agenda which outright denies all differences between the sexes. In particular the prospects for Russia are particularly bad, causing some including the ultra-nationalist Zhirinovsky to call for a restoration of polygamy and a moratorium on abortion to boost the population. Certainly the widespread availability of contraceptives and abortion have made possible the significant population decline among those of European ancestry.

    Buchanan's answer to the population crisis includes bringing back the idea of a "family wage" or a "just wage", a part of Catholic social teaching and expressed in the writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. By bringing back a wage sufficient for a man to support a large family, it would no longer be necessary for as many women to enter the workplace if they chose to have a family instead. The movement of the country away from an agrarian basis and towards an industrial and finally a post-industrial foundation in which American jobs are shipped overseas and Americans are forced to work for less and less pay has been a true loss for the American people.

    Buchanan identifies the source of the population crisis to be at root caused by a cultural crisis brought on by the revolution. Buchanan correctly points out that while the Cold War is over, a victory for the West and capitalism, the culture war remains. Echoing conservative libertarian Paul Gottfried, Buchanan shows how Marxists came to discover something that few realize (though Buchanan certainly has latched onto this truth as well), and that is that the proletariat is fundamentally socially conservative. Recognizing this fact, Marxists turned their attention away from the proletariat as the dynamo for revolution and towards the cultural elite. Thus, Marxism became cultural. With the advent of Critical Theory and other post-modern philosophies (and their eventual triumph in 1990's political correctness), Marxists in the Frankfurt School sought to destroy the West by attacking its cultural roots. By labelling all those who stood for tradition as "authoritarian personalities" and therefore potential fascists, cultural Marxists were able to attack the root of tradition and thus cut down the West. Buchanan spends a good deal of time lambasting the feminist agenda and the homosexual agenda, two of the prime movements behind the culture wars. Both agendas seek to deny the legitimacy of sex differences and thereby destroy the traditional family, the last bastion of hope against the corrosive forces of Marxism. From their elite posts in America's academy, the politically correct left continues to howl and blaspheme against God and country, while enforcing their Orwellian thought control techniques on innocents. Indeed, as Huey Long suggested, When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of anti-fascism.

    A third component of Buchanan's counter-revolutionary approach involves the restriction of foreign immigration, particularly from the Third World, including Mexico. America is being besieged by a tidal wave of immigration (both legal and illegal) which is completely altering the demographic landscape of the country. Buchanan points out that many Hispanics do not share traditional cultural values and seek restitutions for alleged past wrongs by the White race. Buchanan shows how the founding fathers identified a nation as one consisting of those of common ancestry. But, not only is America being besieged by immigrants, but Europe is as well. Muslim immigrants continue to invade the European nations in record numbers. It is for this reason that the European union and the New World Order must be opposed as contrary to the right of national sovereignity. It is at this point that Buchanan most differs from the supposed "neocon- servatives" who cannot see anything of higher value than the Almighty dollar.

    Finally, Buchanan points out how our culture has lost its Christian basis. Pornography and filth and blasphemy against God has made its way into our museums and institutions of learning as well as the media and degraded the general character of our culture. Buchanan offers several viable alternatives to retake America for tradition. Since the culture has reached a stage of such degradation and decadence, it may become necessary to completely sever oneself from the mainstream culture such as the Amish have done. Certainly the movement among many to homeschool their children is a positive start. Buchanan offers several ideas for education, including a proper teaching of history and a respect for God and country. While prospects look dim, we know by divine mandate that the Christian West will not be lost and the devil will not triumph. Certainly a Western renaissance seems difficult given the current state of things, however by approaching the problem one step at a time and refusing to stand quietly by as all that was once sacred is destroyed it may indeed be possible to reclaim our destiny and to save the West from its untimely demise.
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