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The Traveler's Gift: Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success (平装)
 by Andy Andrews

Category: Personal success, Personal development, Self help, Success
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Combining history with inspiration, this book is an excellent collection of wisdom on personal success.
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  • John C. Maxwell (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    In the tradition of Og Mandino, Andy Andrews has spun an engaging morality tale.
  • Bonnie Neely (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    The Traveler's Gift By Comedian Andy Andrews is a very readable and appealing book quite appropriate for our times of joblessness and looming war. The novel focuses on David Ponder's journey to wisdom and insight following the loss of his career and his desire to live. After a car crash he has a transforming experience of "meeting" Abraham Lincoln, Anne Frank, King Solomon, Harry Truman and Chirstopher Columbus at the major crisis points in their lives. Each of these historical giants impart their wisdom to David, who returns with the courage to take responsibility for his own choices, seek wisdom, take action, and choose to be happy by developing an attitude of forgive- ness and persistence in the face of difficulties. This light reading allegory provides much prescient insight for coping in the fearful world we face each day. Andy, a popular comedian who has come from homelessness to touring with the rich and famous ( from Garth Brooks to Cher) and entertaining four presidents has been quite successful with this his first book. Good reading for any trip!
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    Although I am not in the habit of reading self help books, I would recommend this book to anybody and everybody. The Traveler's Gift is not only a very interesting book, it's actually full of helpful information. here is a concise summary of the book. the story revolves around the main charecter, David Ponder, who has just lost his job. He feels inadequate because he can't provide for his family and all the pressures of the world seem to be pushing down upon him. Anyway, he wrecks his car and finds himself traveling threw time meeting various figures in history. Each person he meets gives him a different decision for success that helps him to come to grips with his situation. This book is worth owning evan if you don't normally read self help books.
  • V. Marshall (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    This little book is brilliant, not only in its message but also in how it is presented. Andy Andrews combines history with inspiration and succeeds!

    The story is fairly simple: a man, dissatisfied with his life, finds himself in an accident and unconscious. During this period of immobility the dissatisfied man meets several people from history who relate the laws of success in various forms. The first rule of success is "The Buck Stops Here" (Harry Truman), second "I Will Seek Wisdom" (King Solomon), third "I Am A Person of Action" (Colonel Chamberlain, Civil War Hero), fourth "I Have A Decided Heart" (Christopher Columbus), Fifth "Today I Will Choose To Be Happy" (Anne Frank), sixth "I Will Greet This Day With A Forgiving Spirit" (Abraham Lincoln) and seventh "I Will Persist Without Exception" (Archangel Gabriel).

    The concept behind this book is unique and highly evolved. Andy Andrews has accomplished something here and after reading this book you may as well. Imagine the impact on one's life if we all had an opportunity to learn from the historical masters our life lessons. While such an experience will never happen in our actual lifetimes it is never too late to pick up a book and learn something new each and everyday. This is one of those books and it even includes a bibliography for further advice from those wise old owls not quite forgotten in the shuffle by a few who care.
  • Covington (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    I read a lot of motivational books as it is one of my favorite genres, and while this author sought to be another Og Mandino, he has a way to go. The myths used to illustrate the principles he was seeking to teach don't accomplish the goal. Take for example his visit with Lincoln and the discussion with Grant. Grant was an alcoholic. Lincoln is portrayed in this scene as a "win whatever it takes" man, i.e., all the other generals had let him down and Grant could do no wrong. Historical ambiguities are lost in this "dream state" we're given in this broad sweep of people, places, and events. It's shallow! I was annoyed by little things throughout the whole book. The "teacher" who turned the whole of history around by one action in the civil another example. Bogus! This guy is the only one who was right and took the right course of action? According to this author. I think more research and a few more rough drafts are in order.
  • Brian Carlsen (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    Andy Andrews is an excellent author. He is able to capture 7 life lessons that most people cannot even grasp after living their whole lives. Here is a sneak peak of those:

    1. The Buck Stops Here - Taking personal responsiblity
    2. Seek Wisdom - Search for understanding and discernment
    3. Be a Person of Action - Being a courageous leader
    4. Have a Decided Heart - Overcoming double-mindedness
    5. Choose Happiness - Possessing a grateful spirit
    6. Forgive others - The power of grace and mercy
    7. Persist - Perservering with faith until the end

    I know it has made a difference in the way that I percieve the world, and it was definitely worth the read.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    If this is one of those books that some physcology teacher "assigns" you to read for a later book report, forget it. Put the book back and drop the class. It's just doesnt fall into that kind of catagory. This book is an extension of that old saying "You make you're own bed, so sleep in it". If you're not a deep thinker and don't consider spirituality (I don't neccessarily mean religion, so chill) anything more than a magic act, then don't bother picking Andys book up. Its not you or for you. Having said all that, I liked it. It had some solid words (the 7 decisions thing) to live by that are not anything more than you already know in your own gut. He just brings it all to the surface a bit so you can digest the meaning and perhaps try it yourself. I cant call it a self help book. I've read several of those and most of them get thrown out with last nites pizza box. This is a simple, short page turner that you could knock out in a couple of evenings. No big words or long speeches. But dont read it that quick. Do a couple of chapters then put it down for a day or two.

    He uses the "time travel" vehicle as nothing more than an example for you to hold on to while the message is getting told. Yes, we all know time travel likely doesnt exist. Thanks for the reminder. So many of the early reviewers must have just got through reading The Davinci Code or something. Exactly what were you expecting, a bottle of fix-it pills with each copy?? If you're looking for a little refill of your already learned life lessons and what they should mean to you and others, this book is great. Its not about what you did wrong. Its about what happens now and later. This is not a review of YOU birth-to-presentday. Its not a textbook, or like I said, a self help book. Its not religious or anything like that. No thee's thou's or thou arts. You're not getting brainwashed and they dont ask you to send money to a P.O. Box in Florida at the end of the book... Its written for those of us living in the western world who can't seem to believe in ANYTHING without seeing it, smelling it or touching it or having an unretouched digital internet image as proof of existence. Its just a little bit of walk-around enlightenment for your every day use. So go deep. You can't lose here. The book only costs 10 bucks and I got mine on sale.
  • James Brown (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    I judge the books I read by making a decision as to whether to buy the books for my children or not. This is one book that I will purchase for all 4 of my kids; it is that good! It is written in novel form but with a strong message. I also purchased the audio version and what I like is that I can select a specific track and listen just to the 7 different decision messages which are written in the form of affirmations. This book confirms my strong opinion that out minds are just like computers, you put garbage in and you get garbage out. This book gives the reader the opportunity to put quality in and get quality out! The messages are so powerful to me that I created a wall chart with all seven decisions on it and it is posted prominently over my desk where I can review it every day! The book holds your interest while at the same time giving you great affirmations to live your life by. I highly recommend the book be included in everyone's personal library.
  • Trish (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    This message is simple and delightfully delivered with inteque and adventure to hold your attention and open your mind. It is about making conscious choices and defining who and how you want to be, like a personal code of ethics. Every tool box and hope chest should include these 7 simple decisions. I highly recommend it as a 'first read' for someone new on the conscious journey of personal growth and for the young people asking "where do I fit and what can I do about my life"? Everyone can relate and perhaps feel humbled at both the messages and the personalities that deliver it. (AF was my favorite!) Enjoy it,incorporate it, live it and pass it on.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    This is an excellent book to keep with you and review often. The information will enhance your life. It is simply written. I believe it should be used as a teaching tool in schools and churches. In the book there are seven historical mentors to the man that has hit bottom financially, spiritually, emotionally and physically. These historical mentors are King Solomon, Harry Truman, Ann Frank, Colonel Chamberlain, Abraham Lincoln and two more that are most inspiring. This book will enhance your life. Read it!
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