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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Revised Edition (平装)
 by Joseph Murphy

Category: Mind dynamics, Empowerment, Motivation, Self help
Market price: ¥ 108.00  MSL price: ¥ 98.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A must read book about reprogramming your subconscious mind to bring whatever it is you desire into your life.
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  • Wilkins (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    This book offers what appears on its face to be useful advice- believe in your power of belief, which the author claims literally has a magical quality to it and can produce the future you want. Problem is, this kind of advice can prove VERY deadly, not only mentally/spiritually, but physically as well. Let me cite two personal examples of people who have practiced this and bore the fruits of its circular illogic.

    My grandmother applied this to her bout with cancer, even refusing to acknowledge it as such (this refusal was part of the positive mental imagery she practiced). Started as a small skin cancer which we could all see, but she refused to see a doctor, which would have been an admission that she did not have enough faith to remove the lesion. It then grew to a carcinoma and eventually melanoma, from which she died. Her belief system, which was very real to her, was just dead wrong. Turns out, it emanates from eastern mysticism (not Christianity as this book would lead you to believe) which most often holds physical reality is an illusion, and only the universal Mind exists. This is demonstrably false.

    Another family we know personally had a young son who contracted pneumonia. They followed some of the Word-Faith televangelists (Hinn, Copeland, Hagin) who, like this book, will tell you perfect health and wealth are available if you just believe in them- God will be obligated to do your bidding. Consequently, the parents believed with all their hearts that their faith would cure him and did not take him to a doctor. The little boy died shortly thereafter. His father then believed (autosuggestion?) and proclaimed his son would be brought back to life on Christmas and left him in the morgue for several months; when it did not occur, the family splintered badly and turned their back not only on each other, but on God as well. In their minds, it was not their fault for believing bad advice, but God's fault for not responding as they believed he would. Vicious circle.

    This book would have you believe a falsehood- do yourself a favor and avoid it and others like it. Even if the results aren't as horrible as above, the net effect is still a form of self deification where there is the illusion of becoming a "god." Suggest instead Geisler's When Skeptics Ask (somewhat technical) or Strobel's The Case for Faith (very readable).
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