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The Irresistible Offer: How to Sell Your Product or Service in 3 Seconds or Less (精装)
 by Mark Joyner

Category: Sales, Marketing, Influence
Market price: ¥ 238.00  MSL price: ¥ 218.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Written in plain language and with great examples and analogies, this is a must read for those wanting to market their products with the power of words and psychology.
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  • Laura Childs (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I just read through over 20 very personal reviews of this book. Many of the names are recognizable as well established (some even considered gurus) online marketers. At first blush it may seem that the list of rave reviews are simply the 'old boys network' working together to give Mark the 'high five' on his recent release...

    But once you've read this book you'll realize that something very different is at play here.

    For many it takes a second reading to see it or 'get' it. This has a lot to do with Mark's teaching style - he keeps it simple in words while implanting the required knowledge for successful branding and marketing.

    If you're not going to read it twice, then at the very least spend the first reading undistracted.

    As for my personal review, I wish this book had been around 2 years ago when I first began marketing to individuals rather than corporations. My business would be much different today had I known.

    Mark Joyner's insights and advice in The Irresistible Offer would have saved me months of work struggling with sales letters, hunting down free and paid assistance, strategizing and so forth. Now that I've read this book I know what needs fixing.

    If you're new to business, advertising, promotion, marketing, sales - whether in the dirt or online world - the insights into 'what works and why' contained within this book's pages will serve you well.

    Don't make a mistake and think that this book is only for the already successful entrepreneur. This book is absolute gold to intermediate level marketers, and should be a 'bible' to any beginner. As for the experienced crowd, Dr. Joe Vitale - who 'wrote the book on marketing' for the AMA - calls The Irresistible Offer a breakthrough.

    This is for you, no matter what level you're at.
  • Scott (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I bought this book because I have read article written by Mark before. He is an excellent writer and very clearly presents difficult information. He goes above and beyond on this book. It was hard to put down even when it was 1 am. I have read it once and put it aside for a few days to digest all that he gives you. I have it on my calendar to pick up and reread again next week. It may take a time or two through the book to truly get it (and by get it I mean absorb it, believe it and implement it). He provides concrete examples, concise practical laws of marketing and business building. An excellent read and worth multiples to your business if you implement even 1/100th of the information he provides.
  • Alex Cole (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Mark Joyner originally 'retired' from his wildly successful Internet information marketing business before most people online today ever got Internet service. He pioneered the Internet and ebook sales process. Unlike most "How to make a million on the Internet" publishers, who just say "do this, use this trick, do this" Mark brings time-proven concepts of branding, effective marketing, and delivering real benefits into the Internet age. The things he discusses in this book bring value and integrity back into the marketing arena. This is a 'must read' for all business owners online or off.
  • Rolf Dobelli (MSL quote), Switzerland   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Marketing and sales professionals are familiar with such concepts as developing a unique selling proposition, applying risk reduction techniques, encouraging word-of-mouth marketing and using advertising to outline "benefits" rather than selling "features." Author and Internet marketing expert Mark Joyner realigns these principles and makes them secondary to constructing "The Irresistible Offer" - defined as a sales offer so concise and powerful it immediately achieves every marketing objective. The irresistible offer is made up of a "high return on investment," a "touchstone" (that is, a great slogan) and "believability." Individually, these concepts are not new, but when they are assembled correctly, they are enticing. Joyner has not discovered fresh ingredients for making a sale, but he has cooked up a tasty recipe. We recommend this pithy, accessible book to salespeople who want to add creative juice and flavor to the standard pitch.
  • Margrett Klink (MSL quote), New Zealand   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I found this book really enlightening, both from a business and a personal perspective. Mark's writing style is relaxed and friendly which made the book an easy read. It is also very clear - no room for ambiguity. I especially liked his comment on Think and Grow Rich - it has certainly made me think about reading a book versus acting on the information shared in the book.
  • Rick Stevens (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Outstanding book! Mark provides very practical examples of promoting your product or service...It is easy to read and there is plenty of white spaces on each page. This makes it easy for any type of notation and ease of use of the highlighter...I read the book in one sitting while awaiting my delayed flight and I was excited after reading the book and I was not upset with the delayed flight...The only section I disliked in the book was the section on magic BUT I understand his viewpoint of why he wrote about magic...Buy a copy and see how you can profit rather quickly and learn about magic.
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