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The Greatest Salesman in the World (平装)
 by Og Mandino

Category: Sales, Selling mastery, Motivation, Personal success
Market price: ¥ 108.00  MSL price: ¥ 98.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A timeless classic on salesmanship and personal achievement.
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  • John Chancellor, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    A true classic. The title is a little misleading. The book is more about successful living rather than becoming a great salesman. It short and easy to read. Take his recommendation and read each scroll daily for thirty days. It will change your life for the better.
  • Carmen Mathews, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    All success, happiness, love, peace of mind and wealth are traceble to the 14 ideas, shared in The Greatest Salesman in the World:

    1. Master the art of living not for yourself alone, but for others as well;

    2. Prove to yourself that you can endure the life of a salesman;

    3. Believe in the quality of what you are selling;

    4. Make your determination to succeed so strong that failure couldn't possibly overtake you;

    5. Be fully in the present moment;

    6. Choose love as your greatest weapon, no matter what;

    7. Persist in what you believe in;

    8. Celebrate your uniqueness;

    9. Each morning, enthusiastically wake up saying to yourself, "Is this my day to excel?";

    10. Master your ability to fully process your emotions, in the present moment;

    11. Enjoy at least one deep belly laugh a day with someone else;

    12. Multiply your value each day, by 100;

    13. Take actions on your dreams, now; and,

    14. Instead of wishing or praying for something, ask for guidance to manifest this into your life.

    And, having read this book again, 12 years after having first read it, I am pleased to see how I have and have not applied the lessons.

    If you've read this book before, or others that have guided you to add value to your life, read this now, to chart a new path on your journey to be your best self.
  • Chuck, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    The Greatest Salesman in The World is a classic case of not judging the quality of a book by it's size. This slim little book initially doesn't appear to be much or have much information. But once applied, it is powerful.

    I first came across this incredible book nearly 30 years ago. I am ashamed to admit that initially, I never read it Og Mandino intended. I read it like a regular book and tossed it aside.

    Several years later, presented with a great opportunity I met an incredibly gifted saleperson. This man was the best salesman I had ever met or seen in action. And I had seen some very good salesmen. I asked him his secret.

    He told me to read two books. One was How To Master The Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins and the other was, you guessed it, The Greatest Saleman in The World.

    When I told him that I had The Greatest Salesman in The World and indicated by my facial expression that I was not too impressed, he immediately told me that he figured that I didn't read the book properly and he was right.

    You have to read this book as Og Mandino indicated, one chapter at a time, three times per day and one time out loud. Then move on to the next chapter and proceed for the duration which lasts nine months.

    When I followed the instructions as advised, I saw a major difference. My habits and attitude changed. I started winning sales contests and actually started making some real money.

    I also bought Tom Hopkins book and many by Brian Tracy and others. While they all helped, I feel as though Og Mandino's The Greatest Saleman in The World had the greatest impact on me. All of the techniques in the World won't and don't make a difference without the right attitude. Interesting that both Tom Hopkins and Brian Tracy both highly recommend this book as well as every great salesperson that I have ever met.

    Highly recommended. Must reading for all serious salespeople.

    Like the reviewer ahead of me, I usually only give 5 star ratings, not because I am a soft reviewer, but only because I choose to review only the best quality books. The Greatest Salesman In The World ranks right up there with the best in sales books.
  • W. Covington, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    The attitude of success is reinforced in this powerful book. Readers are taught the necessity of perserverance in goal attainment. A key is given to unlock the door to achievement, i.e., "I will form good habits and become their slaves." Mandino stresses the point that true wealth is not in the material arena. Quality of life lies beyond the transitory nature of the physical. He focuses on enhancing generosity. In addressing interpersonal relationships he writes "all hate is let from my veins for I have not time to hate, only time to love." He is inspiring when he drives home a theme. His talent is in his ability to repeat and approach the topic from a new angle so that the freshness is not lost through repetition. I highly recommend this book. Its principles have positive implications far beyond successful sales work.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    Many years ago, a friend asked if I had ever read anything by Og Mandino? I said no, and I didn't think I would ever want to since I generally distrusted her taste in literature. A couple of years later, I was living in a small town and out of books to read. One afternoon I worked my way along the single aisle of books in the town's only department store and saw this title. Nothing else stood out, and I did remember the name Og Mandino. How could such a name be forgotten? I said "what the heck" and bought a copy. To my surprise, I discovered a gold mine. The style of The Greatest Salesman in the World is simple, poignantly simple. The story of the man learning the principles of becoming a great salesman completely sucked me in, and I'm not even a salesman, and even though I am not a salesman, there was still much to be gained from this jewel of a book. The story moves at a fast pace and holds the attention of the reader like a vice-grip. If you are able to read it in parts, you are an exception. This one is a page turner you just can't put down. I'm a Mandino fan now. If you like Mandino, be sure and read Castle of Wisdom by Rhett Ellis. Ellis and Mandino write with a similar and utterly gripping style.
  • Greg Stapleton, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    This is a great book. The author has chosen a written style that really relates to the salesperson in such a unique way. When you are reading the "scrolls" you almost feel privileged to get to read them. That's how captivating the beginning of the story is. Yeah it does not give you techniques on how to sell but I feel it's the foundation of sales and how to treat people. I wish the sleazy car salesmen type would read this. Maybe they would have more of a conscious about how they treat people and themselves. This book should be read over and over again for anyone in sales or any type of direct sales, or multi-level marketing business. It's a very lite version of Think and Grow Rich.
  • Kevin Kingston, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    If you flood your brain with positive thoughts what do you think will be the predominant thoughts emitted; most likely positive, right? Well that's what Og Mandino and his pile of bestsellers are all about, bombarding your mind with positively charged thoughts and concepts so you drowned out the negative ones. His books are like schooling, they prepare you for a life of positive planning and positive thinking. He teaches you how to use affirmations to basically brainwash yourself to stay focused on your goal and stay positive on the journey. He shows through his ancient stories how positive thinking and positive planning can make all the difference in the outcome.

    The scrolls are great and can be used as a starting point to a lifetime of using affirmations and visualizing your desired outcome. The fable brings thoughts of almost mystic ancient times, similar to, The Richest Man in Babylon and The Alchemist. The best part about it is if you like this book you can continue on the Og Mandino journey with his dozens of other books written in a similar fashion
  • P. Murray, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    This charming story is set two thousand years ago with a religious theme. The character Hafid, when in his youth, desires to become a salesman in order to get rich and win the girl of his dreams. When he learns how difficult selling is, he laments: "Why will the people not listen to my story? Why do they close their door before I have said five words? Why do they lose interest in my talk and walk away? What is this fear that seizes me when I approach a closed door and how can I overcome it?" Then Hafid obtains the valuable scrolls and through studying them, becomes the greatest salesman in the world. A few paraphrases will give the reader an idea of what's on the scrolls: Be nice to people; Try, try, again; Seize the day; Have a sense of humor; Just do it. The main message is: Don't give up.

    Realize that the book is not a training manual; the scrolls are not a list of techniques to overcome buyer's resistance. Beginner salesmen, though, will appreciate the book for its inspirational value. Veteran salesmen, who perhaps understand much of what's on the scrolls, are still apt to enjoy the story. In fact anyone looking to sell what they have to say to a challenging public will find the book useful. Og Mandino's The Greatest Salesman in the World does for selling what A Message to Garcia does for management and The Richest Man in Babylon does for personal finance.
  • Don Lirette, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    I don't know which book some of your "less than awe struck" readers read, but I read this book and If your in sales, you shouldn't be let on the street bringing a product to the masses until you've read this book! You should reflect when you are done with every chapter on what you were supposed to learn. If you didn't pick up the lesson then reread the chapter becuase you are too much in a hurry.

    This is a book that can help you to stay focus on what God wants a good salesman to be and not what the world wants. It should be a sales manager's first thing to give his new salesperson. Yes before even How to Win Friends and Influence People", this book should be read. I have every intention of reading this book again and reading book two asap. I'm sure it will be as amazing as book one. Also there is nothing weak about Og Mandino or his faith or the religiosityof this awesome book. Peace. God Bless!
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