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Dial L for Loser (平装)
 by Lisi Harrison

Category: Bestsellers, Fiction, Ages 9-12, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 128.00  MSL price: ¥ 98.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Very popular book depicting young girls' world of friendship, gossip and competition which children around 12 may have similar experience and like it.
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  • Victoria, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    I haven't finished reading the book but I am a major fan of the clique series and I love the books. I find they always try to tell you to be yourself and to see why being popular and being considered #1 at your school is hard. I look forward to finishing the book and being able to see what other great clique books there are to be. Thanks Lisi Harrison for writing one of the best book series I have read in a long time.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    The thing that I love about these books is that read them so fast. They just pull me in and I get wrapped up so quickly. I loved this book its one of the best but the ending was the best part.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    The Clique is an extremely good book for young adults to read. I like it because through out the book there are these two girls that are about thirteen, and they are fighting. They are fighting because they are very different. The girls’ names are Claire Lyons and Massie Block. Some of the reasons that they are fighting are because Claire Lyons is a girl that has to live at Massie’s house until her father can find a new house. She is a total geek! She wears hideous clothes that are all bright colors (including her shoes). She is not from a poor family but also her family defiantly isn't rich. Ad then on the other hand there is Massie Block. She is the most popular kid in school and wears clothes that are "in style". I really recommend this book to others for two really good reasons. One is if you want to learn about how nice and or mean thirteen year old girls can be to each other. The second reason would be because while you are reading this book there is a very important lesson made. The lesson is that popular kids and the people that are not so popular can sometimes get along perfectly fine.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    I don't understand how people can say that these books put girls down. I love them and read them often. All the people and places in the book are fictitious. Lisi Harrison is just telling some really good stories. It's just another book about how a couple of girls live through their teen years. Drama and deceit are all in the pages. I think everyone can relate to these books, even adults. Maybe you're the characters' age, and you're a Claire, who has to deal with a Massie. Maybe you're an adult, and at Massie and Claire's age you were popular and ruled the school, and related to Massie. Everyone can relate to these books somehow, whether you're wearing the new Jimmy Choo heels or you're in a wooly Gap turtleneck. Yes, Massie can be mean, and gave Gap and Sears a bad name, but that shouldn't stop you from buying a warm Gap sweatshirt or getting a great deal at Sears. Massie's attitude toward Claire's fashion didn't stop Claire from fitting in with Massie and still shopping at Target. I think Claire is an inspiration. I think every school has a Massie, and she proved that you don't have to be rich or have a credit card to fit in with the popular girls. I think these stories are great, and that Lisi Harrison is doing an amazing job. Even though Massie can certainly influence the Pretty Committee to do some mean things, a fictional character shouldn't inspire girls to wallow because they aren't popular or skinny or rich like her. The Clique Series is just following 5 teen girls and how there lives play out, and I don't think they're meant to harm anyone or make anyone feel bad. All of it is fiction, and teen girls shouldn't be influenced by fictional characters. To settle the matter, if someone feels put down or the fiction series makes them feel bad, don't buy them, don't read them, and don't feel bad. The world doesn't have to end if you relate to Claire instead of Massie!
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    Dial L for Loser was such a great book! Every book from the Clique series has been great. I can't wait for book #7! What I love about the books is that each character has there own personality. I can totally relate to Massie because I am the true Queen of 7th and my boyfriend is the most popular boy in 7th grade so we fit perfectly together, plus I am the queen of the most popular clique in school. Everybody gets out of my way when I walk down the school highway. Life as a type: Massie Block- is totally rewarding! So my advice is to read the book and don't get the Queen Bee mad.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    Although this book is a bit unrealistic it is a pleasure to read. It lets you experience what its like to be rich and fabulous. This book engrossed me immediately because the author writes it so you feel like your there with the pretty committee. I also think it’s a good outlet for gossip and other bad habits some people have. They can talk as much as they want about, what people were wearing, who she likes, should she tell them, and gossip away because this book is such a good read you feel like you know these people now. Some girls might not like this book but I thought it was fabulous!
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    You should pick this book to read because it's not just a book that teens would enjoy but everyone else as well. Adults and teens can read this book and enjoy reading it as well. It keeps you on the edge of excitement and trillions moments. It makes you laugh as well. This book I give like five thumbs up!!! This book will always be a thrill excitement to everyone of whatever age.
  • bookworm, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    I devoured The Clique within a few hours without stopping to eat, drink, or you get the picture. I found humor, heart, and heartbreaking realicism within the pages of this masterpiece. Though disturbing to think that these girls are only in the seventh grade, it is still great fun to follow their lives like a fly on the wall, and pump your fist in the air when Claire takes a step up the social ladder. The Clique is easy to follow, yet still stimulating. Massie, rich and beautiful self-proclaimed 'princess', is dismayed to find out that the Lyons, old friends of her parents, will be staying with them in their upscale New York estate, especially when overalls and Keds clad Claire walks in the door. Pushed by her parents to somehow include Claire in her posse of queen bees, Massie begins to adjust to the fact that Claire is here to stay, and she won't put up with what Massie and her friends dish out. I congratulate Harrison on creating a painfully realistic yet humorous background for the catty, no-forgiveness girls that everyone either hates or worships.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    This book is probably my favorite in the series! I love how my favorite character, Claire, gets to finally be in the spotlight! If you've read the rest of the series, namely the previous book, you already know that Massie, Claire, Alicia, Dylan, and Kristen got expelled from OCD School. What happens is this: After getting to go on Dylan's mom's show, "The Daily Grind", Massie, Claire and Alicia get invited to go to Hollywood to audition for a new teen movie Dial L for loser. Immediately, the girls are thrown into a world of fame and movie-making as they audition for the movie and meet a hot co-star. But only one of the girls gets the part and it's Claire! But don't forget that Cam, Claire's boyfriend/friend back in Westchester, is hoping that she won't fall for a teen star. What happens if she does? That I'm not going to reveal! If you want to find out the ending, read a very good book about girl friendships, or just learn about cliques, I highly recommend this book and this series.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    The clique is a really good book! It shows how it is hard to get accepted. Claire is a girl who used to live in Florida and moved to New York for her father's job; she has to live at Massie's family's guest house until her father finds them a home in New York. Claire wants to be part of the clique with Massie, Dylan, Kristin, and Alicia but they don't really want her in the group. She tries hard to be accepted by them she sneaks in Massie's room and plays with her IM's, she lies to get "gossip points" and she changes her style. At the end of the book Claire goes back to normal and is friends with Layne she drops the expensive clothes and is caught for her lies and IM's.
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