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Dial L for Loser (平装)
 by Lisi Harrison

Category: Bestsellers, Fiction, Ages 9-12, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 128.00  MSL price: ¥ 98.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Very popular book depicting young girls' world of friendship, gossip and competition which children around 12 may have similar experience and like it.
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  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    If you're looking for a book with girls trying to stay popular than read the book , it's The Clique! I thought this book was a surprising book because it seems the girls would do anything to be the center of attention. I wouldn't stop reading because there was so much drama. I personally think these girls want to cause drama because one girl would talk about another girl to be center of attention. They cause drama by not letting the new girl in their clique, so the new girl would spread lies about one of the girls. I think the drama is strange for a girl to do to another girl because I think no one would go on someone's screen name to make it seem the girl is mean. I couldn't believe what they did to each other. I was amaze how mean one girl would do to another! I thought the drama wasn't really too bad for girls around 12 because they have common problems like most girls could have. The Clique will surprise you like it surprised me. The reason it surprise me because knowing heir about 12 is how much money they spend on things! I like this part because I thought it was funny they spend that about 99 dollars for shoes, about 100 dollars for a dress. I personally love how the author wrote the book because I wouldn't stop reading. It was like a 12 year old wrote it because their thoughts seem like a girl's thoughts. I liked how the book sounded like a girl’s thoughts and feelings. I think all girls should read The Clique. It has drama and surprises you. The author did a good job writing this book and you should deserve to read a book like this.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    Alright, so maybe these aren't going to win any awards for being well written or plot line, but it's just fun to read. I could not put these books down! Something to read when you hate to read. I have so many friends who cannot stand reading. I recommended these books to them and all of a sudden they can't put these down. I've never met someone who didn't like these. Some people's reviews on these books are a bit too harsh. Guys, these aren't meant to be the kind of thing to win The Newberry Honor. These books aren't meant to be serious. Not even a little bit. They're just fun.
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