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The Green Mile (平装)
 by Stephen King

Category: Horror fiction, Bestsellers, Original books
Market price: ¥ 108.00  MSL price: ¥ 98.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
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MSL Pointer Review: A haunting tale of miracles, and the battle between Good and Evil, which in the end leaves you with chills of emotion and tragedy. A statement about life, death, the beauty and horror of humanity. A great masterpiece of the bestseller author Stephen King.
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  • J. Jesse (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-01-31 00:00>

    I have to admit that I watched the movie before I read the book. I was very pleased after finishing the book to realize that the movie did not deviate too far from the book at all.

    This is the first Stephen King novel I've ever read. I don't care for horror and supernatural stories, but this particular story I felt needed to be read, not for the supernatural tale, but for the human experience.

    In the 6 sections of the serial novel that comprises the paperback, King develops the story of John Coffey, who is sent to death row, which is also called "The Green Mile", for the rape and murders of twin girls. However, Paul Edgecombe, security guard, doesn't believe that this man, who's afraid of the dark, could have committed such a terrible crime. Intertwined within this story are subplots that include, Percy Wetmore, Eduard Delacroix, and William 'Billy The Kid' Wharton, and of course Mr. Jingles.

    The movie is approximately 3 hours long, and it was worth every minute. I read the book in 2 days, and that's a record for me, and it was also worth every minute.

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-31 00:00>

    I am, by admission, not a Steven King fan. However, this book may change that! From the first page to the last, this book not only held my interest but my heart. King weaves a beautiful tale of the memories of a prison guard who presided over death row inmates in the 1930's. But the story is more about the relationships on the "Green Mile" than the executions. It is a story of hope, not death, and of the energy that exists between human souls.

    King explores the ability of one person to heal another, and in the end, it is the guard who heals, by writing his memoirs many years later.

    The movie, starring Tom Hanks, is especially faithful to the book, a credit to both author and screen writer. The integrity of the story, the humor, pathos, and affirmation of life is preserved.

    Both deserve 5 stars! One to watch, one to read, again and again. Bravo!

  • Nick Devlin (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-31 00:00>

    The Green Mile is, hands down, the best novel I've ever read. John Coffey is a great character and you know almost from the very beginning that there is something special about this behemoth of a man, who supposedly raped and murdered two 9-year-old twin sisters, yet asks Paul Edgecombe to leave the light on after dark. The suspense is so great it is terrifying, but in general the book is not typical King. It is not the normal twisted horror found in his other novels. This is a must-read for any King fan and it never gets boring. It's also a great book to get someone interested in King. Thank you.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-31 00:00>

    King has done it again! This time his magic has been woven through characters on death row-either the inmates or their keepers! The green mile refers to the stretch of linoleum leading to the electric chair. A mystical experience brought on by a giant black man waiting to die for a crime he didn't commit, has a lasting affect on a guard who believes this gentle giant couldn't harm anyone! But this takes place in the 30's in the South when racial divisions were at their height. When the reading gets too intense, a mouse is introduced who humanizes everyone bringing out the best and worst in the men caught up in this drama. You will experience many emotions as you read what is perhaps the best thing Steven King has ever written!
  • P. Robinson (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-31 00:00>

    I have seen this movie at least ten times, and it is one of my favorites. I picked up a copy of the book just to compare, but was expecting to be let down because the movie was so good. I was wrong. As the old axiom goes, the book is usually better than the movie. The book is of course about John Coffey, and Paul Edgecombe, and their experiences on the Green Mile. The movie is very faithful to the book, but I loved to read the subtle differences. In some cases the lines said in the movie come form different characters in the novel, and there are additional side stories, such as the Percy-like attendant at the old-age home who has it in for Paul. Also, more background is given on the deaths of Paul's friends and family as he trudges down his own green mile, well into his 104th year. The book is divided into he original six serials, the best (and worst -depending how you look at it) is the section titled "The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix". If you thought him riding 'old sparky' in the movies was hard to watch, you ain't seen nothing yet!
    Regardless if you have seen the movie or not, you must get this book and read it as soon as you can. Its a story of miracles, retribution and atonement, and is defiantly a mile worth walking.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-31 00:00>

    I've read this book 3 or 4 times and I cry at the end every time. It's such a great character study and such a heartwrenching story. I've read just about everything from Stephen King and with the exception of The Dark Tower series, it' my favorite. I've always thought Stephen King had an uncanny ability to see his characters and make them really believable and this is proof of that talent. However, I really don't care for the choice of Tom Hanks in the lead. I just can't see it. I was thinking someone more mature like Ed Harris. He would be great as "Boss Edgecomb".
  • K. Fontenot (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-31 00:00>

    The Green Mile is one of my favorite books. Though it's only the third King novel that I've read, I think it's safe to say that this is one of his best works. I've read "Carrie" and "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon," and both are great reads, but "The Green Mile" is my favorite King book so far.

    The story runs the gamut of emotions. From the sick feeling when the reader finds out about the grisly deaths of two young girls, to the sorrow you feel when you realize what might have really happened and the joy experienced when an old friend is revealed near the end of the story. There are some great characters here as well, fleshed out to perfection so that the reader feels the emotions of each character. We are introduced to Paul Edgecombe, who is writing this serial, the enigmatic John Coffey, Brutal, Dean, Percy, the psychotic Wild Bill, and, of course, the simple Cajun man, Delacroix, and his best friend, Mr. Jingles.

    As the story unfolds, you can't help but feel for the characters. I don't want to give away too many details, since most folks have probably read this book already or at least have seen the movie. All you really need to know is that these are some of the most emotion-laden characters you'll ever meet. For instance, you'll instantly feel sad for John Coffey and his tear-filled eyes as he asks Edgecombe if there's a light kept on at night because he is afraid of the dark. You'll also hate one particular character and probably rejoice when he gets his just desserts via a set-up partially pulled off with the help of Coffey.

    Pick this one up if you want to read a great story. It isn't scary, which King is most known for, but it's just a wonderful tale that will move even the hardest heart to tears.

    Highly recommended.
  • Tom Hansen (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-31 00:00>

    After you have finished this book (which you will, indeed which I believe you must), you will never think of Stephen King as anything but a true master of stories, perhaps The master storyteller. You will laugh, cry, hurt almost physically, catch your breath, sit stunned, stare in true horror (Del's appointment with "Old Sparky"). Your heart will break at the suffering of the innocent that only real life can surpass. This book is hard to categorize: horror as only Stephen King can do (and few, if any, others); romance and love that surpass death; humor that is laugh-out-loud funny; suspense that causes intense physical tension in the reader; and faith and hope, and compassion for even the basest of human beings. This book is mostly about loneliness, isolation, and separation. A heart-breaking look at the nature of human life and its ultimate end. Paul & John are so alone in each of their ends, left to suffer their burdens (and other's as well, especially in John's case) themselves. You must pick this book up and read it for the sheer breadth of emotion that you will experience. A masterpiece for those who simply love books.
  • D. Paden (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-31 00:00>

    If you're only going to read one of King's books, this should be the one! King's magic plays again in the story of John Coffey, a gentle giant on death row. The prison guards witness John's amazing gift, and are faced with a decision to make. The characters of this book are already exceptional, and when the award-winning plot is thrown in, you'll be caught, Hook, Line and Sinker! You'll find yourself yelling at Percy, laughing with Del, and praying for Coffey. The plot is clear and stong, detailed and yet concise. Leaves me with a good moral every time!

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-31 00:00>

    In the same category as the Shawshank Redemption, Stephen King provides the reader with an in-depth look at life in prison the way few people ever see. His ability to create such realistic characters in this story give you a true sense of how people aren't always what they seem. Stephen's creation of John Coffey will force you to question your own beliefs and reward you with an ending fit for a King. This is definitely one of his truest works and I highly recommend this book to any person looking for something more than just horror.
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