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Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days (Left Behind No. 1) (Paperback) (平装)
 by Tim F. LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins

Category: Bible, Christian, Revelations, Fiction
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: After millions of people around the world vanish in one moment, in what many claim to be the Rapture, Rayford Steele begins a search for the truth amidst global chaos.
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  • Kona (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-06 00:00>

    The story opens over the Atlantic, on a 747 enroute to London. The pilot, Rayford Steele, is daydreaming about pretty flight attendant Hattie, and rationalizing the end of his marriage. In first class sits Buck Williams, a respected journalist on the way to his next big story. Suddenly, chaos erupts on the plane as dozens of people vanish! And millions more are missing from every country on earth. Over the next few days, Ray, Hattie, and Buck will meet again and deal with these disappearances, as well as mind-boggling changes in the world of international politics.

    I'd heard about this book, of course, but had never been interested in reading it, until I picked up a used copy on a whim. After just a few pages, I was hooked. It's full of action and drama, told in an easy-reading style that makes the pages fly by. I expected it to be preachy, but it wasn't; it's thought-provoking and intense and left me almost breathless at the end, eager to read the next book in the series. It's an entertaining tale about the end days predicted in the Bible. Highly recommended.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-06 00:00>

    I began reading this book in 2004 just after the presidential election, after a friend mentioned the book to me, and also her boyfriend's belief that George W. Bush is the Antichrist. It had never even crossed my mind, such an interesting concept, one that would change me forever. What she told me repeated in my mind the whole night.

    I've always been interested in the Apocalypse in general, so this is a book I should have came across years ago. What compelled me to finally buy the book was George W. Bush winning his second term. Call me paranoid-schizophrenic, but that night on November 3rd, after the votes were counted, sent chills up my spine. What better an Antichrist than a fake Christian? I just don't see the Jesus-ness of giving rich people tax cuts and bombing Iraq. Don't make me bring up Skull & Bones. You can pretty much replace Nicolae with Bush and UN with US through the whole book and make it 100 times more relevant, not that it isn't relevant the way it is.

    But regardless of all my Bush bashing conspiracy theorist-ness, this is a great book that will really keep you turning the pages. No matter which side of the political fence you're on.

    And I can't stress it enough, Jesus was a liberal. So it'd be a real shame for someone to write off this book just because they dislike Bush. Quite the contrary!
  • Jackie (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-06 00:00>

    Left Behind tells of the Rapture of the church, prophesized in the Book of Revelations, when the true believers in Christ are taken up to heaven. It tells of the events, chaos, and confusion that follow the mysterious disappearances of millions of people. This book shows the effect the Rapture had on a few distinct characters. It follows their journey of discovering their faith and trying to fight the anti-christ. The characters seek knowledge about what is to come to the people who were left behind. After their own discoveries of faith know they must spread the word to others. The four main characters join in the Tribulation Force (story told in the 2nd book of the Left Behind series), that will fight against the coming evil and will preach God's word in the difficult days to come. Left Behind expresses the characters' viewpoints, but also describes what is going on in the world during this time.

    I think that this is an excellent book. It is very fast reading and really hard to put down. Left Behind made me think about my faith and about the Rapture. I feel that Jenkins did a great job with bringing the characters and story to life and am looking forward to reading the following books in the series. I highly recommend reading Left Behind.

  • Jason Strongin (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-06 00:00>

    The novel I chose to review is the first book in a series of stories entitled: "Left Behind". These novels are published by Tyndale House Publishers, based out of Wheaton, Illinois. There are two authors for this novel: Dr. Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. Dr. Tim LaHaye is a noted author, minister, and nationally recognized speaker on Bible prophecy. LaHaye is the founder and president of "Tim LaHaye Ministries" and co-founder of the Pre-Trib Research Center. For twenty five years, LaHaye pastored one of the nation's outstanding churches in San Diego, California, which grew to three locations. LaHaye has written more than fifty non-fiction books on a wide range of subjects such as: family life, temperaments, sexual adjustment, Bible prophecy, the will of God and Jesus Christ. His writings are best noted for their easy-to-understand and scripturally based applications of biblical principles assist in facing and handling the everyday challenges of life. Jerry B. Jenkins is currently writer-at-large for the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, and is the author of more than one hundred and fifty books. His writings have appeared in Time, Reader's Digest, Parade, Guideposts, and dozens of Christian periodicals.

    On a flight from Chicago to London, several passengers aboard Capt. Rayford Steel's plane suddenly and mysteriously vanish. When Steele radios to London to report the situation, he discovers that the incident on the plane is not an isolated occurrence, but a worldwide event. As Steele begins his search for answers, he discovers that the Christ has come to take the faithful with hin in preparation for the comming apocalyptic battle between good and evil, and that those who have been left behind must face seven dark and chaotic years in which they must decide to join the forces of Christ ot the forces of the Anti-Christ.

    I had my doubts about this book because of the fact that I am not of the Christian faith. But when I picked it up I literally could not put it down. The book was excellent and I will continue to read on in the ongoing stories. I am very impressed with the author's knowledge of biblical prophecy, and it gave me an insight into the Christian faith. I would definitely recommend it for any reader who wants a thriller!
  • Steven Travers (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-06 00:00>

    The "Left Behind" series has not become one of the most successful best sellers in history because Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins are great writers, or even because it has a superb plot. They would probably be the first to admit that they just managed to tap into the fact that Christianity is what billions of people throughout history have thirsted for, and because those of us who believe (as I freely choose to do) that God makes all things possible. Apocalypse may happen, it may or may not happen in my lifetime. I am not going to argue against the concept. I choose to believe and to hope that my belief and my soul, despite my numerous sins, will be rewarded by Christ's salvation.

    There is good and evil in this world, and they are constantly battling each other. These battles manifest themselves through wars, politics, the media, hi-jacked religions, slavery, terrorism and the very essence of Satan's method, which is to get good people to do bad things.

    It is amazing to me how many people refuse to acknowledge the Truth about God, Christ, Satan and the universe, despite what is presented to us every day. The way Nicolae mesmerizes people in the book hits home, and reminds me of my theory that many successful people in Hollywood, rock music, or other endeavors of fame and fortune very possibly made deals with the devil, and their achievements are a result of their Faustian bargains.

  • Mary Gollihugh (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-06 00:00>

    Most people believe that being a Christian means living a good life, being kind to others, that kind of thing.

    Most people are afraid to speak of their beliefs.

    Most people would have stopped reading this by now.

    Most people would be Left Behind upon the Rapture.

    Most people who go to church do so out of some form of duty, to themselves, their family, social obligations ... and the more terrifying book in print is "Revelations" in the Bible.

    Are you a Christian? Are you sure? Enough to wager the lives and souls of yourself and your family?

    This book, this series, will challenge your beliefs, take you back to your Sunday School days, and start over again. It is frightening, unnerving, but gripping and intense. The characters presented are ones you can, in some way, identify with. Personally, I started reading the series when we were shopping for Christmas presents and my daughter pointed out the boxed set. I had just finished "The Da Vinci Code" and was very into the mysteries of Christian Mythology ... I still am, but now I have a better insight (I researched this; the authors are GOOD at what they write!)

    Most people are sure they are good. Are you?

    I challenge you to read this book, this series, then ask yourself ... are you Sure?
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-06 00:00>

    The book focuses on four characters whow eventually turn to real Christians after the dramatic dissappearences of millions around the world. They are set out to stop the Antichrist and live to see God's Glorious Appearing. The book is sometimes very religious and actually uses scripture from the Bible. It was a very fast read and most of the time I found myself reading it for hours. It was a very unique book relating to end times. It made me think. Sometimes, for about a few seconds, I actually thought this was going on in the real world. It taught me a lot about Revalation in the Bible. What they say about the end of the world is actually explained in the book. It was even more interesting when I found out that a lot of people actually believe these events will occur. I felt like I could really relate to the characters and I found them all interesting. This book would be best for Christians but anyone could enjoy it. I found the plot extremely interesting. Who would not find an event that ends the world interesting? This book could really change your life. I am definately going to read more books of the series. This book is a best-seller for a reason. Read this book. You will not regret it.
  • Dan Blankenship (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-06 00:00>

    If you're looking for a novel that can change your life, this is the one. Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins tell an intriguing fictional tale about what "might" occur in the future. This novel changed my ignorant belief that God was somehow just a God of the past. Such is not the case at all. God loves us as much today as any Biblical character He embraced in the past. Left Behind is a must read. It is inspiring, thought-provoking, and a catalyst for those seeking to advance their walk with Jesus and His Father. All of the Left Behind novels are a best-seller for a reason - they're awesome!

    I have seen some negative reviews from people who seem to despise the Christian faith. I am not sure why people who don't believe in God would be so concerned about buying, reading, and then writing an online review about Christian fiction; but hey, whatever...Like getting the ratings down to a two-star will have any effect on whether there is a heaven and a hell. ...

  • R. Cappetto (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-06 00:00>

    Left Behind is a very entertaining and Interesting story; What Tim Lahaye, Jerry B. Jenkins do is take the Bible prophecy's about the End Times and write a fictional story about how those times can come to pass. Its almost like Tim Lahaye, Jerry B. Jenkins are teaching us Bible Prophecy 101 along with presenting the Gospel Message at the same time, in an easy to understand and coherent manor. I think this is a good book for Christians and non Christians alike, because it is entertaining and exciting. It would be a good book for anyone who may be interested in what the Bible Prophecy's say about the end times; And may cause an interests in the Bible prophecy's to one who had no prior interests. It is easy to read and an exciting and scary read. It will peek your interests and cause you to want to continue to read the series. It may also cause an interests in the Bible prophecies and cause one to research the Bible and other more serious Prophecy study materiel and books by such Authors and scholars as Sir Robert Anderson (The Coming Prince and Daniel In The Critics den). Hal Lindsey (The Final Battle, the Late Great Planet Earth, There's A New World Coming, and Vanished). And Tim Lahaye (Are We In the End Times and Beginning of The End).
  • Alan Lee (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-06 00:00>

    Have you read a book about a disaster that was so catastrophic that affected every person in the entire world? That is the basis of what this book (and this series) is about. There are many things throughout this book that are great. Here are three things I loved about this book: the excellent plot, the life-like characters, and the series of situations and problems that are presented throughout this book. This book is a Christian fiction book but it can be enjoyed by anyone of any religion, or people of not religion.

    The two great geniuses behind the book (and the series) are the authors: Dr. Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. Mr. LaHaye, who is the "creator" of the Left Behind series, is a prophecy scholar, minister, and educator. He has published forty nonfiction works that have sold over 11 million copies. Mr. Jenkins is the writer of the series. He has written over one hundred books. Eleven of those books have become bestsellers.

    The great characters are fictional but are as if they are real people. They have real lives and have different outlooks on the "disapperences." Many of the characters believe different stories about where their loved ones are. Some people believe there were aliens that took them, some belive that a chamical reaction evaporated their bodies, other say the church rapture took them to heaven and many do not know what happened. No one knows exactly what happened, but everyone knows something happened.

    The situations that go on throughout this book are almost life like. The reader can almsot put himself in place of the character. There is a teenager, who is in this book, which appeals to other teenagers, there is a younger man, that younger adults can relate to and there is a middle aged man, so older people can relate. These characters have the same problems as a normal person.

    This is a great book. It is one of the best I have ever read. By the way, what is the big "disaster"? How did it happen? Where did the millions of people go? I guess you will have to read the book to find out.
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